字幕表 動画を再生する
- Good! You're awake.
- Where am I?
- You're in the afterlife, my dear.
- I won't talk.
- I wouldn't want you to.
You need rest.
Besides, I already know your name, Ms.Stanton.
In fact, I know almost everything about you.
Where you're from, who you work for..
How you ended up in that bed.
Information is my business.
This is what your government sent you to find.
Something they were so eager to destroy that they were willing to kill you too.
Do you know what it is?
An answer to a very interesting question.
Would you like to know what that question is?
- I don't care!
- No, you don't, do you? That's why you and I are gonna get along.
-Good morning!
I was going to have them turn on the English captions..
but then I remembered you're fluent in Mandarin.
- Don't your bosses at the Ministry of State Security have anything better for you to do?
My dear, if you think I work for the government, i really must fire my tailor.
- Then who do you work for?
- You read the classics at Annapolis, Kara.
Do you recall The Titans? The Old Gods?
They were so afraid of the New Gods-- their own children-- that they ate them.
You work for the Old Gods, Kara. And they betrayed you.
They were willing to kill you because they're afraid.
They have an inkling of what happens next.
- If you don't work for the MSS, then, why are you here?
- Because unlike the CIA, my organization still thinks you could be very useful.
- You think I'd work for you?
If I break your neck, can I go back to watching TV?
- No, Kara. I know you wouldn't work for us.Not for money.
But as I said, money is not my business.
I can offer you what your old employers couldn't or wouldn't give you.
I can give you an answer.
You merely have to tell me the question.
- Who? Who did this to me?
- Precisely!
Not your old boss, Mark Snow.
I have a fairly graphic idea of your plans for him.
But the person truly responsible.
The person who sold the laptop in the first place.
- In exchange for what?
- Do you remember how The Titans were finally killed?
Before they could eat their youngest child, Zeus..
..they wrapped a boulder in his swaddling clothes, then watched as his father choked on it.