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  • You may have heard the word stacked used in ski technique, now what that means is lining

  • everything up, your skeleton, your ligaments, your muscles and it's going to be by far the

  • strongest position. Now as I'm standing here I could say I'm stacked, so there's a line

  • at the toes, ankles, knees, hips, shoulders and the hands and everything is lined up.

  • It's going to be much stronger than if I was to twist into the hill or even really twist

  • down the hill. Especially when those speeds start to pick up.

  • Watch me skiing down here, I'm not twisting at all, my whole body is lined up and I'm

  • stacked.

  • A good exercise to encourage this position, you can get rid of the poles for a few runs.

  • It's going to involve your arms. You're going to place your left hand, if I'm turning to

  • the left, on the inside ski, the left leg, the thigh area and the right arm is going

  • to point where the right ski is going.

  • So as that's turning my right arm is going to follow the direction of the ski. Now you

  • don't want to be pushing it across the ski, it just simply wants to follow. Now as you

  • release the end of the turn, both hands will go up nicely in front, now don't force and

  • rush this, and then gently let it drop down and build it up through the next turn.

  • It isn't about holding a position in a kind of very jerky way, it should be very smooth

  • and progressive. Don't rush it, hold the position, hands in front, and then let it build up the

  • next way, and it's really going to encourage that good stacked position.

  • This arm is actually on that leg to stop you over sort of rotating and twisting, so that

  • should help to block that position and the other arm is going to follow the ski. Release

  • the turn, hands in front, and then repeat the same exercise. Nothing's forced, nothing's

  • rushed.

  • My inside hand is staying on the inside leg, my outside hand is pointing and following

  • the direction of the ski. Both hands then come in front at the start of the new turn

  • and I repeat the same movement in the other direction.

  • So even once you've got the poles back keep that same position. But be careful not to

  • overdo it, you're not trying to push massively round, remember that arm is just following

  • the ski. And it's really for medium to long turns, don't try and do it in the short radius

  • turn because you'll be swinging all over the place. And it doesn't just apply to piste

  • skiing, it will help you when you are off piste. It's a good strong position.

You may have heard the word stacked used in ski technique, now what that means is lining


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A2 初級

上級スキーテクニック - 積層スキー (Advanced Ski Technique - Skiing Stacked)

  • 78 4
    alex に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日