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  • Have you ever gotten in trouble for playing video games in class?

  • I'm sure some of you have.

  • I got into a lot of trouble for playing a game called Runescape on the school's computer.

  • This story takes place when I was in grade 5 at the computer lab.

  • I was just doing my own thing and I saw a bunch of guys playing Runescape.

  • I joined in since everyone else is playing and I was having an awesome time.

  • I was busy killing cows at Lumbridge when the substitute teacher came to me and asked...

  • Is this for...

  • Studying!?!?!!

  • Of course it is!

  • Look!

  • I'm killing cows for attack xp and selling their hides for 300gp each at Varrock.

  • It's a great way to learn about economics!

  • Fuck.

  • No, this is a game.

  • Get off the computer and sit over there!!!

  • BITCH!!!!

  • *Scary ambiance...*

  • ... *Looks in horror*

  • Goddamn it!

  • I was so fucking pissed because I wasn't being treated equally

  • since I know she let the other kids play last time who gave a similar answer!

  • Since I was a bit mad,

  • I made a bit of a "boo-boo" and said

  • "Damn you."

  • Her reaction was a very shocked face,

  • wide open eyes and she yelled something like...


  • At that moment, I knew... I had fucked up.

  • Everyone else who was playing Runescape or

  • doing something they weren't supposed to,

  • closed their windows and pretended to do something else.

  • And I'm just the guy whose taking all the hit for a punishment that should have been theirs.

  • The damn bitch once again told me to get off the computer as rudely as she fucking could

  • and sit at the table in the middle of the room.

  • I got off as slowly as I possibly could to annoy her,

  • which it did very very much.

  • She was not amused...not at all

  • So there I sat, all alone, for the rest of the class

  • while she tried to find someone to properly punish me.

  • As I was sitting there, my dumbass classmates

  • (That I all hate btw...)

  • Were looking at me and gossiping like stupid bitches about what happened to me.

  • The Sub came back with the Vice Principal, Ms. Ho

  • and I had to sit in office while she interrogated me.

  • I was barely responding to her questions and staying silent for the most part.

  • I just wanted to go back to class and get on with my day

  • but Ms. Ho wasn't going to let that happen.

  • She abruptly stopped all her questions and slammed a pencil and paper

  • on the desk and made me write an apology letter.

  • The letter was as follows:

  • Dear Ms _____, I'm sorry for saying "damn you" to you

  • I wrote it as not legible as I could.

  • She could make me print the words

  • but I'm gonna write them the way I want!

  • ...Or so I thought.

  • But Ms. Ho, being a bitch with no sympathy, made me expand my letter

  • so it continued:

  • "It was very wrong of me to say, and I won't do it again."

  • Ms. Ho seemed satisfied with that

  • and made me write the letter AGAIN

  • and told me to write it neatly this time,

  • because if I didn't, I'll have to keep writing it until she deemed it acceptable.

  • That was my experience with video games in elementary school.

  • Thank you for listening to my story and please leave a comment if you had

  • something similar happened to you, I really wanna hear.

  • I'll see you in my next video, bye.

  • each one of us turned our heads towards Joyce

  • we were all so captivated by the very clear view of her bottom thong, we just stared for the longest time.

  • when she was finally finished with sharpening her pencil, Joyce left the room.

  • when she was finally finished with sharpening her pencil, Joyce left the room.

Have you ever gotten in trouble for playing video games in class?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

小学校の話 - 教師はビデオゲームを憎む (Elementary School Story - Teacher HATES Video Games!)

  • 362 22
    Pedroli Li に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日