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♪ What is love? ♪
Let's talk about that.
♪ (theme song) ♪
Good Mythical Morning!
Mythical Beasts, a question is like... something we answer on Thursdays.
That's it?
That's it.
Okay. We asked you to ask us questions about Valentine's Day!
And our first question comes from Brandon Martin, who asks, "What do I get that
special lady in my life that insists that 'You don't have to get me anything,
honey.'" - Oh, man.
OK, first of all, we all know that this is a trick question.
-Yes. -So step one is realizing that this is
totally a trap. -Totally.
Now, I fell for the trap -I have too- and took
the request at face value in Valentine's past,
and it did not go well with me.
-It never does. -But then the next year, anything I did
could beat it out. -That's a different strategy.
That's the long term approach. We're not going to address that today.
So step one is realizing that this is a trap.
And you know what? You're already there, Brandon,
by asking the question,
which we're going to answer. -Yes.
Not answering it. We're going to answer it. You ask, we answer.
Usually we have an analogy to explain,
but we didn't have one. So we forgot how it all works.
OK, so we actually have a foolproof method
for you to make this never happen again.
If someone tells you this, if your
significant other says, "You don't have
to get me anything"--for Valentine's Day
or any other time--this is what you do.
You make a donation to a charity on their behalf, in their name.
Let me explain why this works.
-First of all-- -Does it need an explanation?
-It does. -I just thought it was, like,
wham. Amazing. -If they're a genuinely good person,
they're just going to be, "Oh, that was the sweetest thing. I love you."
But if they're just a normal person,
what's going to happen is they're
going to be upset that you didn't get them something.
-But they ain't gonna say that.
They can't be upset with you, because you gave to a charity!
You can't be mad at someone who gives to a charity.
Especially if it's a charity that has them in mind.
They like animals? Give to an animal shelter.
They're really tall? Give to
Tall Clubs International. -Not a real charity.
It is. I don't know if it's actually a charity, but it is a thing.
I'm not a member, maybe I should be.
Listen, the next year, they are not going to say that, and they will be very
specific about what they want you to get them.
At least they will drop a hint.
-This will work. -Plus, you'll know what type of
person they are, by their reaction. -Yes, true.
Because if they just get upset, then... you need to break up.
Let's ask another question.
Faith Van Cleeve sends it in, and it's "What's the point of...
Send it right in!
"What's the point of Valentine's Day?"
OK, well, the point of Valentine's Day is celebrating a little crazy thing
that we call love. And the question behind that question is,
"What is love?" Did you hear me when I sang
that at the beginning of this? -Yes. Contrary to what you may think,
love can be boiled down to just science. Of course, we don't need to sit here and
yammer on about that when we can just cut to:
[Rhett] What is love?
Love is more than a feeling.
It's a cocktail of chemicals.
[Link] When you're falling in love with someone,
dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine turn the pleasure
centers in your brain up to 11,
while also causing your pain centers to shut down.
This changes the way you see the world, making everything seem great.
Even if it isn't.
[Rhett] In other words, love isn't something you can control.
It's something that happens to you.
[Link] Think of it this way:
Love is a sliding glass door, and your brain is Melvin.
[Rhett] Melvin gets excited when he sees the pinata at Gary's annual garden party.
So he runs outside.
[Link] But, just like love, Melvin doesn't see that glass door coming.
[Rhett] He smashes into the door face first,
breaks his nose, and leaves the party embarrassed.
[Link] As Melvin is riding his bike home that night, he catches the most
wonderful scent he's ever smelled, and he starts to follow it.
[Rhett] He turns a corner and is surprised to find that the smell is coming from
a garbage truck.
It turns out that just like love can change your perception of reality,
breaking his nose on that sliding glass door turned all bad smells
into good smells.
[Link] Melvin follows the truck all the way to the local landfill, where he discovers
the most delicious cornucopia of garbage in the world.
[Rhett] He begins rolling around in the trash, making snow angels in the medical waste,
when he comes upon an especially fragrant pile of dog vomit and smears it all over
his body. Because to him, it smells like a Cinnabon factory.
[Link distorted] Little does Melvin know that the vomit came from a female who was in heat.
[Rhett distorted] Local stray dogs catch the scent wafting off of Melvin and start surrounding him.
[Link more distorted] They begin gnawing on his calves, but Melvin doesn't care because--just like
love--that glass door also numbed his pain receptors.
[Rhett more distorted] The dogs chew his feet off from the ankles down,
forcing Melvin to crawl on all fours.
[Link more distorted] The pack sees Melvin hobbling around on his bloody nubbins, accepts him as one of
their own, and drags him back to their den.
[Rhett more distorted] As he assimilates into the pack, he grows
a nice thick layer of back fur.
[Link more distorted] Eventually, Melvin takes a dog wife, and fathers a litter of beautiful
baby werewolves.
[Rhett more distorted] So the next time you find yourself rolling in refuse,
clomping around on gooey stumps, living in the woods with a pack of wild dogs,
and raising a pack of baby werewolves,
[Rhett normal] that's when you'll know--you're in love.
This has been:
Wow, leave it to science to just give me a warm and fuzzy feeling.
Moving right along to our next question.
Swirly Kalen asks--we actually received a question from Non-Swirly Kalen,
but I decided that wasn't worthy of responding to.
Right. Only swirly is worthy?
-That almost rhymed, but it didn't. -I know, I was hoping that it would.
Swirly Kalen asks,
"A song for when I want to say I love you, but can't."
Really, she demanded it. She didn't ask.
That's fine. OK. -But you know what? Swirly brings up a
good point, that those three words, when put together, they carry a lot of weight.
And it's a big deal when you say that to someone for the first time.
And a lot of us have a lot of difficulty figuring out how to put those
three words together.
But this song should help.
This is a song for when...
you want to say "I love you", but you can't.
Hey, girl.
You know, we've been dating for a long time now.
Going on five whole weeks.
Now that's commitment, baby.
So we prepared this very special song for the very special ladies in our lives.
Listen up.
♪ It was magic on our first date
at the food court in the mall
(at the Sbarro)
You still won't let me meet your parents
but hey, that's your call
(you're a strong, independent woman)
Remember our first kiss,
romantically lit
in the Walmart parking lot? -(always low prices)
And then what did we do?
We got matching tattoos
of our high school mascot
(the Charging Chipmunks) -Now I'm ready to say:
I looooo--st my shoe in the park
It was a flip-flop, have you seen it?
I looooo-tioned my skin with hotel shampoo
It was an accident.
You nursed me back to health when I woke up in Mexico
(He was missing a kidney)
And I drove you to the hospital when you fell off the hoverboard and
broke both elbows -(all two of them)
You shaved my hairy back
popped the pimples I can't reach
and you went with me to get my dog spayed -(Helping control the pet population)
I think it's time to lock this down
open my heart, and finally say:
I looooo-ng jump on the weekends
I'm in a league, you should come watch
I looooo-wered my car insurance by 15% when I switched to Geico
(not a sponsor)
Those three little words, they're so hard to say
and even though I can't say them,
I want you to think I'm saying them anyway
I'll make you happy if you just do this
Just put it on mute -(mute it up)
and read my lips
Olive juice
Elephant poo
All the shoes
On the news
I love booze
Alligator food
Island view
Pile of poo
Dried up glue
Buy a zoo
Crawl and spew
Cows like moo
Find Blue's Clues
I lick boots
Is that you?
All birds flew
Eyes like puce
Owls can hoot
Barbecue ♪♪
So send that song to the person you love.
We love you.
Thanks for liking, commenting, subscribing and sharing this video--or we won't.
Just kidding. -Won't love them?
No, we won't love 'em.
You know what time it is.
-I'm Elizabeth. -And I'm Isabella.
We're from Perth, Australia, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality.
If you need more stickers in your life-- first of all, I relate.
And second of all, you should go to rhettandlink.com/store
and get our brand new two--count 'em!-- two sticker packs!
Click through to Good Mythical More, or mobile users, click the i
out of convenience, for us to do the Blind Gum Taste Test.
Shout out to Fingerless Gloves.
Shout out to you, fingerless gloves.
Where did your fingers go?
They're all in a pile somewhere,
just a sad big pile of fingertips from gloves.
I love to have warm palms, but I want my fingers to be cold.
And that's why I turn to you.
-Corn. -No, I'm giving you a hint.
-Popcorn. -Popcorn.
-Yeah. -You can't give a hint that has
one of the words in it, Jen.
Other hint, pop.