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  • Let me just start off by saying that I'm not recommending anything

  • I'm about to say in this video. I've simply taken one of the most influential

  • books ever written and I will try to break down some of the ideas

  • with hopefully relevant examples. So I'm simply presenting information here,

  • and it is completely up to the viewer to decide what he wants to do with that information...

  • How we live is so different from how we ought to live

  • that he who studies what ought to be done rather than what is done

  • will learn the way to his downfall rather than to his preservation.”

  • What Machiavelli is saying here is, "Look, we all have these visions

  • of how society should be and what we should all do,

  • but the truth is what happens in reality

  • just doesn't correspond to that at all!" So what he's basically saying is,

  • "Get real!"

  • If I asked most people watching this, "Do you want to see Kim Kardashian's ass

  • from 20 different angles every single day on your computer screen?"

  • What are most people going to say? "No... No, that's not what we want..."

  • "You shouldn't be clicking on that stuff, you should be educating yourself."

  • "You know, you should be reading Voltaire."

  • Now here's what Machiavelli is saying, "Look, that might be how we ought to live,

  • but it's just not what's really going on." So if you're a marketer,

  • don't cater Voltaire to people's Facebook feed,

  • they don't care about Voltaire. Instead, show them Kim Kardashian ass

  • from 20 different angles, and the 10 celebrities this week

  • who got drunk and threw up. You'll get all the clicks you want,

  • and you'll make a lot of money.

  • And this makes people genuinely angry! "Machiavelli, don't say that!

  • How could you say something like that!" Well, because that's just how it is.

  • If you don't understand that this is how it is,

  • you either don't know anything about marketing, or you're some well-intentioned wannabe marketer

  • who hasn't had his dreams completely shattered yet.

  • And the same thing applies to politics and any other field of power...

  • You can't be a good honest politician. You just can't!

  • People say all the time, "Well, why can't we just have honest politicians?"

  • Cause honest politicians are like the marketer who markets Voltaire to you.

  • You don't click on Voltaire, You click on Kim Kardashian's ass,

  • so just like a marketer who markets Voltaire will never get any clicks,

  • the honest politician will never get any votes.

  • Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin

  • among the great number who are not good. Hence a prince who wants to keep his authority

  • must learn HOW NOT TO BE GOOD, and use that knowledge,

  • or refrain from using it, as necessity requires.”

  • Again, a politician needs to learn how not to be good.

  • I know that might sound crazy, but that's the only way he'll ever have a

  • chance. What are you going to do,

  • go up there on the stage, be honest, and say, "Well, if you don't want to be broke,

  • stop sitting in front of the TV all day, and pick up a book. And in the long run,

  • granted you also work hard and smart, you will start to see results."

  • Is that really what you're going to do? You can, but you'll never get elected.

  • No... Don't do that... Go up there and tell them how

  • you're going to just change this one thing about the economy,

  • and all of a sudden we're all going to have more money.

  • Money is just going to be magically generated out nowhere,

  • and you will then hand out this magic money to everyone.

  • And yes, as stupid as that sounds, you will actually get all the votes

  • and your honest competitor will get none...

  • I also love people who have absolutely no idea about how business works,

  • and in their mind they'd be so good only if they were in power,

  • "If I was in charge of that, I would pay people three times as much!"

  • Oh really? Would you? Would you really do that?

  • Because that's probably why you're not in charge of anything.

  • If you were in charge and you did that, you would be out of business in two weeks.

  • The vulgar crowd always is taken by appearances, and the world consists chiefly of the vulgar.”

  • Machiavelli says, "Now that you know that a lot of times you

  • can't be a good guy, don't make the mistake of not appearing like

  • one." All you have to do is appear to be the good

  • guy, you're dealing with people who constantly

  • click on the top 10 celebrities who puked this week,

  • they're not going to know the difference, don't worry.

  • I love when people look at all these philanthropists and think,

  • "Uh, what a nice guy!" "He's just the paragon of goodness!"

  • Oh is he really? Are they really? Is that how they built multi-billion dollar

  • businesses? By being a nice guy to their competition,

  • and sharing their revenues equally and generously with their employees?

  • No! They built it by following another one of Machiavelli's principles...

  • Men ought either to be well treated or crushed,

  • because they can avenge themselves of lighter injuries,

  • of more serious ones they cannot; therefore the injury that is to be done to

  • a man ought to be of such a kind that one does not

  • stand in fear of revenge.” Almost every successful organization you might

  • like and think of as good has engaged in the nastiest lawsuits and acquisitions

  • to completely crush its enemy.

  • And I could give endless examples of this game of appearances.

  • My favorite one has to be politicians who clearly don't care about religion,

  • but act like without Jesus they just wouldn't know what to do.

  • And it works... If they didn't lie they just wouldn't have a chance.

  • I mean if Jesus wasn't personally guiding the senator,

  • we all know that the state would immediately collapse,

  • and as a punishment, it would probably be hit with tornadoes too.

  • "Princes must delegate difficult tasks to others,

  • and keep popular ones for themselves."

  • Machiavelli talks about Cesare Borgia, who has this region that he needs to bring

  • under control. Long story short,

  • he appoints this guy and sends him down there to do it.

  • The guy makes sure the trouble makers' heads are chopped off,

  • and they're castrated, and all of that... Really brutal stuff,

  • and finally the place is under control. The problem now

  • is people have seen a lot of cruelty and they are pretty pissed off.

  • So what's Borgia's solution? He has the guy who did all his dirty work

  • cut in half and thrown onto the city square. Then, he makes sure to provide the citizens

  • with food and entertainment, and what's the result?

  • The dirty effective work was carried out just like Borgia wanted,

  • but he's not the one people are angry at.

  • Now that is probably one of the weirdest, most repulsive stories I've ever heard,

  • but people in power today constantly do basically some variation of

  • that.

  • So I was watching one of the biggest channels on YouTube,

  • and this guy just has the scamiest marketing in the world.

  • It's just so bad... And of course some people kept calling him

  • out for it, but then one day he puts out this video

  • where he's just really honest, you know... He's really gonna be honest with you guys...

  • And here's what he said, "I know my marketing is scammy,

  • and I would basically be a piece of shit for doing it,

  • but it's not me guys..." "It's just the marketers who work for me man..."

  • "It's just how they do stuff. If it was up to me,

  • I wouldn't do it like that..." And I scroll down and the video has all these

  • likes and people are just like,

  • "Yeah, we know... We know you're a really good dude.

  • It's just the marketers."

  • And I remember sitting there in utter disbelief. So let me get this straight...

  • It's your business, but yeah, I get it...

  • You obviously have no say in how it's run. Yeah, that makes perfect sense...

  • You don't want to make more money either, yeah, I totally get that too...

  • And of course you couldn't tell a person who works for you

  • to not be a piece of shit if that's what you wanted,

  • otherwise you're right, you'd probably get fired

  • from the business that you OWN! I mean it's just so ridiculous,

  • but guess what? It works.

  • It works just like an article about celebrities who puked this weekend,

  • and just like dishonest politicians who will always get elected.

  • So there you go... Some of the biggest ideas from The Prince...

  • And remember this is just information. Knowledge isn't inherently right or wrong,

  • it depends on what you do with it. Do I think that these ideas are powerful?

  • Absolutely. Do I want to live a fully Machiavellian life?

  • No! Absolutely not! It would be the most dreadful life in the

  • world. Machiavelli says,

  • "It is safer to be feared than to be loved." Would I want to apply that to my relationship?

  • No! And I'll admit it...

  • Yes, you would probably lower your chances of being cheated on

  • if you threatened the woman you're with that if you caught her cheating, you would

  • chop her head off. Yes, that will probably make her less likely

  • to cheat on you than giving her freedom and a relationship based

  • on love, but at the same time,

  • I would rather get cheated on a hundred times than never cheated on because she's scared

  • of losing her life if she cheats.

  • So no, I'm not going to be some fully Machiavellian psychopath.

  • But at the same time, I don't want to walk into a business setting

  • and just get absolutely crushed by a bunch of assholes.

  • Neither do I want to be played by some little bullshit scam artist

  • who tells me that it's not his fault that he's scamming me,

  • and I'm supposed to just believe that and sit there like a little sheep

  • getting ready to be slaughtered.

Let me just start off by saying that I'm not recommending anything


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  • 36 2
    Qianhui Rao に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日