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I like chocolate and...I like Mcdonald's.
チョコレートも好きだし… マックも好きなので
So when I heard McDonald's Japan had conjured up a brand new menu item called "Choco Potato"
マクドナルドジャパンが 最新メニュー「チョコポテト」っていうのを出したって聞いた時
it was like Christmas all over again...times... seven!!
クリスマスがまとめて来たって感じでした…7 回分くらい !!
I've always been a fan of McDonald's Japan's clever, quirky menu items though.
ずっと マクドナルドジャパンの 巧みでちょっと変わったメニューのファンではあったんですけどね
For example a few years ago, I covered some Limited Edition Gourmet Burgers that came wrapped up like iPods.
例えば 何年か前に 限定メニューのグルメバーガーがアイポッドみたいな箱に入ってたのをいくつかご紹介しています
And more recently I even witnessed an owl taking a selfie with Ronald McDonald.
もっと最近だと フクロウがロナルド・マクドナルド(ドナルド)と自撮りしてるのを目撃しました
Although I suspect that may have just been the every day life adventures of an owl
as opposed to some kind of clever promotion by McDonald's.
But anyway enough of this talking business, let's go and see if it's any good!
ま、とにかく ビジネスの話はこれくらいにして どんなものか試してみましょう
A fork.
Presumably it's gonna be a messy affair.
Oh! Double Choco Sauce!
お、2 種類のチョコソ-ス !
Because one chocolate sauce simply isn't enough.
1 種類じゃ物足りないからね
Original Golden Crispy McFry Potato Chocolate Sauce.
It's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it?
Yeah I quite like the box. it's got me in the spirit of chocolate.
なかなかいいパッケージ チョコ感を感じさせるね
Presumably nothing extraordinary inside, just the fries.
中は普通でしょ ポテトだけ
I'm always really hopeless with this.
これ いつも うまくできないんだよね
That's a lot of chocolate.
Actually looks quite apealling, i'm a little bit skeptical.
けっこう美味しそうかも ちょっと疑ってるけど
But it actually smells really nice.
でも すごくいい匂い
Still can't believe I'm filming myself eating McDonald's fries with chocolate sauce on.
チョコソースかけたマックのポテト食べてる姿を撮ってるなんて まだ信じられない
I really need to get out more, don't I?
もっと やった方が良いよね?
It works!
It definitely works.
McDonald's Japan have done it again.
マクドナルドジャパン またもやってくれました
I don't know what they did before, but they've done it this time!
前に何をしたのかは知らないけど とにかく今回はやりましたよ!
It actually is quite good, the salt on the fries doesn't overpower the chocolate.
本当に、けっこう美味しいです ポテトの塩味がチョコの邪魔をしてなくて
Probably because there's 2 chocolate sauces instead of one, very clever that!
1 種類じゃなくて 2 種類のチョコだからかも そこが上手ですね!
I could definitely see this working outside Japan, especially in the UK.
絶対に日本以外でもうまくいくと思います とくにイギリスで
And yeah this would work, definitely!
うんうん これはイケる 絶対大丈夫!
Then again I've had about 5 mouthfuls now and my mouth just doesn't know what is going on.
5 口くらい食べたけど、ちょっとよく分からなくなってきました
On one side it tastes quite salty and the other side quite sweet.
一方では塩味がして もう一方では甘くて
So...I don't know if I like that now.
今は… 美味しいかどうか分かんないです
What would I give it out of 10?
10 点中 何点をつけるか
About a 7!
But would I buy it again?
Nah, no i wouldn't!
But I don't regret buying it now, for the novelty factor.
でも買ったことに後悔はないですね 斬新っていう点で
If you're in Japan, give them a shot, they're not that bad!
日本にいる皆さんは 食べてみてください 悪くないですよ!
And if you're not in Japan..ahahah too bad! There's absolutely nothing you can do!
日本にいない皆さんは…残念 特にできることはないですね!
Except maybe buy some chocolate spread and just smear them over your fries.
In fact that would be cheaper than the ones I just bought.
実際 僕が買ったのより安上がりでしょう
Now I feel like an idiot...
なんか 自分がバカみたいに思えてきた…
Nah, no I don't, I've got Chocolate Fries, from McDonald's.
いや、そんなことはない マクドナルドのチョコポテトをいただきました
See ya later!
Oh I finished them..that was quick.
全部食べちゃった… あっという間だったな