字幕表 動画を再生する
Hey guys! Before we begin the video I just wanted to let you know
みんなこんにちは! ビデオが始まる前に
about a convenient website called iTalki
すっごく便利なサイト italkieについて
it's affordable, effective AND easy to use
お得で、効果的で とっても使いやすいサイトなの
you can learn any language you like without leaving your home
家を出ることなく どんな言語でも学ぶことができる
If you're interested, click the link below
もし興味があれば 概要のリンクをチェックしてね
You can try one lesson and get the second free!
1つレッスンを受ければ 2つ目のレッスンは無料になるわ
Thanks for listening and enjoy the show!
聞いてくれてありがとう では、動画楽しんでね
Hi! are you joining me??
Maru's like...like what are you doing?
マロは「この人何してるの?」って 思ってるだろうね。笑
Hey guys!
And Happy New Year! I just wanted to say Happy New Year because I didn't get a chance to say it before!
あけましておめでとう! みんなにまだ言えてなかったよね
I'm still in Tokyo but I just got my fukubukuro
まだ東京にいるんだけど なんと福袋をゲットしたの
and if any of you guys remember
I did a fukubukuro video for my FIRST video on my channel
私の初めての動画は 福袋についてだったの
and I'm doing it again this year
and I got some pretty good stuff this time compared to last time...last time was a little crazy!
去年より良いやつを買えました。 去年のは訳わかんなかったww
But this year I did pretty well, this time I got clothes and I got some stuff from a 300 yens shop
今年は結構いいの手に入れたよ 服屋さんのと300円ショップのと
I think it was a 300 yens shop I'm not sure, it just was a lot of cheap stuff
確か300円だったと思う とにかくかなり安かった
coz I don't have a lot of money, so I just went with the cheaper items
あんまりお金がないから お手頃なものを購入しました
The first bag that I got was from this clothing company called: CRYX
CRYXっていうショップの 福袋をゲットしたよ
It's a clothing company in one of the department stores in Shibuya
So I got that and then I got this bag from the 300Yens shop
So we'll see what's inside that
And this isn't a Lucky Bag but I wanted to show you guys anyway
これは福袋じゃないけど みんなに見せたい
because I went to Lush and I don't usually go to Lush
ラッシュに行って買ったの あんまりラッシュには普段行かないんだけど
But I love Lush! Because it's a little bit expensive but they have really great stuff for a bath!
ラッシュ大好き、ちょっと高いけど 素敵なお風呂グッズいっぱい売ってるから
or in the shower, or whatever
So I got that too so I'll show you guys that
The first bag I got clothes and it came with 4 items
ショップで買った福袋は 4つアイテムが入ってたわ
The first item was like an outerwear
and second item is Inner-wear
So like t-shirts , anything like that
And the third item is like a dress, either it was a dress or bottoms
but I got a dress, and the fourth item is something random like an accessory
でも私はドレスをゲットした 4つ目はランダムでアクセサリーとか
It's all grey and white stuff so it's kinda cool
It's not a really heavy jacket and this is all free-size
厚手のコートではないね フリーサイズだよ
so like anybody can fit in it...I doubt that
誰でも着れるってこと それはどうかな、、、笑
This jacket was like 80$, so it's really really nice
80年代のコートっぽいから すっごく素敵
and it's like a little peacoat
It's probably good for fall, and it's a nice color
秋に着るのにぴったりかもね 色もいいし
I don't have anything grey, so this probably works with my wardrobe
私はグレーの服もってないから 羽織るのにすごく合うと思う
The second item I got was this shirt, I don't usually like stripes but I like how long this is
2つめのアイテムはシャツだよ ストライプはあんまり好きじゃないけど このシャツは丈が長めだからすごく気に入った
You can wear this with leggings so I thought this was really cute, its long-sleeved and like a little dress
レギンスと合わせて着ても素敵かも すごく丈が長いからドレスみたいに着れる
I thought this was really cute, and the thing that looked cute with it
これすごくかわいいと思う このシャツとすごく合うと思ったのが
Is this hat! And it's a really good quality hat!
このニット帽! しかもこのニットすごく品質がいいの
So I got that and it goes with this striped shirt with leggings so I thought this was really cute
このシャツにレギンス履いて ニット帽かぶるとすごくかわいいと思う
You get all this stuff, this really expensive stuff for cheaper than it actually is
福袋は通常の値段よりも 大分安くアイテムを手に入れることができるの
This whole bag was 4500 yens
It came out to be 4800 yens after tax
A lot of this stuff like this jacket was 80 (or 8000 yens)
This was 3000 yens, this was 1000 yens
このシャツは3000円 ニット帽は1000円くらい
The other thing that I got was this
I didn't know what this was at first
It looked like a turtle neck
I was trying to push it down, but its actually like a dress shirt
It looks like a little dress but i'm not that short so I probably have to wear something obviously underneath
ワンピースっぽいけど 私はそこまで身長が低くないから 下に何か着ないといけないわね
But it's really warm and cosy
It's kinda supposed to look a little bit baggy
It's that kinda style
But yeah, this is a good brand, a lot of people are buying it
これはいいブランドね たくさんの人が買ってたわ
So I was like "why not?"
This is the first clothing bag I've ever gotten for a fukubukuro
If any of you guys don't know what a fukubukuro is it's basically a Lucky Bag that comes out every year
福袋っていうのは 元旦から毎年売り出されるんだけど
on the first, and everybody can just pick a bag and you don't know what's inside it
いろんなものが入ってる袋を選ぶの 中に何が入ってるかはわからないのよ
Okay the second bag is the 300 yens shop
二つめの福袋は 300円ショップのです
I got two of them, I got a smaller one and this one is full of socks
二つ買ったの まずは靴下がいっぱい入った小さいの
In this small bag, this was about 300 yens (3$) and it's a pretty good deal because I got 4 pairs of socks
300円で靴下4足入ってるから かなりお得だと思う
and they are soft, fuzzy socks
Oh my god this is so cute
The cats are cute, there's like red black and grey cat
この猫超かわいい! 赤、黒、グレーの猫がいる
and then I got...there's like flowers, sakura pattern on this one
and then I got a flowery one here
but they're soft and they're very good for the winter
すっごく柔らかくて 冬に履くにはぴったりね
I usually put these over my regular socks
This one has like a little balloon and a house
These are really good deal, I wish I got two of these
これ本当にお得ね 2個買えばよかった
This big bag that I got..I wish I'd remember the name of this place...
それから大きいの! お店の名前覚えとけばよかった
I got these Heel Up Insoles, and they make you look taller so you can put these in your shoes and your boots
靴の中に入れて背を高く見せれる インソールを手に入れました
and they raise you up 3 cm
So that's really cute
I never heard of these or seen these before
これ聞いたことも 見たこともない
This is the next one that I got, it's a drawer that goes in your cabinet
It's good to put things in I guess, it's a little box
That's pretty useful
And they gave me some tape dispenser
So it's a green tape dispensor
And this is a kinda thing that you can hang on your wall, and put accessories in
これは壁にかけて アクセサリーとかぶらさげることができるやつ
So I only got 4 items in that bag, which wasn't bad
4アイテム入ってました そんなに悪くないね
All of this stuff was pretty cheap
I'm very happy with it! This year was pretty good and not as disappointing as last year
すっごく満足してます 今年のは去年よりすっごく良い!
The last thing I got was Lush but this is not a Lucky Bag
最後は福袋じゃないけど ラッシュで買ったものです
I wish they HAD Lucky Bags
This was "Frozen Bomb"
The lady at the store said that it was inspired by "Frozen"
店員さんが映画の「フローズン」を イメージして作られたって言ってた
and it's only available in Japan so you can't get this in Europe or anything like that
これは日本でしか発売されてなくて ヨーロッパとか他の地域では買えないの
It's a really good smelling Bath Bomb...I've never used a Bath Bomb before
すっごく良い匂いがする 私使ったことないの
It kinda smells "perfumey, flowery"
I like the flowery smells so
And then the other one that I liked was this orange one
This one I heard was really good and Tyler likes this one so I was like "Okay!"
これはすごく良いって聞いたの タイラーも好きって言ってたから買ったww
I did a lot of shopping today and that's all I got, I don't know why this bag says "No!"
今日はいっぱい買い物したよ、これで全部 なんでこのバッグ「NO」って書いてあるのかな。
"No Animal Testing"
Oh okay, it just says "NO" in English so...NO!!!
英語では「NO」しか書いてなかったから 何かと思った。笑
No fighting
Anyway, thanks for watching, I hope you guys enjoyed this fukubukuro video for 2016
とにかくみんな見てくれてありがとう 2016年の福袋のビデオ楽しんでくれたかな
I hope you guys are enjoying your New Year so far
and I hope the rest of your Year is even better
今年1年がみんなにとって 最高の年になりますように
so thanks for watching, please subscribe and like this video, and I'll see you guys next time
みんな見てくれてありがとう! チャンネル登録、高評価よろしくね ではみんなまたね!