字幕表 動画を再生する
You are unique.
You think differently,
communicate differently,
experience the world differently.
So why would you expect to react the same way as others
when taking medications?
Or have the same susceptibility for
heart disease,
or even cancer?
You are unique.
And your healthcare needs are too!
Your uniqueness comes from your DNA.
Let us help you discover the wealth of information within you.
The process is simple.
order your kit online
and send us your saliva sample.
You can do that from home.
access your detailed and secure reports anywhere
and learn about how you react to medications,
your susceptibility to diseases,
and even your risks for cancer.
But you are more than just your DNA.
Your health is a combination of your genetics
and your environment.
You can change your diet,
and habits
to maximize your health.
Our genetic counselors will support you.
Our collaborating doctors will guide you.
To help you paint a complete picture
of what makes you,
we can build a healthier,
and brighter future
for yourself,
your family,
and your children.
Let GenomeMe be your solution to better health management.
Take us along with you on your next doctor’s visit.
Know your genome,
know yourself.