字幕表 動画を再生する
(S): So this is...(M) Spudgy's last afternoon walk.
(M) So right now we are excited and nervous at the same time.
Spudgy is going to go to our very good friends Rose and Angie...
...and we're waiting for all the stuff to pass with like their rabies stuff and Meemers will be going with friends...
(S) Rose and Angie have rabies?!
(M)Yup, they've got rabies, so Spudgy will be giving them medicine on a daily basis--Wow, he is really straining!
(Simon voicing Spudgy lol)
(S) That's love right there. Pulling sh** out of your dog's a**.
(M) Ducky looks sad. We just dropped Meemers off with a new friend of ours named Ollie and she's going to be taking care of Meems.
Today will be our first day to have like a completely empty animal house.
(S) So sad.. (M)I know. (S) I am so sad...
(M) But you know what, here's the thing: If they came with us right away to Japan...
They'd be in a service department, like a strange place. Then we'd be running around looking for apartments.
They would be home alone all day, so this makes total sense for us to be doing this, without the animals.
But we're just gonna miss them, like, a lot while this is going on.
(S) They're not gone forever we're picking them up...
(M) Honk your horn, I think that...
(S&M laughing)
(M) And that's how you honk a horn!
Okay...sensitive vlog topic over!!
(S) ....walking with her head down, crossing the street! (M) At a red light.
(S) This is Korea! You'll DIE!
Oh yeah, baby. It's our last day at our home. We're gonna pop some champagne..
(S) We were saving this for a special occasion, so I guess tonight it's gonna be champagne.
Champagne with a side of ramen and mandu.
And now... Let's end this thing with style... OPENING SOME CHAMPAGNE.
(S&M) Awwww yeeaaahh
(M) Look at that smokin' on the top...
You know what champagne this is? ESKO
The cheapest one we could find.
(M) Cheers to an exciting new adventure, Duckie!
Tastes like the cheapest champagne we could find.
I've been doing this for 3 days!
(S) How long have the people been here for?
They got here around 9:00-ish or so?
And um...yup.
(S) Haha "and yup. I'm good at talking on camera"
(M) Well, I mean, it's like an entire 7 years, condensing down into a bunch of boxes, so...it's crazy.
(S) I have a question. Duckie, what happened to your stuffed piggy?
(M) Oh my god, I don't even wanna...
Where is your stuffed piggy?
I don't think I can handle this conversation.
(S) What happened? Tell everyone where your stuffed piggy is.
This is really upsetting, this is really upsetting. I set aside stuffed pig and my pillow...
..because those are the things I need to survive 'cause my neck can't handle strange pillows.
And I went out to bring something to Spudgy at--at of course, at Angie's house and when I came back...
...Kogi and my pillow were packed. Simon's job was to protect Kogi, and he didn't do ANYTHING.
And so now, I have no travel pig. That's CRAZY.
How am I supposed to start this with no travel pig?
(Simon weeping in the background)
I have a tiny travel Spudge.
This isn't any part of the video!!
(M) Do you have any underwear packed, Simon?
(S) That doesn't matter!
(M) Did you pack any underwear?!
You know what, sometimes you do and sometimes you don't!
(M) You didn't pack any underwear?
(M) You shipped it all?
(M) You have no underwear.
(S) ...and socks.
(M) Boots...and socks
I forgot to pack my underwear.
(M) So you have no underwear! *thumbs up*
I'm wearing one right now!
(M) Four shoes...!
(S) Hey, I have one for tomorrow....
(M) Guess what we're doing for your birthday...UNDERWEAR!!
(S) And now for our last dinner...in Korea.
(M) Share the couch!
Get on, girl!
Share it with mee!
This is Spudgy and Meemer's couch that we couldn't fit.
We...mailed our couch over to Japan.
A....nd now we're going to sit here and eat our chicken with our convenience store wine.
This is fried ddeok...
How are we ever going to find an equivalent in Japan?
You guys got competition, man!
You need to...raise your fried chicken game!
'Cause this is legit.
(S) Okay, who's becoming a little but of a Sobby Bobby here?
What are you doin'?
Nothing! :(
(S) Duckie...
You saying "goodbye" to the house?
(S) Duckie...
It's our first fridge.
It's our first fridge we bought.
(S) Did you have too much wine?
I drank a lot of wine.
(S) Did you have too much wine?
Okay, let's put you to bed.
This is...my expressions are coming out.
(S) This is what happens when you have too much wine.
I'm simply saying that I'm gonna miss this house.
This house was really great and...poor planning regarding this kitchen...
...because it should have been near the sunshine.
(S) Hey...you're the sunshine.
Thanks, Duckie.
It's exciting because...no matter where we go, we're gonna have a new adventure.
(S) Always
It's really exciting.
(S) Okay, you need to stop sobbing.
I'm not trying to sob, I know this is just snuffy (?)
We're gonna have a really good adventure and nothing can go wrong...
...because even if we end up in a little, tiny dump-hole apartment, you and I are gonna be like...
(S) We'll always be together, girl.
...just covered in stickers!
Thanks for coming on this adventure with me, Duckie.
(S) I'll always be there with you, girl!
When I said to you, "I really wanna live in Japan one day," you said, "Okay, girl let's make it work!"
And we're gonna be in Japan!
(S) We're doing it, finally!
It's really exciting!
I came but that was since I was a kid! (?)
(S) Okay, it's been 2 mins and 30 sec of you crying now.
Okay, let's stop this.
Okay, I'm excited. I'm gonna go put some things in my luggage.
(S) Someone had way to much wine.
(S) Here we are at the bus stop!
Remember we were like, "Let's take the airport bus. It'll be fun!
(S) Minus 22!
(Nasties love you, Simon and Martina!)
(M) We're here in Tokyo, finally and it's a really beautiful day
...and we're about to move into our temporary apartment and then explore...
...and probably just get CoCo curry all day...WHAT? What was that beginnning last part?
(S&M) CoCo curry~!
And I passed by a building that's supposed to lead near the Studio Ghibli Museum.
And I saw giant Totoros in the window!
I'm gonna betray Spudgy and get a Totoro pet.
Put it on his harness and walk it around the house!
Konnichiwa! Okay, so we just arrived in Tokyo, Japan, and we're going to have our first meal in Japan, ever.
Okay, we're going to explain it to you guys.
Okay, so what I have here is something called CoCo curry.
I have beef curry made with some cheese, some fried chicken, and some garlic flakes on top of it.
So delicious and spicy as hell and really...I haven't had this kind of spice in a long time.
You can feel it tingling in you ears.
You know what? I can imagine myself eating this everyday.
So this is it! We're finally here. We have finally made the move, and we are ready to begin our lives in Tokyo, Japan.
Look, I'm not crying!!
For once!
So this isn't our actual apartment. This is just a rental tempoary apartment...
...but today, we are going apartment hunting. Ooo!
So exciting. I hope you guys come along on the whole adventure with us while we look for a new place to live.
And of course, we're gonna keep filming our normal segments here.
We've got lots of food programs coming up . We've already got some Wonderful Treasure Finds.
Oh my gosh. Wow!
Oh, yes!
So even though our schedule's a bit off right now, hope you guys will stick around for the videos that are coming up 'cause they're gonna be fun.
Also, because our video schedule's a little bit off right now...
...you can stay up to date with us by following us on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.
We have lots of fun little pictures about all the cute and amazing things that we're finding around town.
Okay, we saw a garbage truck today that sang the music of like childhood.
It was like an ice cream truck, but it was for garbage!
We were like, "Is there an ice cream truck?!" and we ran out!
It was great! I thought it was ice cream, but it was literally garbage!
And we were like, "Ahahaha~!!"
Ohh, so much to look forward to.
Let's go find an apartment. (S) LET'S DO IT! Alright!
Thank you, Simon and Martina for sharing your adventures with us! :)