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Cleaning the kitchen counter is something we do just about every day.
Yet there are some special ninja/wizard techniques that I can teach you to make
the task of cleaning your kitchen counter faster and as close to perfection
as you're probably ever going to get it.
I've spent eight years figuring out the best way
to clean kitchen counters, and today you're going
to learn my secrets. So let's go.
♪ [music] ♪
First we need to figure out what material your counter is.
It can be quartz like mine. It could be granite, marble,
which are stone. It could be laminate, Corian, Formica,
tile and grout, or cement, or even stainless steel.
I think that covers probably most
of the counters you're going to see out there in the world.
Now since YouTube favors shorter videos, I'm not going to get
into all the specifics and care instructions for each material.
But what you can do is pay a quick visit to the manufacturer's
or installer's website or play it like the '90s and just pick up
the phone and call them and find out exactly what they recommend for care.
Some general basics I can give you are these.
Counters don't like heat, abrasive materials, and vinegar will ruin natural
and manmade stone countertops. And bleach, don't even think about it.
It will probably stain almost any counter surface, and if you want
to disinfect your counters, I've got a way for you to do it.
♪ [music] ♪
Let's just cover some general care tips for your counters,
regardless of what kind you have.
Always use a trivet or a rack when anything hot comes out of the stove
or the oven, because heat can permanently damage a surface.
Wipe up all your spills ASAP. If not, they're going to set and become
really difficult to remove. Some non-porous materials,
like Corian, are impervious to stains. But still, why risk it?
Use the most basic cleaner for daily care and something
with a disinfectant for post-meal or contaminant clean-up.
I've got recipes and videos on those topics,
which I will link down below for you.
Sealants are also available for countertop surfaces.
A sealant is designed to prevent stains and damage to the original surface.
But since we use our kitchen counters all the time and clean them,
the sealant comes off after a while.
You can reseal your counters annually and purchase
the appropriate sealant at a big-box store.
I know this sounds complicated, but trust me,
it is much easier than it sounds, my friends.
♪ [music] ♪
I myself have been there. The panic of a terrible stain setting in
on your beautiful counters and the fear that that stain is going to be an
everlasting reminder of your laziness or bad cooking skills.
But not to worry, because I have some answers for you.
Firstly, you must know that certain finishes will scratch or stain,
and you can't use anything abrasive or acidic on them.
So we've got get creative. That's why it's important
to know your finish and its specific care instructions.
Any method you use to remove a stain on your counter
must be tested in a small, hidden corner that your landlord
or future home purchasers are never going to find.
Once you've seen no damage, then proceed.
Now for scratchable surfaces, like stone, I have found great success
and I've experimented like crazy in mixing up a small batch
of one scoop of OxiClean to a cup of hot water,
placing a piece of plastic wrap over the stain with some of that product
applied, the plastic helps keep it wet, and then leave it for about
10, 20, 30 minutes until the stain lifts off.
And then I wipe everything away.
Literally, every terrible stain I've gotten on my new counter
has come right off with that solution.
Now, if you don't have OxiClean, you can try using acetone
or hydrogen peroxide as stain removers.
Again, remember to test them first and don't mix those two items.
For non-scratching surfaces, you can try a paste of baking soda and water.
Apply with your finger, leave for a few minutes,
and then wipe in a circular motion to buff out the stain.
You can also try a Magic Eraser, but again,
be careful and test in a hidden area first.
♪ [music] ♪
It's a good habit to keep a cloth and a spray bottle filled with your
countertop cleaner of choice around and to create a habit of wiping up
after you've used the kitchen. For example, if I'm making a snack,
once I'm done, I'll just wipe the counter up, rinse the cloth and air-dry it out.
Now for anything with potential contaminants, say when I'm preparing
the cat's raw food meals, as in raw meat, I clean up
by using my disinfectant, leaving the product for the appropriate dwell time,
about five minutes, and then wiping it up
with a paper towel and of course tossing the paper towel.
Now if you don't know what dwell time is, I will put a video
down below for you to check out.
♪ [music] ♪
If you're looking to give your kitchen a thorough cleaning, this is the truest,
bluest, most proper way to clean your kitchen counter.
Working clockwise, remove everything from the surface.
Work in sections to make this easier. Place items on the section
of the counter to your right or on the kitchen table or even on the floor.
Then spray your counter with your cleaner of choice.
Let the product sit for the appropriate dwell time.
Then wipe with a microfiber cloth using an S pattern.
Flip the cloth over and buff it dry to remove streaks.
Then get down to eye level and check for stains, spot, or crumbs.
Touch the counter up with anything that you've missed.
Finally, replace each item, wiping it clean over
the floor or the sink as you replace it.
Repeat this as you work your way around the counter.
And if you want to be mother-in-law clean,
line your items up parallel and perpendicular to the edge
of the counter to ensure clean lines.
I'd say we've learned a lot today. Haven't we?
Kitchen counters are complex little beings
who need lots of love and special attention.
But when they're cared for properly, they'll keep you
healthy and make your kitchen truly shine.
Now, if you don't know what dwell time is or how to make
your own countertop cleaners, or how to properly clean your
kitchen sink so that it's nice and sparkly, don't worry.
I've got you covered. I've put all those videos in the
description box down below for you.
So Clean My Space nation, tell me:
What's your kitchen counter cleaning routine?
That's quite a mouthful -- kitchen counter cleaning routine.
Anyway, let me know in the comments down below,
because I'm very curious about how you do it.
Also remember, I check Instagram about 32,479 times a day.
So please feel free to tag me in your cleaning, cat, or food
or any other photos. I'm @MelissaMaker.
He's @TheChadReynolds, and we are @CleanMySpace.
There's a button down there that lets me know you care.
So click it if you liked this video, and click this button right here
to subscribe and begin your journey to a cleaner life.
Thanks so much for watching, and we'll see you next time.
As some of you guys know, Chad and I were on vacation last week.
We launched three videos and probably commented on like two of your posts.
But trust me, we read all the comments, and it's just been very busy
getting back from vacation and trying to catch up on everything.
So if I don't get back to your comments on those videos, I do apologize.
But trust me, I have been reading them, and I love your questions.
So thank you so, so much for asking and, of course,
for your wonderful comments. See you soon.