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  • (children) Kids react to viral videos!

  • This episode: Slap Her!

  • (director speaking Italian)

  • Pedro.

  • Furio.

  • Domingo.

  • (director speaking Italian)

  • "This is Martina."

  • Boy meets girl.

  • (director speaking Italian)

  • - (boy speaking Italian) - Oh, that's so sweet!

  • (chuckling)

  • Wait, they're totally crushing on her.

  • (speaking Italian)

  • Wow, he's not nervous.

  • Wow, oh, neither is he.

  • "Now, "care-ess" her."

  • Ooooh my god!

  • Touch!

  • (chuckling) On the cheeks.

  • That was so awkward. They're like, "Okay."

  • Oh, that funny face.

  • (giggling)

  • I don't get this.

  • This is cute.

  • (director speaking Italian)

  • "And now."

  • - (director speaking Italian) - Slap her.

  • - (director speaking Italian) - What?!

  • Oh! Ooh.

  • - What?! Why? - (director speaking Italian)

  • I would slap her.

  • - (director) No? - Yes!

  • (in video) No.

  • Good kids.

  • - (director speaking Italian) - What do you mean, "Why not?"

  • You're not supposed to hit anybody.

  • (speaking Italian)

  • Can't hit a girl.

  • (speaking Italian)

  • Aww.

  • Never, ever slap a girl.

  • I would not do it.

  • (speaking Italian)

  • Ooh!

  • It's perfect.

  • (director speaks Italian)

  • - (speaking Italian) - (giggling)

  • Aww, I wanted to see them kiss.

  • No fair.

  • I loved that video so much.

  • That was...I am Marlhy and I approve this message.

  • (kids) Question time!

  • (Finebros) Okay, so in that video they asked this group of boys

  • to slap a girl, but they wouldn't do it.

  • What do you think of their decision?

  • That was a good decision.

  • That was a very manly decision.

  • That's a good decision because you can't hit a girl.

  • It's against the law.

  • I would say "no" too.

  • I mean, really, who would slap a girl?

  • The rules of life:

  • Number one: never hit a girl.

  • Number two: don't do violence.

  • They're seven and ten and they know better than that.

  • But then now some people right now, maybe your age, is doing that.

  • So it shows the difference.

  • I like that and I'm not just saying that because I'm a girl.

  • I don't think that people are allowed to just hit others.

  • I mean, I don't think that's fair to any gender.

  • (Finebros) If you were asked to slap a girl, would you do it?

  • No.

  • No!

  • It's wrong to hurt people.

  • If I was a person in that video, I'd definitely wouldn't

  • considering I would be saying all these nice things about her

  • and then I'm hurting them in the end.

  • (Finebros) Why do you think this video has gone so viral?

  • Because it's a good message?

  • It's just a good lesson for kids.

  • It definitely raises awareness to female abuse.

  • And it's showing that we can fix it.

  • We just need motivation or something like that.

  • - (Finebros) Is it ever okay to hit a girl? - NO!

  • No.

  • I would never hit a girl.

  • No!

  • You guys can't hit me or any other girl.

  • (Finebros) When someone tells a boy "be a man"

  • what does that usually mean?

  • To step up.

  • Don't cry.

  • Be tough.

  • Man up, be stronger.

  • Usually means stop acting like a chicken or a girl.

  • Magazines and then movies have made it built up

  • that being a man is to be strong.

  • To be hardcore! Be manly! Be awesome!

  • (Finebros) One of the boys, in the video, when the interviewer asked him

  • why he wouldn't hit the girl he says, "Because I'm a man."

  • - What do you think he meant by that? - He's a gentleman?

  • He doesn't want violence to be the answer to something.

  • That men aren't supposed to do that.

  • He's a man. He's proper.

  • He doesn't act like a little five or six year old

  • and be like, "Punch! Punch! Punch! Punch! Punch!"

  • (Finebros) Should the ideal of what being a man is change?

  • Should it be this type of thing?

  • I think it could. I mean, it's 2015.

  • There is room for some change.

  • Being a man isn't just being manly and strong and awesome!

  • I mean, it's not just that,

  • but it's being kind to others.

  • (Finebros) Are you aware that sometimes men will hit women?

  • Mmm, no.

  • No.

  • Yeah.

  • Yes, I am aware of that.

  • I am aware of that and I really, really don't like that.

  • Oh, so the point of this video is to stop adults from hitting the girl?

  • I know that a lot. And they're dumb.

  • They're really dumb.

  • Those people that do it are really dumb.

  • ♪ (mean guitar solo) ♪

  • (Finebros) Why do you think that happens?

  • Maybe because they get mad at them?

  • They think dumb's popular, but it's not!

  • They wanna show who's the boss?

  • They're just mad and stressed.

  • They don't know what to do so they just-- baaah!

  • Abusive parents!

  • Especially if the father's abusive to the mother or to the kid.

  • And if it's a boy, then the boy would then,

  • "Well, if my dad's like this, then I'm supposed to be like this too, right?"

  • I don't know why anybody would do that.

  • It's not right and I don't think they should ever do it.

  • (Finebros) So back to the video: If this was reversed

  • and it was a bunch of girls, and there was a boy there

  • and they said, "Slap the boy" do you think the girls would have done it?

  • (chuckles) Yes, they would.

  • Well, I mean, I wouldn't. But some people would.

  • I think girls would possibly do it, probably because girls

  • get mad easily and they're more catty.

  • The rule is usually not for boys to hit girls,

  • but I'm not sure there's a rule for the other way around.

  • I think they would say no... if they're nice girls.

  • I don't think so, unless they had a really good reason to.

  • If a boy wouldn't slap a girl, I don't think a girl should slap a boy.

  • (Finebros) So some people think that this video has a very good message,

  • but they also think it's wrong because it's only pointing out

  • that boys shouldn't hit girls when they think it should also be

  • girls shouldn't hit boys-- that no one should hit each other at all.

  • What do you think about that?

  • I think they should include it the other way around too,

  • just in case girls have a history of violence too.

  • I mean, it's still a good video, but if they showed both sides

  • it would be an even better video.

  • The girls are the same thing that go with the boys.

  • Sometimes they do it, sometimes they don't.

  • The people that do do it, and they are girls, are dumb.

  • Sorry, girls out there, but that's true.

  • Statistically, women do get hit more than women hit men.

  • After we fix that, we should fix the women hitting men.

  • The video would have more of an impact if it also showed it the other way around.

  • It's definitely important to show both sides

  • so that way no one will feel that one is more encouraged than the other.

  • But the video's message is still really good.

  • (Finebros) So last question:

  • If anyone is watching this that hits people,

  • or gets so angry they think about hitting someone,

  • what would you tell them?

  • Well, it's the wrong thing to do and just get your anger out a different way.

  • Hit a pillow.

  • Pillows don't have feelings.

  • You guys are dumb and I wouldn't even be your friend.

  • Don't hit anybody!

  • You're hurting a human being!

  • If you have hit somebody, say sorry and don't ever do it again.

  • That's stupid and it doesn't-- it's just not right.

  • It doesn't have any right morals to it. It's just not right at all.

  • If you hit someone, that could actually make the other person

  • believe that that is okay to do it to someone else as well.

  • Think it through. Use your brain.

  • Don't use your fists. Use your brain.

  • Thanks for watching another episode of Kids React!

  • Let us know what other videos we should watch in the comments below.

  • Goodbye!

  • Don't slap anybody! Bye!

  • ♪ (end music) ♪

(children) Kids react to viral videos!


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

子供たちは彼女をスラップに反応します。 (KIDS REACT TO SLAP HER)

  • 159 15
    Pedroli Li に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日