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  • "I'm Chad Glen. We're at Georgia Tech and I work with gap junctions so it has a relation

  • to a lot of diseases actually. So cancer has some relation. There's also some association

  • with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. I'm actually from Canada. Hamilton, Ontario. So I'm far

  • away from home. When I was younger I actually, I played or did karate for awhile and I really

  • enjoyed reading. When I got into it I really went into it. I was way too curious when I

  • was younger and when I started drinking coffee, I looked up the effects of caffeine and then

  • it's like okay, caffeine is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor and I was like oh, what does that

  • mean and so I looked that up and it just ended up with me reading a whole bunch of research

  • articles out a great age of like 13. When I was younger we had a class and a guy came

  • in to give a presentation on like career day and he's like I'm a scientist and I get to

  • pick my own hours. And my first response was that's what I want. I actually was a weird

  • child in that before the boogie man I was actually scared of cancer. My parents used

  • to scare me to eat my vegetables by saying you'll get cancer and so obviously I ate my

  • broccoli and then I was like you know, maybe I should actually work something that could

  • prevent this or at least help this and so it was really a fear of cancer that drove

  • me here.

  • My overall goal is actually trying to figure out how cells in like populations or aggregates

  • are actually communicating so there's like proteins called connexons that form like gap

  • junctions so basically channels between cells so they can allow things to pass directly

  • through and I'm trying to figure out how in a large population this communication network

  • is actually arranged and how spacial patterns could form from that and really just trying

  • to find out how if there's rules that govern this intercellular communication in multiple

  • different cell types. You pretty much have regular stuff in the lab. Pipettes, flow cytometry

  • which allows you to separate different cells based on like fluorescent tags and get a size

  • distribution.

  • My dreams for where this can go is really by creating this model of intercellular communication.

  • I hope that I can actually determine what is going wrong, especially in diseases like

  • Parkinson's or Alzheimer's and also epilepsy. There's like some disruption in gap junction

  • function that I think my research could help to develop some connection between what is

  • going wrong to cause the symptoms and how you can potentially correct it.

  • speaker 2: Chad, you're still doing the [??]

  • speaker 1: I am, yes.

  • speaker 2: Oh, wow.

  • speaker 1: The most special thing about the lab is definitely the ability to actually

  • come in, talk to people and then go do research, come back, still have a conversation.

  • Where's your protective gear?

  • speaker 2: Where's my protective gear? It's okay. Its just cancer cells so it's not going

  • to hurt, what hurts you makes you stronger right?

  • speaker 1: I don't know if that quite works in science but...

  • speaker 2: Very interesting work.

  • speaker 1: And everyone sort of understands exactly like they don't think oh, he's sitting

  • at his computer. He's not doing any work. It's oh, he's in between experiments because

  • there's always these long like breaks in between and it's a great place to be. The fact that

  • you can actually understand exactly what's going on in your life for the most part, just

  • everything you could possibly want to know is collected together and you slowly cascade

  • between different points and it's a great experience."

"I'm Chad Glen. We're at Georgia Tech and I work with gap junctions so it has a relation


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B1 中級

医科学--21世紀のキャリア選択 (Medical Science--Career Choice for the 21st Century)

  • 143 13
    洪翌凱 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日