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  • We use eye-tracking technology

  • to measure infants'

  • visual attention

  • to two different types of toys,

  • one that's preferred by girls,

  • and one that's typically preferred by boys.

  • And what we showed was that

  • in these very young infants

  • there were sex differences

  • in their toy preferences. And we just

  • think of them as so trivial. "Toys - so what?"

  • But actually this is sort of interesting

  • in the context of toys and why are they important

  • because the types of toys that

  • boys and girls prefer

  • are thought to influence the

  • development of later sex differences.

We use eye-tracking technology


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

おもちゃの選択は先天的であるとテキサスA&Mの心理学者が語る (Toy Choices Inborn, Texas A&M Psychologist Says)

  • 190 5
    Donna Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日