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  • - Go a little faster, Bailey.

  • - I am going fast.

  • (upbeat theme music)

  • - Hey guys!

  • It's Brooklyn and Bailey.

  • And today's video is going to be on

  • the realities of learning how to drive.

  • So recently, we took our driver's test.

  • And the results were not what we were expecting.

  • I passed my test.

  • And she failed. - [Brooklyn] I failed.

  • (car beeping, screeching and crashing)

  • - She scraped a curb within like literally the first

  • 30 seconds of her test. - [Brooklyn] Four feet.

  • Four feet into my test.

  • - And, it was an automatic fail.

  • - She automatically failed me.

  • Brooklyn's a really good driver too.

  • So like, I expected, if anyone was gonna fail,

  • it was gonna be me.

  • But then she failed and I was freaking out.

  • (speeches overlapping)

  • Whew!

  • Well, she's retaking it February 1st.

  • Everybody wish her good luck.

  • - I will pass this time guys.

  • No curb will get in the way of (applause)

  • of me and my license. (applause)

  • (laughs)

  • - So we decided to show y'all what

  • the realities of driving was.

  • - [Both] Learning how to drive.

  • - And if any of y'all relate.

  • Definitely comment that below.

  • But first, if you guys want to enter the giveaway

  • that's on Cute Girls Hairstyles.

  • - [Both] Click the link in the description box below.

  • - And don't forget to subscribe.

  • Now, let's go on to driving.

  • (clock ticking)

  • (upbeat music)

  • - Mom, I don't know which one's the gas

  • and which one's the brake.

  • (upbeat music)

  • (thud)

  • (gasp)

  • - Are you okay?

  • - Yeah I'm okay (gasp).

  • - Are you sure you're okay?

  • - Yeah, yeah, no it's okay (gasp).

  • We need to get up here, just go ahead and turn right.

  • - Okay.

  • (upbeat music)

  • No wait (blows horn).

  • (thud)

  • - Hey dad, you ready?

  • Dad?

  • John Micheal?

  • Ugh, he's asleep.

  • (seat moving)

  • (upbeat music)

  • - [Voiceover] Okay Bailey, which way do we go

  • to go to the gas station?

  • - Oh yeah, that's what I meant.

  • I have no idea where I'm going.

  • - [Voiceover] Well how do we normally get home?

  • - That's a very good question.

  • (upbeat music)

  • - You go a little faster, Bailey.

  • - I am going fast.

  • (thud)

  • - Okay, go ahead up to the stop sign

  • and we're gonna turn right.

  • You're gonna turn right.

  • Okay, you're about three feet, three feet, two feet.

  • Hey, I said right, Bailey.

  • Bailey, right.

  • - Well, I am (mumbles)

  • - Right.

  • Before the line not after the line.

  • That's a stop sign.

  • (laughs) Oh my gosh.

  • (upbeat country music)

  • (buzzer)

  • (upbeat country music)

  • (buzzer)

  • (upbeat country music)

  • (buzzer)

  • (upbeat country music)

  • - [Voiceover] Wrong side of the road, Bay.

  • Wrong side of the road.

  • Wrong, wrong, wrong.

  • Yeah, there you go.

  • There you go.

  • - Do we always drive on the right?

  • - [Voiceover] Always on the right.

  • (thud)

  • (upbeat techno music)

  • (screams)

  • (mumbles)

  • (screams)

  • - I haven't even...

  • - I just can't do it (screams)

  • - Mom!

  • - Bailey, I just can't do it.

  • (upbeat classical music)

  • - Still can't reach the pedals.

  • - I hope you guys had a good laugh at that video

  • and you were related to some of the experiences.

  • Be sure to comment below on what

  • kind of parent your parents are.

  • - Were or are for learning how to--

  • - Or will be for learning how to drive.

  • All that fun stuff.

  • There's lots of different varieties.

  • - So many different parents.

  • - On how people act in a car.

  • - It's surprising the amount of emotions

  • that are pulled out when you're in a situation like that.

  • - Yes, yes!

  • Okay don't forget to click this information button

  • if you wanna see last week's video.

  • - And don't forget to enter the giveaway.

  • The link is in the description box below.

  • So please check that out and we'll see y'all next week.

  • - [Both] Bye!

  • (upbeat music)

- Go a little faster, Bailey.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

Reality Of.車の運転を学ぶ|ブルックリンとベイリー (Reality Of: Learning to Drive a Car | Brooklyn and Bailey)

  • 159 6
    ajou に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日