字幕表 動画を再生する
For the last year,
この一年 誰もが
everyone's been watching the same show,
and I'm not talking about "Game of Thrones,"
『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ』 ではなく
but a horrifying, real-life drama
現実に起こっている 恐ろしいドラマです
that's proved too fascinating to turn off.
面白過ぎて皆 つい見てしまうのです
It's a show produced by murderers
and shared around the world via the Internet.
インターネットで 世界中に流されています
Their names have become familiar:
被害者の名前も 耳慣れてきました
James Foley, Steven Sotloff, David Haines, Alan Henning, Peter Kassig,
ジェームズ・フォリー、スティーヴン・ソトロフ デービッド・ヘインズ、アラン・ヘニング
Haruna Yukawa, Kenji Goto Jogo.
Their beheadings by the Islamic State
彼らの首を切り落とした イスラミックステートの行為
were barbaric,
but if we think they were archaic,
from a remote, obscure age,
then we're wrong.
They were uniquely modern,
because the murderers acted knowing well
なぜなら 犯人たちは 何百万人という人々が
that millions of people would tune in to watch.
The headlines called them savages and barbarians,
メディアでは「野蛮人」「蛮行」 などと報道されましたね
because the image of one man overpowering another,
killing him with a knife to the throat,
conforms to our idea of ancient, primitive practices,
the polar opposite of our urban, civilized ways.
We don't do things like that.
我々現代人はそんな事をしない という前提ですが
But that's the irony.
We think a beheading has nothing to do with us,
首切り殺人なんて 自分には関係ないと思いつつ
even as we click on the screen to watch.
But it is to do with us.
The Islamic State beheadings
are not ancient or remote.
They're a global, 21st century event,
21世紀に起きている グローバルな事象です
a 21st century event that takes place in our living rooms, at our desks,
お茶の間や机の上 パソコンの画面上で起こっている―
on our computer screens.
They're entirely dependent on the power of technology to connect us.
インターネットの力に 完全に依存した事象です
And whether we like it or not,
好むと好まざるとに かかわらず
everyone who watches is a part of the show.
観ている人皆が このショーに一役買っているのです
And lots of people watch.
We don't know exactly how many.
Obviously, it's difficult to calculate.
当然 こういった計算は難しいですからね
But a poll taken in the UK, for example, in August 2014,
しかし 例えば2014年の8月に イギリスで行われた調査によれば
estimated that 1.2 million people
had watched the beheading of James Foley
in the few days after it was released.
And that's just the first few days,
and just Britain.
A similar poll taken in the United States
2014年11月 同様の調査が
in November 2014
found that nine percent of those surveyed
had watched beheading videos,
and a further 23 percent
これ以外の23%が 映像は観たが
had watched the videos but had stopped just before the death was shown.
殺害が起こる直前で止めた と答えました
Nine percent may be a small minority of all the people who could watch,
9%と聞くと視聴者全体の中では 少なく感じるかもしれませんが
but it's still a very large crowd.
それでも かなりの大人数です
And of course that crowd is growing all the time,
そしてこの人数は 当然 増え続ける一方です
because every week, every month,
毎週 毎月 動画ダウンロード数や
more people will keep downloading and keep watching.
If we go back 11 years,
before sites like YouTube and Facebook were born,
it was a similar story.
When innocent civilians like Daniel Pearl,
ダニエル・パール、ニック・バーグ ポール・ジョンソン といった
Nick Berg, Paul Johnson, were beheaded,
罪のない市民が 首を切られ殺害されたとき
those videos were shown during the Iraq War.
その映像が出回ったのは イラク戦争の最中でした
Nick Berg's beheading
quickly became one of the most searched for items on the Internet.
瞬く間にインターネットでの 検索語のトップに躍り出ました
Within a day, it was the top search term
一日も経たない間に Google、Lycos、Yahooなど
across search engines like Google, Lycos, Yahoo.
検索エンジンでの トップキーワードになりました
In the week after Nick Berg's beheading,
these were the top 10 search terms in the United States.
アメリカ国内の検索ワードランキングの トップ10がこちらです
The Berg beheading video remained the most popular search term for a week,
バーグ氏の斬首映像関連のキーワードが 一週間トップに留まり
and it was the second most popular search term for the whole month of May,
月全体では 『アメリカン・アイドル』に次ぐ
runner-up only to "American Idol."
The al-Qaeda-linked website that first showed Nick Berg's beheading
斬首映像が初公開された アルカイダ関係のウェブサイトは
had to close down within a couple of days due to overwhelming traffic to the site.
大量アクセスが集中し 数日で閉鎖を余儀なくされました
One Dutch website owner said that his daily viewing figures
あるサイトの運営者によれば イラクでの斬首シーンが出るたび
rose from 300,000 to 750,000
every time a beheading in Iraq was shown.
He told reporters 18 months later
1年半後の取材では 動画ダウンロード数が
that it had been downloaded many millions of times,
このサイトだけで 何百万件にも上ったと答えています
and that's just one website.
A similar pattern was seen again and again
イラク戦争中 斬首映像が出回るたびに
when videos of beheadings were released during the Iraq War.
Social media sites have made these images more accessible than ever before,
ソーシャルメディアの浸透で こういった画像の入手が
but if we take another step back in history,
かつてなく容易になりましたが 歴史をもう少しさかのぼってみると
we'll see that it was the camera that first created a new kind of crowd
民衆の娯楽としての 斬首刑の歴史上に初めて
in our history of beheadings as public spectacle.
新種の観衆が現れたきっかけが カメラでした
As soon as the camera appeared on the scene,
まる一世代前 1939年6月17日のこと
a full lifetime ago on June 17, 1939,
it had an immediate and unequivocal effect.
一瞬で この歴史が塗り替えられました
That day, the first film of a public beheading was created in France.
その日 フランスでは史上初の 公開斬首の記録映像が登場
It was the execution, the guillotining, of a German serial killer, Eugen Weidmann,
outside the prison Saint-Pierre in Versailles.
ベルサイユのサンピエール刑務所の外で ギロチン処刑した映像です
Weidmann was due to be executed at the crack of dawn,
as was customary at the time,
but his executioner was new to the job,
and he'd underestimated how long it would take him to prepare.
So Weidmann was executed at 4:30 in the morning,
by which time on a June morning,
there was enough light to take photographs,
and a spectator in the crowd filmed the event,
unbeknownst to the authorities.
Several still photographs were taken as well,
and you can still watch the film online today
この映像は今でも オンラインで観られますし
and look at the photographs.
The crowd on the day of Weidmann's execution
ヴァイトマンの処刑があった日 集まった観衆を
was called "unruly" and "disgusting" by the press,
メディアは「粗野」「最低」などと 批判しましたが
but that was nothing compared to the untold thousands of people
しかし今の世の中 斬首シーンが 隅々まで鮮明に写った画像を
who could now study the action
何度でも じっくり観察できる人々が
over and over again,
freeze-framed in every detail.
The camera may have made these scenes more accessible than ever before,
カメラの登場で こういった場面に アクセスしやすくなったのは確かですが
but it's not just about the camera.
If we take a bigger leap back in history,
we'll see that for as long as there have been
public judicial executions and beheadings,
there have been the crowds to see them.
In London, as late as the early 19th century,
ロンドンでは 19世紀初頭になっても
there might be four or five thousand people to see a standard hanging.
通常の死刑が行われるときは 4〜5千人の見物人が集まり
There could be 40,000 or 50,000 to see a famous criminal killed.
有名な犯罪者だと 4〜5万人集まったと言われています
And a beheading, which was a rare event in England at the time,
当時イギリスでは珍しかった 斬首刑になると
attracted even more.
In May 1820,
five men known as the Cato Street Conspirators
政府閣僚の暗殺を企てた 「カトー街の陰謀事件」の
were executed in London for plotting
to assassinate members of the British government.
They were hung and then decapitated.
絞首刑の後 首を切るという
It was a gruesome scene.
Each man's head was hacked off in turn and held up to the crowd.
一人一人順番に首が切り取られ 公衆に晒されました
And 100,000 people,
that's 10,000 more than can fit into Wembley Stadium,
had turned out to watch.
ウェンブリー・スタジアム収容人数を 一万人もオーバーする人数です
The streets were packed.
People had rented out windows and rooftops.
People had climbed onto carts and wagons in the street.
People climbed lamp posts.
People had been known to have died in the crush on popular execution days.
当時 こういう日は 混雑がひど過ぎて 圧死が出ることで有名でした
Evidence suggests that throughout our history
公開処刑・斬首刑が 人類史に登場して以来
of public beheadings and public executions,
こういったイベントを見に来るのは 処刑を見るのが好きな人
the vast majority of the people who come to see
ましな方でも 見て何も感じない というような人が
are either enthusiastic or, at best, unmoved.
圧倒的大多数だったことが 記録に残っています
Disgust has been comparatively rare,
and even when people are disgusted and are horrified,
いたとしても ゾッとするなどと言いながら
it doesn't always stop them from coming out all the same to watch.
結局 皆と同じように 見に来てしまうのでした
Perhaps the most striking example
of the human ability to watch a beheading and remain unmoved
なお平気だったり むしろがっかりするなどという
and even be disappointed
人間の性質が もっとも顕著に現れたのは
was the introduction in France in 1792 of the guillotine,
1792年フランスで ギロチンが登場したときでしょう
that famous decapitation machine.
皆さんご存知の いわゆる首切りマシーンです
To us in the 21st century,
the guillotine may seem like a monstrous contraption,
恐ろしい怪物のような装置に 思えるかもしれません
but to the first crowds who saw it, it was actually a disappointment.
しかしギロチンを初めて見た人々には むしろ期待外れだったのです
They were used to seeing long, drawn-out, torturous executions on the scaffold,
それまでは処刑台上で 焼かれたり 切り刻まれたり
where people were mutilated and burned and pulled apart slowly.
ゆっくりと八つ裂きにされる 長く痛々しい処刑を
To them, watching the guillotine in action,
観慣れていた観衆にとって ギロチンでの処刑は
it was so quick, there was nothing to see.
あっという間で 見どころがない というわけでした
The blade fell, the head fell into a basket, out of sight immediately,
刃が落下すると頭が落ちて かごに入りすぐに片付けられる
and they called out,
"Give me back my gallows, give me back my wooden gallows."
「首切りはつまらん!絞首刑に戻せ!」 と叫んだとか
The end of torturous public judicial executions in Europe and America
欧米で 残酷な公開処刑がなくなった理由は
was partly to do with being more humane towards the criminal,
死刑囚への配慮から という面もありますが
but it was also partly because the crowd obstinately refused to behave
見物に来る観衆の振る舞いが あまりにひどく
in the way that they should.
All too often, execution day
処刑があるとその日は 厳かな儀式どころか
was more like a carnival than a solemn ceremony.
お祭り騒ぎになることが あまりに多かったそうですからね
Today, a public judicial execution in Europe or America is unthinkable,
現代の欧米で 法の下での公開処刑はありえませんが
but there are other scenarios that should make us cautious
だからといって 時代が変わったんだとか
about thinking that things are different now
現代人はそんな 野蛮なことはしない
and we don't behave like that anymore.
Take, for example, the incidents of suicide baiting.
ここで「自殺のけしかけ」について 考えてみましょう
This is when a crowd gathers
to watch a person who has climbed to the top of a public building
ビルの屋上に上がった人を 見に来た人々で
in order to kill themselves,
and people in the crowd shout and jeer,
"Get on with it! Go on and jump!"
This is a well-recognized phenomenon.
これはかなり よく知られた現象です
One paper in 1981 found that in 10 out of 21 threatened suicide attempts,
1981年発表の とある論文によれば 自殺予告のあった21件のうち10件に
there was incidents of suicide baiting and jeering from a crowd.
見物人の野次や「けしかけ」が あったそうです
And there have been incidents reported in the press this year.
今年も同様の事件が 報道されています
This was a very widely reported incident
イギリスでは テルフォードと シュロップシャーで
in Telford and Shropshire in March this year.
3月に起こった事件が 大いに紙面を賑わせました
And when it happens today,
今の時代 こういう場面を
people take photographs and they take videos on their phones
and they post those videos online.
When it comes to brutal murderers who post their beheading videos,
斬首動画を投稿する 残忍な殺人集団に関しては
the Internet has created a new kind of crowd.
インターネットが また新種の観衆を作り出しました
Today, the action takes place in a distant time and place,
昨今は こういった事件が 時間も場所も遠くで起こるため
which gives the viewer a sense of detachment from what's happening,
a sense of separation.
It's nothing to do with me.
It's already happened.
もう終わったことだという 反応をします
We are also offered an unprecedented sense of intimacy.
同時に かつてないほど身近に 体験できるのも事実です
Today, we are all offered front row seats.
今では誰もが 最前列で 見物できるのです
We can all watch in private, in our own time and space,
自分だけの時間と空間の中 クリックしたことを誰にも知られず
and no one need ever know that we've clicked on the screen to watch.
This sense of separation --
この距離感 つまり
from other people, from the event itself --
他人との距離や 事件との距離感こそが
seems to be key to understanding our ability to watch,
残酷な映像を平気で観られる現代人を 理解する鍵となります
and there are several ways
in which the Internet creates a sense of detachment
物事への距離感が生まれ 各人の倫理的責任感が薄れてしまう
that seems to erode individual moral responsibility.
これには いくつか理由が考えられます
Our activities online are often contrasted with real life,
人は オンラインで行う活動を リアルとは区別し
as though the things we do online are somehow less real.
まるで現実のものでないかのように 捉えがちです
We feel less accountable for our actions
when we interact online.
リアルほど責任が伴わないように 感じるのです
There's a sense of anonymity, a sense of invisibility,
匿名性や 顔が見えないことにより
so we feel less accountable for our behavior.
The Internet also makes it far easier to stumble upon things inadvertently,
また ネット上では いつもなら避けるような物事に
things that we would usually avoid in everyday life.
何の気なしに 行き当たってしまうことも よくあります
Today, a video can start playing before you even know what you're watching.
見る気がないのに 勝手に ビデオ再生が始まることもあるし
Or you may be tempted to look at material that you wouldn't look at in everyday life
普段の生活の中や 他の人と一緒のときだと
or you wouldn't look at if you were with other people at the time.
見ないようなものを 見てみたくなります
And when the action is pre-recorded
さらに これがすでに録画済で
and takes place in a distant time and space,
遠く離れた時と空間で 起こったことになると
watching seems like a passive activity.
観ることが受身であるように 錯覚してしまいます
There's nothing I can do about it now.
It's already happened.
すでに起こったことだ と思うわけです
All these things make it easier as an Internet user
こういった要素すべてが働き 人は ネット上では
for us to give in to our sense of curiosity about death,
to push our personal boundaries,
to test our sense of shock, to explore our sense of shock.
ショック耐性テストのごとく 動画を見てしまうのです
But we're not passive when we watch.
しかし 観るという行為は 受身の正反対です
On the contrary, we're fulfilling the murderer's desire to be seen.
見せたいという殺人者の 思惑通りに動いているのですから
When the victim of a decapitation is bound and defenseless,
縛られ 無力な状態で 今にも 殺されようという被害者は
he or she essentially becomes a pawn in their killer's show.
必然的に 犯人のショーの中の 手駒と化しています
Unlike a trophy head that's taken in battle,
that represents the luck and skill it takes to win a fight,
戦士の運の力や戦闘力の証明だと 言えるかもしれませんね
when a beheading is staged,
when it's essentially a piece of theater,
the power comes from the reception the killer receives as he performs.
その場で犯人が振りかざす力は 観る側がいて初めて生まれます
In other words, watching is very much part of the event.
つまり「観ること」こそが この手の犯罪に 欠かせない要素なのです
The event no longer takes place in a single location
あるとき ある特定の場所で起こった
at a certain point in time as it used to and as it may still appear to.
過去の出来事のように見えても 実際は違うのです
Now the event is stretched out in time and place,
今では あらゆる場所で現在進行形で 起こり続ける出来事です
and everyone who watches plays their part.
観る人は誰もが 見物人という役を演じているのです
We should stop watching,
but we know we won't.
でも 無理ですよね
History tells us we won't,
and the killers know it too.
Thank you.
Bruno Giussani: Thank you. Let me get this back. Thank you.
ブルーノ・ジュッサーニ: これはお預かりします
Let's move here. While they install for the next performance,
場所を変えましょう 次の方の準備をする間
I want to ask you the question that probably many here have,
質問させてください 会場の皆さんも気になっているはず
which is how did you get interested in this topic?
斬首というトピックに 興味を持ったきっかけは?
Frances Larson: I used to work at a museum
フランシス・ラーソン: 以前 オックスフォードにある
called the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford,
ピット・リバーズ博物館で 働いてました
which was famous for its display of shrunken heads from South America.
そこは南米の干し首の展示で 有名なんです
People used to say, "Oh, the shrunken head museum, the shrunken head museum!"
現地では「干し首博物館」と 呼ばれていたほどです
And at the time, I was working on the history
of scientific collections of skulls.
科学研究用途に収集された 頭蓋骨の歴史でした
I was working on the cranial collections,
頭蓋骨のコレクションを 観察していたとき ふと
and it just struck me as ironic
that here were people coming to see this gory, primitive, savage culture
博物館に来る人は 原始的で野卑で残酷な文化を
that they were almost fantasizing about and creating
空想の中で作り上げて 見に来るのですが
without really understanding what they were seeing,
自分の見ているものが 実は何なのかはわかっていない
and all the while these vast -- I mean hundreds of thousands
一方で 博物館内にある 欧米のあちこちから集まった―
of skulls in our museums, all across Europe and the States --
were kind of upholding this Enlightenment pursuit of scientific rationality.
啓蒙時代の科学が合理性を追求した 証拠品でもあるわけです
So I wanted to kind of twist it round and say, "Let's look at us."
だから 皆に違う角度から 自分たちを見つめて欲しいと思いました
We're looking through the glass case at these shrunken heads.
ガラスのケース越しに 干し首を見ている私たち人間の歴史や
Let's look at our own history and our own cultural fascination with these things.
こういうものに惹かれてしまう文化にも 注目してもらおうと思ったのです
BG: Thank you for sharing that.
ブルーノ: なるほど ありがとう
FL: Thank you.
フランシス: ありがとう