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What if you didn’t speak before the age of three, but could play Mozart on the Piano?
Well, you might just be a child prodigy.
まあ、子供<a href='#post_comment_1'>神童<i class="icon-star"></i></a>になるだけかもしれませんが。
Hey, guys. Julia here for DNews.
お二人さんジュリアからDNewsです世界には神童が何人いるのか 良い数字は出ていません
There’s not any good figures for how many child prodigies there are in the world, but we do know there are enough for plenty of reality shows to be made about child prodigies.
These unique children possess remarkable abilities, in fields like art, music, or math and most possess incredible memories.
These abilities at a young age almost seem unnatural, which is actually where the word prodigy comes from.
Seriously. Andrew Solomon, psychology writer, says the word prodigy, comes from Latin for omen, where a “monster that violates the natural order.”
Now, to define what a prodigy is, we can look to a couple of different sources.
"自然の摂理に反する怪物"さて、神童とは何かを定義します。私たちはいくつかの異なる情報源に目を向けることができますある心理学者は 神童を
Some psychologists consider a prodigy to be anyone under 10 with remarkable abilities in a specific area.
Some are even considered geniuses.
特定の分野で顕著な能力を持つ 10歳未満の人を指します中には天才とさえ言われている人もいます
According to Lewis Terman, who created the IQ concept, the average IQ is about 100.
Any score over 110 is considered superior intelligence and anything over 140 is genius.
Many kids who are considered math prodigies have IQs ranging from 134-147, and music prodigies have IQs of around 108-142, way over what MENSA reports as average.
I know, I know, we could debate the merits of IQ, but that’s a whole other episode.
IQは108-142くらい MENSAが平均的だと報告しているものを遥かに超えている分かっています、分かっています、私たちはIQのメリットを議論するが、それは全く別のエピソードだ。
The thing is the link between IQ and prodigy is hard to pin down. The science of prodigies is hard to pin down.
問題は、IQと神童の間のリンクは、<a href='#post_comment_2'>ピンダウン<i class="icon-star"></i></a>には難しいということです。神童の科学は、ピンダウンさせるのが難しい。
There’s not a lot of great research into why some children are born with remarkable talents.
One small study of five families, published in the journal Human Heredity shows there might be a link between prodigy and autism.
ジャーナル「Human Heredity」に掲載された5つの家族の1つの小さな研究では、神童と<a href='#post_comment_3'>自閉症<i class="icon-star"></i></a>の間のリンクがあるかもしれないことを示しています。
Lead researcher, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Ohio State University, Joanne Ruthsatz, believes this link might have to do with the way memory is stored in the brain.
主任研究員。オハイオ州立大学の心理学の助教、ジョアンヌ・ルッツザッツは、このリンクが必要であると考えています。 記憶の脳内保存の仕方をどうするか。
Typically, we have two places to store memory in our brain. The hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex.
The hippocampus stores long term memories, like facts, dates, names, that sort of thing.
But the prefrontal cortex stores things like riding a bike, tying your shoes, basically muscle memory.
According to Ruthsatz’s research, prodigies and some people with autism, use the prefrontal cortex to store those long term memories.
So remembering facts, dates, even a piece of music is literally like riding a bike for them, it’s in their muscle memory.
前頭前野を使って 長期記憶を保存しますだから事実や日付を覚えている音楽の断片でも、文字通り彼らのために自転車に乗っているようなもので、それは彼らの筋肉の記憶の中にあります。
This is what she believes makes a child prodigy.
So what happens to all these child prodigies when they grow up?
Well, they’re still there, we just don’t hear about them because, while they might be excelling or at the top of their field in say medicine or computers, that doesn’t make them stand out like a 3 year old playing Mozart.
As psychologist Ellen Winner told the New York Times, "only a fraction of gifted children eventually become revolutionary adult creators".
And the reason behind former child prodigies fading into professionally successful obscurity or becoming adult creators, might be thanks to their parents.
そして、かつての神童たちがプロとして成功した<a href='#post_comment_4'>obscurity<i class="icon-star"></i>や大人のクリエイターになっていくのは、親のおかげかもしれません。
Or to be specific, they have too many rules, according to a study published in The Journal of Creative Behavior that looked at highly creative adolescents.
The study looked at the top 5% of creative kids in a school district and compared their parent’s rule style to the parenting style of less creative kids.
The authors found that average kids had about 6 rules, while creative kids had less than one!
So if a child prodigy has parents that set a lot of rules, it will stifle their creativity and prevent them from becoming genius "adult creators."
They’ll grow up following rules and become the best doctor they can be, but won’t break out to once again stand out like they did as a child.
天才的な "大人のクリエイター "になるのを 阻止しますルールに沿って成長していく最高の医者になることができるが、再び目立つためにブレイクアウトしない。 子供の頃のように
Following rules is helpful if you want to play Mozart in Carnegie hall before the age of ten, but it doesn’t help you become Mozart.
For that, you need passion and the freedom to explore that passion.
でもモーツァルトにはなれないそのためには情熱と その情熱を探求する自由が必要です
And of course, plain old practice.
So color outside the lines! It just might make you a genius. In fact, one study showed that drawing can indicate genius.
だから<a href='#post_comment_5'>行外に色をつける<i class="icon-star"></i>!それはちょうどあなたを天才にするかもしれません。実際、ある研究では、絵を描くことは天才を示すことができることが示されています。
Trace and Tara have the smart scoop in this episode, right here.
So they had children do this drawing test, and then they tested their intelligence level at age 4, and then again at age 14.
Turns out the kids who had higher scores on their drawing at age 4, were also found to be more intelligent.
So were you a kid genius? Tell me your story down in the comments below.
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