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  • Hi, how're you doing? Justin here.

  • Welcome to Aural Training Stage 2.

  • In this lesson we're going to be looking at the Major 2nd and Major 3rd intervals.

  • We'll talk about the song references, we'll do a little test on them.

  • And then we're going to mix them in with the intervals that we've looked at before,

  • which is the intervals of the 4th and the 5th.

  • We'll do a little test to see how you're getting on.

  • So, let's get started.

  • The interval of a Major 2nd is the second note of the scale.

  • Of course. (plays) Sounds like that.

  • And it is the beginning of either Happy Birthday

  • . . .

  • or Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer.

  • . . .

  • It's also the beginning of the scale.

  • . . .

  • Major Scale. A scale. The Major Scale specifically.

  • So what we're listening for now, (plays) practicing singing along is a really good idea.

  • . . .

  • Especially if you're bed-rooming, and no one else is listening.

  • No one'll really mind, you might not be able to do it on the train.

  • It's because you'll probably feel a little bit stupid.

  • OK, thats a Major 2nd.

  • Next we're looking at Major 3rd.

  • . . .

  • The one I always think of for this, I don't know why,

  • there's other songs as well, on the website, but the one I think of is,

  • Oh When the Saints Go Marching In.

  • . . .

  • Major 3rd.

  • . . .

  • OK so, what we're going to be doing now.

  • is trying to listen out to those intervals really closely.

  • First of all, before I do a little test with those,

  • I'm going to show them to you in case you want to play you know,

  • testing your jam buddy, or you want to be able to play the intervals yourself.

  • So let's go to a quick close up.

  • OK, the interval of a Major 2nd, (plays) just two frets higher on the same string.

  • . . .

  • Works on any string this one.

  • . . .

  • Doesn't matter, it's just two frets higher.

  • . . .

  • And the interval of a Major 3rd Is either (plays) I always think of it like this,

  • there's another way of doing it, but let's just do this one for now.

  • So you're going to start of with your 2nd finger on the Root note,

  • and it's one fret back on the next string.

  • . . .

  • Again you could move it around.

  • . . .

  • Doesn't matter where you move it to, that's the shape.

  • Remember that all of the shapes I'm giving you are also found on the website.

  • So if you want, like a little reference page or whatever,

  • when you're testing your mate, then that would be a really good thing to print out for yourself.

  • It's available as a PDF, go and download that now.

  • OK, we're ready for a test.

  • So in this test we're just going to be looking at Major 2nd's and Major 3rds.

  • So you could write just a 2 or a 3.

  • So it's going to be 10 questions. So you might want to write down 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.

  • In a little column, and let's get going.

  • This time I'm only going to play each interval for you twice.

  • Last time it was three times. We're going to be just doing it two now.

  • So listen closely. If you need to, pause.

  • But try not to. Try and just keep up with what I'm doing at And write down what you think.

  • A little hint that's quite useful. Often the first thing that you think it is, is correct.

  • I used to do aural training as a teacher at the Guitar Institute.

  • And the amount of times when we did tests and stuff

  • that somebody would write down the correct answer,

  • and then scribble it out and write the wrong answer next to it, was really often.

  • I'd say probably half of the time somebody had scribbled one out,

  • and then written something else,

  • the one that they scribbled out was the right one.

  • A little bit of the process of learning this is to believe in your instinct a little bit.

  • To try and really feel the rhythm.

  • Have played them, you know just playing them as I'm showing you,

  • is a really good way of kind of internalising that interval.

  • It's really good practice this stuff, so stick at it.

  • Here we go, here's your first test.

  • This is Major 2nd and Major 3rd intervals.

  • Here we go, here's the first interval.

  • . . .

  • Here's the second interval.

  • . . .

  • Here's the third interval.

  • . . .

  • Here's the fourth interval.

  • . . .

  • Here's the fifth interval.

  • . . .

  • And here's the sixth.

  • . . .

  • Question number seven.

  • . . .

  • Question number eight.

  • . . .

  • Question number nine.

  • . . .

  • And question number ten.

  • . . .

  • OK That was Quiz 2A where we just had Major 2nd and Major 3rd.

  • Now we're going to do a proper one, which is going to include

  • Major 2nd, Major 3rd, Perfect 4th and Perfect 5th.

  • In any order, 10 questions, write down your little column now.

  • Get ready to go, I'm going to be playing each interval twice.

  • Let's get going, here we go. Question 1.

  • . . .

  • Question 2.

  • . . .

  • Question 3.

  • . . .

  • Question 4.

  • . . .

  • Question 5.

  • . . .

  • Question 6.

  • . . .

  • Question 7.

  • . . .

  • Question 8.

  • . . .

  • Question 9.

  • . . .

  • And question 10.

  • . . .

  • Well there you have it, time to go and check your answers now on the website.

  • Hope you're getting a good percentage wrong. (laughs)

  • Well, there you have it, that's the end of the quizz for today.

  • Time to go and check your answers on the website.

  • Hope you're getting most of them right.

  • If there are any intervals that you find you're getting wrong particularly more than others,

  • then it might be worth playing those ones a few extra times,

  • you know, play them on the guitar, sing along with it if you can,

  • that's a really good way, make sure you think of the song interval that relates

  • to the interval as well. That's a really good idea.

  • Shouldn't be causing you too many problems yet.

  • It's gonna get a little bit fun later on.

  • So make sure you get these basic ones nice and solid.

  • Plenty of practice. That's the way to go.

  • Have fun with those. See you for some more training very soon. Bye bye.

Hi, how're you doing? Justin here.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

インターバルイヤートレーニング。耳のトレーニング Stage 2of5 (ギターレッスンAU-102) 弾き方 (Interval Ear Training: Aural Training Stage 2of5 (Guitar Lesson AU-102) How to play)

  • 52 1
    lam6684902 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日