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We've done several videos on how to keep your room clean and how to clean your room
over the years and for good reason, you guys asked for it but also having a clean
bedroom is highly desirable. It helps you sleep better, helps you feel better, helps
you feel proud of your room. So this week, I'm gonna share with you five simple steps
for you to take to maintain your bedroom and keep it nice and clean. Let's go.
Keeping your clothes of the floor is the first step in keeping your room nice and
tidy. When you get home, I know you just want to take your clothes off and throw it
on the floor and change it to your comfy PJs, but you've got to avoid every
temptation. Take your clothing and do one of three things with it. Fold it, hang it
up or if you need to throw it somewhere, throw it into the laundry hamper. I know
I've talk about this before, but you know what, there's no magic bullet. If you
throw your clothes in the floor, messes attract messes, your floor is gonna become
covered in clothes.
Clean sheets are another way to keep your room smelling and feeling nice and clean.
You might not think it so important but I will tell you why. When you're sleeping at
night, you sweat, you get rid of dead skin cells, and you release body oils, sounds
great. That's stuff all gets absorbed into your pillow case, your flat sheet, your
fitting sheet and that's start to smell. Not only that, if you had allergies, that
stuff attracts dust mites. This is not a good situation. Make sure that you launder
your sheets, once every week if you are an allergy or asthma sufferer or every couple
of weeks for everybody else out there. Clean sheets definitely will help your
room feel and look fresh and clean.
Dedicate 10 to 20 minutes a week to clean your room. I know, you're thinking, I got
way better things to do than spend 10 to 20 minutes a week cleaning my room. But,
trust me, once you get into the groove, it's pretty easy. I've got a video on how
to do it, I'll link that down below, it's pretty step by step. Once you start
cleaning your room, you'll realize, hey, it's nice to have time to vacuum and dust,
clean my mirrors, put little things away. The fruits of your labor are amazing. You
know what, you can find something to do for 20 minutes like play four of your
favorite songs or listen to a quick podcast. Trust me, the time will fly and
your room will look great.
I know you've heard this saying before, "A place for everything and everything in its
place" and nowhere is this more more true than in your bedroom. If you're anything
like me, you bring drinks into your room, you bring food in there, sometimes you
know, other things that just don't generally belong into the bedroom. When I
used to work in restaurants, we had a rule, it was called full hands.
Basically, you have to had your hands full at all times. You were either clearing
tables or running food. And it's the exact same deal in the bedroom, every time you
leave your room, pick up items that don't belong there, take them out of the room,
and put them where they belong. That way, everything can be in it's place and there
is indeed a place for everything.
And on the topic of a place for everything and everything in it's place. I also wanna
remind you that your bedroom is no place for clutter. I mean, we come in here to
sleep, to relax, to calm down, to chill. There's no way you can do that if your
room is cluttered and full of stuff. So your surfaces should essentially be clean,
it shouldn't have too too many items on them. My mom used to have this rule of we
can only have three things, it was a little bit much Mom, but the truth is
guys, even if you keep it to five things, it will have your space look visually much
more clean and tidy and make you feel better and more tranquil in your room. I
know some of this stuff sounds overly simple, and I know I have shared it with
you before but I don't think you can hear this enough, especially if you're someone
that struggles with keeping your room clean. And on that note, I would love to
know "What do you struggle with the most, when you're trying to keep your room
clean?" Let me know in the comments down below. I also wanna remind you, we have so
many great videos and resources on cleaning your room, how to keep your room
clean, how to de-clutter it, how to organize it, stuff for your drawers and
closets. So we will link all of that interesting stuff for you down below. If
you'd like to follow me on Instagram and tag me in your bedroom cleaning endeavors,
I am @melissamaker, the cameraman is @thechadreynolds and we are @cleanmyspace.
There's a button down there to let me know you care so click it if you liked this
video, and click this button right here to subscribe and begin
your journey to a cleaner life.
Thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time. It's one of my favorite
times of the week where I get to throw you to two other videos I think you're going to
love. The first video is the how to official guide, the how to official
Melissa Maker guide on how to clean your bedroom. So it's right over there, I think
you're gonna love it. And, the next one is, how to de-clutter your bedroom, so, you know,
finding this stuff that doesn't belong there anymore, parting ways with it and
enjoying your clean de-cluttered space. You can also check out our website it is
cleanmyspace.com and we've got a link down there somewhere for you to click, tap,
copy, I don't know. You'll get there, don't worry . There's all kinds of
interesting cleaning information on there so be sure to check it out.
Thanks guys and I'll see you next week.