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  • Audio Title: How_to_Introduce_Another_Speaker_in_3_Steps Audio Duration: 0:05:20

  • Number of Speakers: 1

  • Transcript

  • Hi. It's Carl Kwan here from This week I've got for you something very

  • interesting. It's how to introduce another presenter.

  • Why is this important? Well, sometimes you're going to have to be the host or the emcee

  • to certain events, such as some sort of academic lecture.

  • Maybe it's going to be a business seminar or some kind of international conference or

  • just a conference at your local school or business organization, whatever.

  • In any case, there are times when you have to be the host or emcee and you will have

  • to introduce another speaker. So this is how you do it. Three steps, really simple.

  • First one is called the setup. In the setup, you're first of all going to talk about the

  • current situation at hand. So you're going to say something like this.

  • You're going to say, "Good afternoon. Thank you for being here this afternoon."

  • Very easy. Then you're going to talk about the speaker's name and background.

  • So right after that, you're going to say, "Today, we're pleased to welcome Dr. Byung

  • Kwun Ahn, a very special guest from Korea."

  • So the underlined parts in everything you're going to see right now, you should replace

  • of course with your own material. But the rest of it, you can just copy it as is.

  • So we are pleased to welcome whoever it is and then a very special guest from maybe -- it

  • could be your province. It could be another university. It could be another company. It

  • doesn't really matter. Just whatever organization or place that the person is from.

  • Then you're going to want to talk a little bit more detail about that person, more about

  • their background.

  • "So, Dr. Ahn is a senior economist in the economic research institute with the Bank

  • of Korea. Dr. Ahn's specialty is macroeconomics."

  • So the different parts of this are first of all his name, then the second part senior

  • economist is his job title. Then what department or division he works in. OK. In this case,

  • it's the economic research institute and then the final part is what organization he is

  • from. In this case, Dr. Ahn is from the Bank of Korea.

  • Then Dr. Ahn's specialty, really important what they are specializing in. In this case,

  • it's macroeconomics and actually Dr. Ahn is a real person. I do know him, so he actually

  • asked me to help him with this. So Dr. Ahn, hi. Anyway, this is for you.

  • So the next part of it is very simple. We call it the pitch. Now this is what he's actually

  • going to talk about in his presentation. OK? What the person is going to talk about.

  • So you're going to say, "And today, he will be sharing with us his expert opinion on the

  • future effects of inflation on the Korean economy."

  • Now big underlined part at the end there because it could be anything that the person is going

  • to talk about.

  • Really important to put maybe his expert opinion because that is the person's expertise, right?

  • And he will be sharing with us something. OK? So very, very simple phrase you can use

  • there, simple presentation expression you can use there.

  • The third step of this, we call it the close. This is going to be ending your introduction

  • of that person and bringing that person onstage. So what you're going to say is the importance

  • of the presentation or lecture or seminar or whatever it is, to answer in the mind of

  • the audience the question, "Why should I care?" They're wondering, "Why should I care about

  • this?" So you're going to tell them what will happen and what they may have to do.

  • This is more simple than it sounds. Really you're just going to say, "With that, I ask

  • that you give your full attention to Dr. Ahn and help me in welcoming him to the stage.

  • Dr. Ahn."

  • That's it. OK? That's all you have to do. You just tell them what they have to do and

  • what's going to happen right now, which is Dr. Ahn is going to come up on stage, so we

  • want you to help me welcome him up on to the stage. Very, very simple. So just change the

  • name and change maybe the location, maybe. It could be the podium. It could be the stage,

  • whatever. OK?

  • And then make sure at the end you say that person's name with some authority. Say, "Dr.

  • Ahn!" because that is Dr. Ahn's cue to come up on stage. Otherwise, he's not going to

  • know that you're calling him. OK? So take a little pause after the last part. OK?

  • So you want to say, "With that, I ask that you give your full attention to Dr. Ahn and

  • help me in welcoming him to the stage. Dr. Ahn!" Just like that. Really simple.

  • So the three steps again were the setup, which is the current situation and a little bit

  • about the person's name of course and the background of that person.

  • Then of course you're going to talk about the pitch, which is exactly what is so important

  • about that particular lecture or seminar or presentation.

  • Then of course the close, so now you're going to bring the person up. You're going to talk

  • about the importance of the presentation and of course what will happen and what the audience

  • should do. OK?

  • So what the speaker will do in the pitch, what the person's background is and what the

  • current situation is in the setup.

  • Really simple, three steps you can follow. Just use that and you will have no trouble

  • introducing another presenter at whatever function or event or lecture that you have

  • going on.

  • So thank you very much for watching. This is Carl Kwan from

  • If you have any questions or comments, please leave those underneath the video here or underneath

  • our post and we would be more than happy to help you out. All right? So talk to you again

  • next time. Bye-bye.

Audio Title: How_to_Introduce_Another_Speaker_in_3_Steps Audio Duration: 0:05:20


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3ステップで他のスピーカーを紹介する方法(CC (How to Introduce Another Speaker in 3 Steps (CC))

  • 529 36
    Blue Jimmy に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日