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  • Hey head squeezers, I hope you're well. Check this one out from Harry B who asks, What are

  • goosebumps? Well Harry, they are actually evidence of our hairy past. We are known as

  • the naked apes and you can kindof see a little bit why. But even more so if you look at our

  • primate relative who are a particular furry bunch.

  • Cool fact for you, most of the hair we have in the past we still have now. It's just been

  • highly miniaturised. If you have a look at each hair follicle connected to each one is

  • a piloerector muscle. Now if we feel cold or if something goes bump in the night and

  • we feel intensive fear then that piloerector muscle shoots that hair out. Why? Well again

  • we need to look at our primate friends for this. If we feel cold, the hair stands up

  • on end, and for our little guy there, that traps a layer of air around his skin. Essentially

  • a layer of insulation. Not much use to us really anymore, we just pop on a jumper or

  • a fleece if that happens. What about the fear? Well the adrenalin response

  • fires up those hairs and it actually makes the animal look a bit bigger so the predator

  • that was attacking it goes huuhhhhh??? And in that little moment of time they can either

  • run off or they can launch an attack on their predator. It's the fight or flight response.

  • Again, not really that useful for us anymore we just end up looking like the last plucked

  • turkey in the shop window at Christmas. So there you go Harry, I hope that answers that

  • one, I hope you enjoyed it. If you got any ideas for any of the other

  • head squeeze strands, you want the guys to do? Maybe a big experiment? Or something like

  • that? Pop it below. If you haven't subscribed give us a sub cause these will drop straight

  • in to your feed. And until next time happy head squeezing.

Hey head squeezers, I hope you're well. Check this one out from Harry B who asks, What are


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鳥肌とは?| グレッグフット|ヘッドスクイーズ (What are Goosebumps? | Greg Foot | Head Squeeze)

  • 85 4
    林旻君 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日