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How to Tell If You Are a Shopaholic.
Are you one of the 17 million people who have never met an item you didn’t want to buy?
あなたは、買いたくない商品に出会ったことがない 1,700 万人のうちの 1 人ですか?
You might be a shopaholic.
You will need self-evaluation and honesty.
Step 1. Evaluate why you shop.
ステップ 1. 買い物をする理由を評価します。
Valid reasons: you need food or clothes.
正当な理由: 食べ物や衣服が必要です。
Bad reasons: you’re bored, stressed, depressed, or just got your paycheck.
悪い理由: 退屈、ストレス、落ち込み、給料を受け取ったばかりなど。
Step 2. Think about how shopping makes you feel.
ステップ 2. 買い物をするとどんな気分になるか考えてみましょう。
If buying something new gives you an incredible rush followed by horrible guilt, you might have a problem.
Step 3. Look around your home.
ステップ 3. 家を見回してみましょう。
Are most of the items in it things you needed, or stuff you wanted?
Step 4. Check out your closets.
ステップ 4. クローゼットをチェックします。
A shopaholic’s wardrobe is filled with clothes that still have their tags and shoes that have never seen the light of day.
If you’re on a first-name basis with all the UPS guys, or can name every pitch person on the Shopping Network, you may have some spending issues.
UPS の配達員全員とファーストネームで呼び合っていたり、ショッピング ネットワークのセールスマン全員の名前がわかる場合は、支出に問題がある可能性があります。
Step 5. Examine your conscience.
ステップ 5. 自分の良心を吟味します。
Do you find yourself trying to justify purchases to yourself and others?
Do you ever hide packages?
Lie about how much you’ve spent?
Have you ever snuck a new garment into the house in a dry cleaner bag to conceal you’d bought something new?
Step 6. Assess your willpower.
ステップ 6. 意志力を評価します。
Shopaholics find themselves unable to resist buying things, even when they know their credit cards are maxed out.
Step 7. Get help if you failed our little test.
ステップ 7. 簡単なテストに失敗した場合には、助けを求めてください。
Cut up the credit cards, find fun ways to fill your time that don’t involve buying anything, join Debtors Anonymous, or get therapy to discover the deeper issues behind your compulsive spending.
Did you know Marie Antoinette, Mary Todd Lincoln, Jackie Kennedy, and Princess Diana are all believed to have been shopaholics?