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  • What is love? ♪

  • Let's talk about that.

  • ♪ (theme song) ♪

  • Good Mythical Morning!

  • Mythical Beasts, a question is like... something we answer on Thursdays.

  • That's it?

  • That's it.

  • Okay. We asked you to ask us questions about Valentine's Day!

  • And our first question comes from Brandon Martin, who asks, "What do I get that

  • special lady in my life that insists that 'You don't have to get me anything,

  • honey.'" - Oh, man.

  • OK, first of all, we all know that this is a trick question.

  • -Yes. -So step one is realizing that this is

  • totally a trap. -Totally.

  • Now, I fell for the trap -I have too- and took

  • the request at face value in Valentine's past,

  • and it did not go well with me.

  • -It never does. -But then the next year, anything I did

  • could beat it out. -That's a different strategy.

  • That's the long term approach. We're not going to address that today.

  • So step one is realizing that this is a trap.

  • And you know what? You're already there, Brandon,

  • by asking the question,

  • which we're going to answer. -Yes.

  • Not answering it. We're going to answer it. You ask, we answer.

  • Usually we have an analogy to explain,

  • but we didn't have one. So we forgot how it all works.

  • OK, so we actually have a foolproof method

  • for you to make this never happen again.

  • If someone tells you this, if your

  • significant other says, "You don't have

  • to get me anything"--for Valentine's Day

  • or any other time--this is what you do.

  • You make a donation to a charity on their behalf, in their name.

  • Let me explain why this works.

  • -First of all-- -Does it need an explanation?

  • -It does. -I just thought it was, like,

  • wham. Amazing. -If they're a genuinely good person,

  • they're just going to be, "Oh, that was the sweetest thing. I love you."

  • But if they're just a normal person,

  • what's going to happen is they're

  • going to be upset that you didn't get them something.

  • -But they ain't gonna say that.

  • They can't be upset with you, because you gave to a charity!

  • You can't be mad at someone who gives to a charity.

  • Especially if it's a charity that has them in mind.

  • They like animals? Give to an animal shelter.

  • They're really tall? Give to

  • Tall Clubs International. -Not a real charity.

  • It is. I don't know if it's actually a charity, but it is a thing.

  • I'm not a member, maybe I should be.

  • Listen, the next year, they are not going to say that, and they will be very

  • specific about what they want you to get them.

  • At least they will drop a hint.

  • -This will work. -Plus, you'll know what type of

  • person they are, by their reaction. -Yes, true.

  • Because if they just get upset, then... you need to break up.

  • Let's ask another question.

  • Faith Van Cleeve sends it in, and it's "What's the point of...

  • Send it right in!

  • "What's the point of Valentine's Day?"

  • OK, well, the point of Valentine's Day is celebrating a little crazy thing

  • that we call love. And the question behind that question is,

  • "What is love?" Did you hear me when I sang

  • that at the beginning of this? -Yes. Contrary to what you may think,

  • love can be boiled down to just science. Of course, we don't need to sit here and

  • yammer on about that when we can just cut to:


  • [Rhett] What is love?

  • Love is more than a feeling.

  • It's a cocktail of chemicals.

  • [Link] When you're falling in love with someone,

  • dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine turn the pleasure

  • centers in your brain up to 11,

  • while also causing your pain centers to shut down.

  • This changes the way you see the world, making everything seem great.

  • Even if it isn't.

  • [Rhett] In other words, love isn't something you can control.

  • It's something that happens to you.

  • [Link] Think of it this way:

  • Love is a sliding glass door, and your brain is Melvin.

  • [Rhett] Melvin gets excited when he sees the pinata at Gary's annual garden party.

  • So he runs outside.

  • [Link] But, just like love, Melvin doesn't see that glass door coming.

  • [Rhett] He smashes into the door face first,

  • breaks his nose, and leaves the party embarrassed.

  • [Link] As Melvin is riding his bike home that night, he catches the most

  • wonderful scent he's ever smelled, and he starts to follow it.

  • [Rhett] He turns a corner and is surprised to find that the smell is coming from

  • a garbage truck.

  • It turns out that just like love can change your perception of reality,

  • breaking his nose on that sliding glass door turned all bad smells

  • into good smells.

  • [Link] Melvin follows the truck all the way to the local landfill, where he discovers

  • the most delicious cornucopia of garbage in the world.

  • [Rhett] He begins rolling around in the trash, making snow angels in the medical waste,

  • when he comes upon an especially fragrant pile of dog vomit and smears it all over

  • his body. Because to him, it smells like a Cinnabon factory.

  • [Link distorted] Little does Melvin know that the vomit came from a female who was in heat.

  • [Rhett distorted] Local stray dogs catch the scent wafting off of Melvin and start surrounding him.

  • [Link more distorted] They begin gnawing on his calves, but Melvin doesn't care because--just like

  • love--that glass door also numbed his pain receptors.

  • [Rhett more distorted] The dogs chew his feet off from the ankles down,

  • forcing Melvin to crawl on all fours.

  • [Link more distorted] The pack sees Melvin hobbling around on his bloody nubbins, accepts him as one of

  • their own, and drags him back to their den.

  • [Rhett more distorted] As he assimilates into the pack, he grows

  • a nice thick layer of back fur.

  • [Link more distorted] Eventually, Melvin takes a dog wife, and fathers a litter of beautiful

  • baby werewolves.

  • [Rhett more distorted] So the next time you find yourself rolling in refuse,

  • clomping around on gooey stumps, living in the woods with a pack of wild dogs,

  • and raising a pack of baby werewolves,

  • [Rhett normal] that's when you'll know--you're in love.

  • [Rhett & Link] HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

  • This has been:


  • Wow, leave it to science to just give me a warm and fuzzy feeling.

  • Moving right along to our next question.

  • Swirly Kalen asks--we actually received a question from Non-Swirly Kalen,

  • but I decided that wasn't worthy of responding to.

  • Right. Only swirly is worthy?

  • -That almost rhymed, but it didn't. -I know, I was hoping that it would.

  • Swirly Kalen asks,

  • "A song for when I want to say I love you, but can't."

  • Really, she demanded it. She didn't ask.

  • That's fine. OK. -But you know what? Swirly brings up a

  • good point, that those three words, when put together, they carry a lot of weight.

  • And it's a big deal when you say that to someone for the first time.

  • And a lot of us have a lot of difficulty figuring out how to put those

  • three words together.

  • But this song should help.


  • This is a song for when...

  • you want to say "I love you", but you can't.

  • Hey, girl.

  • You know, we've been dating for a long time now.

  • Going on five whole weeks.

  • Now that's commitment, baby.

  • So we prepared this very special song for the very special ladies in our lives.

  • Listen up.

  • It was magic on our first date

  • at the food court in the mall

  • (at the Sbarro)

  • You still won't let me meet your parents

  • but hey, that's your call

  • (you're a strong, independent woman)

  • Remember our first kiss,

  • romantically lit

  • in the Walmart parking lot? -(always low prices)

  • And then what did we do?

  • We got matching tattoos

  • of our high school mascot

  • (the Charging Chipmunks) -Now I'm ready to say:

  • I looooo--st my shoe in the park

  • It was a flip-flop, have you seen it?

  • I looooo-tioned my skin with hotel shampoo

  • It was an accident.

  • You nursed me back to health when I woke up in Mexico

  • (He was missing a kidney)

  • And I drove you to the hospital when you fell off the hoverboard and

  • broke both elbows -(all two of them)

  • You shaved my hairy back

  • popped the pimples I can't reach

  • and you went with me to get my dog spayed -(Helping control the pet population)

  • I think it's time to lock this down

  • open my heart, and finally say:

  • I looooo-ng jump on the weekends

  • I'm in a league, you should come watch

  • I looooo-wered my car insurance by 15% when I switched to Geico

  • (not a sponsor)

  • Those three little words, they're so hard to say

  • and even though I can't say them,

  • I want you to think I'm saying them anyway

  • I'll make you happy if you just do this

  • Just put it on mute -(mute it up)

  • and read my lips

  • Olive juice

  • Elephant poo

  • All the shoes

  • On the news

  • I love booze

  • Alligator food

  • Island view

  • Vacuum

  • Pile of poo

  • Dried up glue

  • Buy a zoo

  • Crawl and spew

  • Cows like moo

  • Find Blue's Clues

  • I lick boots

  • Is that you?

  • All birds flew

  • Eyes like puce

  • Owls can hoot

  • Barbecue ♪♪

  • So send that song to the person you love.

  • We love you.

  • Thanks for liking, commenting, subscribing and sharing this video--or we won't.

  • Just kidding. -Won't love them?

  • No, we won't love 'em.

  • You know what time it is.

  • -I'm Elizabeth. -And I'm Isabella.

  • We're from Perth, Australia, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality.

  • If you need more stickers in your life-- first of all, I relate.

  • And second of all, you should go to

  • and get our brand new two--count 'em!-- two sticker packs!

  • Click through to Good Mythical More, or mobile users, click the i

  • out of convenience, for us to do the Blind Gum Taste Test.

  • Shout out to Fingerless Gloves.

  • Shout out to you, fingerless gloves.

  • Where did your fingers go?

  • They're all in a pile somewhere,

  • just a sad big pile of fingertips from gloves.

  • I love to have warm palms, but I want my fingers to be cold.

  • And that's why I turn to you.

  • -Corn. -No, I'm giving you a hint.

  • -Popcorn. -Popcorn.

  • -Yeah. -You can't give a hint that has

  • one of the words in it, Jen.

  • Corn.

  • Other hint, pop.

What is love? ♪


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

不穏な愛の科学 (The Disturbing Science of Love)

  • 141 8
    Casey に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日