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  • This is the ocean as I used to know it.


  • And I find that


  • since I've been in the Gulf a couple of times,


  • I really kind of am traumatized

    なぜかというと 海のいたる所に

  • because whenever I look at the ocean now,

    なぜかというと 海のいたる所に

  • no matter where I am,


  • even where I know


  • none of the oil has gone,


  • I sort of see slicks,

    今日お話ししたいのは 原油流出のことだけでなく

  • and I'm finding that I'm very much

    その正体や原因について 簡単に説明したいと思います

  • haunted by it.


  • But what I want to talk to you about today

    子供の頃から釣りが好きで 釣りに行っていたんですが

  • is a lot of things that try

    沿岸の自然が好きになり 海鳥を研究するようになりました

  • to put all of this in context,

    現在 主に海洋変動に関する 本を書いています

  • not just about the oil eruption,

    海の急激な変化は 以前から観察されています

  • but what it means and why it has happened.


  • First, just a little bit about me.

    水で濡らした 硬い大理石のようなものです

  • I'm basically just a guy that likes to go fishing


  • ever since I was a little kid,

    大気を全部かき集めて 丸めたとすると

  • and because I did,

    大気を全部かき集めて 丸めたとすると

  • I wound up studying sea birds

    右のような 気体の球ができます

  • to try to stay in the coastal habitats that I so loved.

    私達が住んでいるのは きわめて壊れやすく小さな

  • And now I mainly write books

    私達が住んでいるのは きわめて壊れやすく小さな

  • about how the ocean is changing,


  • and the ocean is certainly changing very rapidly.


  • Now we saw this kind of graphic earlier on,

    石油 石炭 ガソリンなどを 燃やすことによって

  • that we really live on a hard marble

    石油 石炭 ガソリンなどを 燃やすことによって

  • that has just a slight

    大気は大きく変化し CO2レベルも上がり続けています

  • bit of wetness to it.


  • It's like you dipped a marble in water.


  • And the same thing with the atmosphere:

    人間社会に必要である エネルギーに関する問題の

  • If you took all the atmosphere


  • and rolled it up in a ball,


  • you would get that little sphere of gas on the right.

    海が酸性になるという 問題があります

  • So we live on


  • the most fragile, little soap bubble you can imagine,

    現在 研究室では

  • a very sacred soap bubble,

    例えば貝を 通常の海水のpH 8.1ではなく

  • but one that is very, very easy to affect.

    例えば貝を 通常の海水のpH 8.1ではなく

  • And all the burning of oil and coal and gas,

    pH 7.5の水に入れると

  • all the fossil fuels,


  • have changed the atmosphere greatly.


  • Carbon dioxide level has gone up and up and up.

    pH 8.1からpH 7.7に移動させると

  • We're warming the climate.

    大きく崩れはしませんが 変形して死んでしまいます

  • So the blowout in the Gulf

    すでに ある地域では 商業用のカキの幼生が

  • is just a little piece


  • of a much larger problem that we have

    サンゴ礁の成長に遅れがみられる 地域もあります

  • with the energy that we use to run civilization.

    サンゴ礁の成長に遅れがみられる 地域もあります

  • Beyond warming,


  • we have the problem of the oceans getting more acidified --

    湾を少し ぐるっと周ってみましょう

  • and already measurably so,

    湾に住む人達には 感銘を受けました

  • and already affecting animals.

    彼らはまさに 海の人だからです

  • Now in the laboratory,

    水をうまく活用し 頻繁にくるハリケーンや

  • if you take a clam and you put it in the pH

    水をうまく活用し 頻繁にくるハリケーンや

  • that is -- not 8.1,


  • which is the normal pH of seawater --

    しかし水以外のことで 水中の生息環境が変わると

  • but 7.5,

    彼らに 多くの選択肢はありません

  • it dissolves in about three days.


  • If you take a sea urchin larva


  • from 8.1,


  • put it in a pH of 7.7 --


  • not a huge change --

    湾の周囲には 多くの原油が見えます

  • it becomes deformed and dies.

    海の上や 岸辺にも見られます

  • And already, commercial oyster larvae

    流出現場に行くと 信じがたい光景が

  • are dying at large scales

    まるで車のオイル受けを ひっくり返したかのようです

  • in some places.


  • Coral reefs are growing slower

    原油を回収しようとする人が 誰もいないことです

  • in some places because of this problem.

    ここの海一帯が 悲惨な状態になっています

  • So this really matters.

    岸沿いを進んでいると そこら中に原油が見られ

  • Now, let's take a little tour


  • around the Gulf a little bit.


  • One of the things that really impresses me about the people in the Gulf:


  • They are really, really aquatic people.


  • And they can handle water.

    200 Lのビニール袋に 砂を5 kgしか入れず

  • They can handle a hurricane that comes and goes.

    200 Lのビニール袋に 砂を5 kgしか入れず

  • When the water goes down, they know what to do.


  • But when it's something other than water,


  • and their water habitat changes,

    一方で 今でも 浜辺を利用する人達もいます

  • they don't have many options.

    水から離れろという看板はなく 子供たちが海に入って 石油まみれ

  • In fact, those entire communities


  • really don't have many options.

    原油が残っている所に行くと もっとめちゃくちゃで

  • They don't have another thing they can do.


  • They can't go and work


  • in the local hotel business


  • because there isn't one in their community.


  • If you go to the Gulf and you look around,

    朝起きたら エンジンスタート さあ仕事だ という感じです

  • you do see a lot of oil.

    彼らは 自然が 沿岸の生態系を通して

  • You see a lot of oil on the ocean.

    与えてくれる安心感に 依存していると感じています

  • You see a lot of oil on the shoreline.

    与えてくれる安心感に 依存していると感じています

  • If you go to the site of the blowout,

    その世界が壊されていると 知ったのです

  • it looks pretty unbelievable.


  • It looks like you just emptied the oil pan in your car,


  • and you just dumped it in the ocean.


  • And one of the really most incredible things, I think,


  • is that there's nobody out there


  • trying to collect it


  • at the site where it is densest.

    しかし海の中には 目に見えないものばかりです

  • Parts of the ocean there


  • look just absolutely apocalyptic.

    原油が水中に浸出しているか 意見が分かれます

  • You go in along the shore,


  • you can find it everywhere.

    「潜水艦で 原油の有無を 調べられないのだろうか?」

  • It's really messy.

    「潜水艦で 原油の有無を 調べられないのだろうか?」

  • If you go to the places where it's just arriving,


  • like the eastern part of the Gulf, in Alabama,

    前に湾に行ってから 今日までの間

  • there's still people using the beach

    メキシコ湾に原油があるのか 調べる実験をしてみました

  • while there are people cleaning up the beach.


  • And they have a very strange way of cleaning up the beach.


  • They're not allowed to put more than 10 pounds of sand

    このメキシコ湾に 少しだけ油を流出させました

  • in a 50-gallon plastic bag.


  • They have thousands and thousands of plastic bags.


  • I don't know what they're going to do with all that stuff.


  • Meanwhile, there are still people trying to use the beach.


  • They don't see the little, tiny sign

    そこに風や波などの エネルギーを少し加えると

  • that says: "Stay out of the water."

    もう大変なことになり めちゃくちゃです

  • Their kids are in the water; they're getting tar

    きれいにすることも 原油を抽出することも不可能です

  • all over their clothes and their sandals. It's a mess.


  • If you go to the place where the oil has been a while,


  • it's an even bigger mess.


  • And there's basically nobody there anymore,

    これ程の大惨事だと 多くの情報がもれて聞こえてきます

  • a few people trying

    噂通り 事故のもみ消しがあります

  • to keep using it.

    私の個人的な考えですが この分散剤というのは

  • You see people who are really shell-shocked.

    死体隠ぺいのような 常套手段だと思います

  • They are very hardworking people.


  • All they know about life is they get up in the morning,

    海上に密集した原油は 目で見ることができます

  • and if their engine starts, they go to work.

    海上に密集した原油は 目で見ることができます

  • They always felt that they could rely on

    そこに一撃を加え 証拠を消しているのでしょう

  • the assurances that nature brought them


  • through the ecosystem of the Gulf.


  • They're finding that their world is really collapsing.


  • And so you can see, literally,


  • signs of their shock,

    微生物が分解するまで 長い時間がかかります

  • signs of their outrage,

    原油をウミガメが食べ 魚はエラから吸収します

  • signs of their anger,


  • and signs of their grief.

    今日ここに来る途中 電車の中で信じられない話を聞きました

  • These are the things that you can see.

    今日ここに来る途中 電車の中で信じられない話を聞きました

  • There's a lot you can't see, also,


  • underwater.

    何を見たのか 質問されました

  • What's going on underwater?

    オーデュボン誌の記事を 書いていたのです

  • Well, some people say

    彼は1週間前に 湾に行っていて

  • there are oil plumes.


  • Some people say there are not oil plumes.


  • And Congressman Markey asks, you know,

    そのガイドは 年中 仕事の予定が空いていました

  • "Is it going to take a submarine ride

    そのガイドは 年中 仕事の予定が空いていました

  • to see if there are really oil plumes?"

    予約金も返還を求められ 誰も近寄ろうとしません

  • But I couldn't take a submarine ride --

    何千人という人が 同じような状況です

  • especially between the time I knew I was coming here and today --


  • so I had to do


  • a little experiment myself

    バンドウイルカが 突然ボートの横に現れ

  • to see if there was oil in the Gulf of Mexico.

    噴気孔から 油をまき散らしていました

  • So this is the Gulf of Mexico,


  • sparkling place full of fish.

    なぜなら最後の釣り だということもあり

  • I created a little oil spill

    イルカが魚を怖がらせることを 知っていたからです

  • in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • And I learned -- in fact, I confirmed -- the hypothesis


  • that oil and water don't mix


  • until you add a dispersant,

    30年の釣りのなかで イルカの こんな行動は初めて見たそうです

  • and then

    そして これはまるで―

  • they start mixing.

    助けてくれと 言っているように感じたそうです

  • And you add a little energy

    エクソンバルディーズ号 原油流出事故では

  • from the wind and the waves,


  • and you get a big mess,


  • a big mess


  • that you can't possibly clean,

    個体数の回復率は ばらつくでしょう

  • you can't touch, you can't extract


  • and, I think most importantly -- this is what I think --

    早く回復するだろう というものもあります

  • you can't see it.


  • I think it's being hidden on purpose.

    1年のある時期に 多くの動物がこの湾に集まります

  • Now this is such a catastrophe and such a mess,

    そのためメキシコ湾は 重要な水源で

  • that lots of stuff is leaking out on the edges of the information stream.

    大西洋の等量の水より 重要だといえます

  • But as many people have said,

    マグロは世界の海を渡ります 湾の水流に乗り ヨーロッパまで

  • there's a large attempt to suppress what's going on.

    産卵するときは 内陸にまでやって来ます

  • Personally, I think that

    2匹に標識をつけて 産卵場所がわかるようにしました

  • the dispersants are


  • a major strategy to hide the body,

    今年の産卵時期は 多分 悲惨なことになるでしょう

  • because we put the murderer

    親魚が汚れた水を 避けてくれることを願います

  • in charge of the crime scene.

    通常 濁った水には 入ろうとしませんが

  • But you can see it.


  • You can see where the oil

    何がエラに影響を与えるか わかりませんし

  • is concentrated at the surface,

    親魚への影響は わからないのです

  • and then it is attacked,

    だとしても 卵や稚魚には 確実に影響があると思っています

  • because they don't want the evidence, in my opinion.

    だとしても 卵や稚魚には 確実に影響があると思っています

  • Okay.

    下がり続けている このグラフをご覧ください

  • We heard that bacteria eat oil?

    私達が 数十年に渡って 乱獲してきた結果です

  • So do sea turtles.

    原油の流出により 壊滅的な被害となった一方で

  • When it breaks up,


  • it has a long way to go

    私達は長期間にわたり 海に 多大な影響を与えてきたということです

  • before it gets down to bacteria.

    私達が何か始めると 良いことではなく

  • Turtles eat it. It gets in the gills of fish.

    多くのストレスと問題が つきまとってきます

  • These guys have to swim around through it.


  • I heard the most incredible story today

    1年のある時期に 多くの鳥が湾に集まり

  • when I was on the train coming here.


  • A writer named Ted Williams called me,


  • and he was asking me a couple of questions


  • about what I saw,

    この写真の鳥は ほとんどが渡り鳥で

  • because he's writing an article for Audubon magazine.

    原油が流れてきた5月に この湾に来たというわけです

  • He said that he had been in the Gulf a little while ago --

    左下に キョウジョシギと ミツユビシギがいます

  • like about a week ago --

    北極で子育てをし 南アメリカの南部で冬を過ごします

  • and a guy who had been a recreational fishing guide

    メキシコ湾に集まり やがて北極各地に飛び立ちます

  • took him out to show him what's going on.

    グリーンランドで繁殖する鳥も メキシコ湾で見かけました

  • That guide's entire calendar year

    よって これは半球規模の問題なのです

  • is canceled bookings.

    経済的影響も 少なくとも 米国全土で見られ

  • He has no bookings left.

    生物学的には 半球規模の影響があります

  • Everybody wanted their deposit back. Everybody is fleeing.

    これは全く予想だにしなかった 唖然とする例の一つです

  • That's the story of thousands of people.


  • But he told Ted


  • that on the last day he went out,

    でも今の私達は 何をすべきかわからないでいます

  • a bottlenose dolphin

    何もできていないのは 現在の対策を見れば明らかです

  • suddenly appeared next to the boat,

    今やっている主な方法は ブームと分散剤です

  • and it was splattering oil

    ブームは広い範囲には 展開できないので

  • out its blowhole.

    原油が多くたまっている箇所を 囲うこともできません

  • And he moved away

    原油が多くたまっている箇所を 囲うこともできません

  • because it was

    沿岸近くに ボートが2艘 右のボートは通称「釣りバカ」

  • his last fishing trip,


  • and he knew that the dolphins scare fish.

    湾の何千平方マイルも広がる 海上の原油を

  • So he moved away from it,

    ブームで囲おうと 躍起になっているんですから

  • turned around a few minutes later,

    分散剤によって 原油は ブームの下を通ることができます

  • it was right next to the side of the boat again.

    ブームの直径は たったの30 cm程です

  • He said that in 30 years of fishing


  • he had never seen a dolphin do that.


  • And he felt that --

    網ではなく ブームを引張ることが 彼らの仕事となります

  • he felt that it was

    原油まみれの海水が ブームの後方へ移動しています

  • coming to ask for help. Sorry.


  • Now, in the Exxon Valdez spill,


  • about 30 percent of the killer whales

    何百マイルもの沿岸が ブームだらけになると

  • died in the first few months.

    何百マイルもの沿岸が ブームだらけになると

  • Their numbers have never recovered.


  • So the recovery rate of all this stuff

    原油や汚れた水が 簡単に入ってこれます

  • is going to be variable.


  • It's going to take longer for some things.

    鳥のコロニーが囲われています コロニーを守ろうとしているんです

  • And some things, I think, will probably


  • come back a little faster.


  • The other thing about the Gulf that is important


  • is that there are a lot of animals

    コロニーを囲っても 意味がありません

  • that concentrate in the Gulf

    鳥たちはエサをとるため 海に潜らないといけません

  • at certain parts of the year.

    鳥たちが第一に しなければいけないのが

  • So the Gulf is a really important piece of water --


  • more important than a similar volume


  • of water in the open Atlantic Ocean.


  • These tuna swim the entire ocean.

    今回は そうなった方がましだったでしょう

  • They get in the Gulf Stream. They go all the way to Europe.


  • When it comes time to spawn, they come inside,

    鳥をきれいにする人を 非難するわけではありませんが

  • and these two tuna that were tagged,

    思いやりを示すことが 本当に大切です

  • you can see them on the spawning grounds

    人間が持っている 一番大切なものが思いやりですから

  • very much right in the area of the slick.

    こういったイメージを持ち それを表現することが大切です

  • They're probably having, at the very least,

    しかし 鳥たちは どこに放されるというのでしょう

  • a catastrophic spawning season this year.


  • I'm hoping that maybe the adults


  • are avoiding that dirty water.

    再びビルの中に戻すようなものです 原油はまだ流出しています

  • They don't usually like to go into water

    これを事故として 認めるわけにはいきません

  • that is very cloudy anyway.


  • But these are really high-performance


  • athletic animals.


  • I don't know what this kind of stuff will do in their gills.

    BPが ずさんで無謀な 操業をしたのは

  • I don't know if it'll affect the adults.

    BPが ずさんで無謀な 操業をしたのは

  • If it's not, it's certainly affecting


  • their eggs and larvae, I would certainly think.

    私達を守る立場である政府の 完全な監督責任だとして

  • But if you look at that graph that goes down and down and down,


  • that's what we've done to this species

    米国では ほとんどの商船に この看板が見られます

  • through overfishing over many decades.


  • So while the oil spill,


  • the leak, the eruption,

    誰のために法律が作られ そして誰が法の外にいるのか

  • is a catastrophe,

    誰のために法律が作られ そして誰が法の外にいるのか

  • I think it's important to keep in mind


  • that we've done a lot to affect what's in the ocean


  • for a very, very long time.

    必要だけど 手に入れられなかった装置です

  • It's not like we're starting with something

    石油を求め メキシコ湾の海底に 30,000個の穴を作れば

  • that's been okay.

    その内の一つから石油が出てきても なんら驚くことではありません

  • We're starting with something that's had a lot of stresses

    これこそ私達が しなければいけないことです

  • and a lot of problems to begin with.

    実際どこから流出が始まったか 理解する必要があります

  • If you look around at the birds,

    「政府は公共の利益を守る 私達の味方なんだ」という考えが

  • there are a lot of birds in the Gulf


  • that concentrate in the Gulf at certain times of the year,

    原油の流出や 銀行救済 住宅ローン危機などは

  • but then leave.

    同じ原因で起こる症状に 違いありません

  • And they populate much larger areas.

    一部の悪い人間から 守ってくれる警察は

  • So for instance,

    最低限必要だと 私達は理解しています

  • most of the birds in this picture are migratory birds.

    きっぷを切られたり 少々うっとうしい所があっても

  • They were all on the Gulf in May,

    警察は廃止すべきだ なんて言う人はいません

  • while oil was starting to come ashore in certain places.

    この30年間 政府全体において

  • Down on the lower left there


  • are Ruddy Turnstones and Sanderlings.


  • They breed in the high arctic,

    これを主導したのは 私達を守る立場の人達で

  • and they winter down in southern South America.


  • But they concentrate in the Gulf


  • and then fan out all across the arctic.


  • I saw birds that breed in Greenland

    米国の創建時には 企業は違法でした

  • in the Gulf,


  • so this is a hemispheric issue.

    すでに米国の法律を無視していると 不満をもらしました

  • The economic effects

    すでに米国の法律を無視していると 不満をもらしました

  • go at least nationally in many ways.


  • The biological effects are certainly hemispheric.


  • I think that this is one of the most

    企業に向かって 地獄に落ちろというでしょう

  • absolutely mind-boggling


  • examples of total unpreparedness


  • that I can even think of.

    我々の利益を守るのは政府だ という考えを取り戻し

  • Even when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor,

    この国の失われた連帯感と 共通の利害を取り戻すことです

  • at least they shot back.

    希望の光が見え 私達は少し目を覚ましつつあります

  • And we just seem to be


  • unable to figure out what to do.

    これは不況や 銀行の破綻 救済が必要な状態などが

  • There was nothing ready,


  • and, you know, as we can see


  • by what they're doing.


  • Mainly what they're doing is booms and dispersants.

    現在 こういったものを 復元しようという雰囲気があります

  • The booms are absolutely not made for open water.


  • They don't even attempt to corral

    法案が可決した後 規制緩和をしようとしています

  • the oil where it is most concentrated.


  • They get near shore. Look at these two boats.


  • That one on the right is called Fishing Fool.


  • And I think, you know, that's a great name


  • for boats that think that they're going to do anything

    多くの人が気付いている決断をし 抜け出すかのどちらかです

  • to make a dent in this by dragging a boom between them

    抜け出す決断をするには 共通のテーマがあります

  • when there are literally hundreds of thousands


  • of square miles in the Gulf right now

    初め 海上油田の名前は「クジラ」で

  • with oil at the surface.


  • The dispersants make the oil go right under the booms.

    当時 海のクジラの数が減少していました

  • The booms are only about


  • 13 inches in diameter.


  • So it's just absolutely crazy.

    火で何かを燃やします 今もやっていることは同じです

  • Here are shrimp boats employed.

    今でもエネルギーが欲しいとき 何かを燃やしています

  • There are hundreds of shrimp boats employed to drag booms instead of nets.

    クリーンなエネルギーは高価で 使えないと言われます

  • Here they are working.


  • You can see easily


  • that all the oily water just goes over the back of the boom.


  • All they're doing is stirring it.

    エネルギーを切り替えれば 経済が耐えられないと言われました

  • It's just ridiculous.


  • Also, for all the shoreline that has booms --


  • hundreds and hundreds of miles of shoreline --


  • all of the shoreline that has booms,


  • there's adjacent shoreline that doesn't have any booms.

  • There is ample opportunity

  • for oil and dirty water to get in behind them.

  • And that lower photo, that's a bird colony that has been boomed.

  • Everybody's trying to protect

  • the bird colonies there.

  • Well, as an ornithologist,

  • I can tell you that birds fly, and that --

  • (Laughter)

  • and that booming a bird colony

  • doesn't do it; it doesn't do it.

  • These birds make a living by diving into the water.

  • In fact,

  • really what I think they should do, if anything --

  • they're trying so hard to protect those nests --

  • actually, if they destroyed every single nest

  • some of the birds would leave,

  • and that would be better for them this year.

  • As far as cleaning them,

  • I don't mean to cast any aspersion

  • on people cleaning birds.

  • It's really, really important

  • that we express our compassion.

  • I think that's the most important thing that people have,

  • is compassion.

  • It's really important to get those images

  • and to show it.

  • But really, where are those birds going to get released to?

  • It's like taking somebody out of a burning building,

  • treating them for smoke inhalation

  • and sending them back into the building, because the oil is still gushing.

  • I refuse to acknowledge this

  • as anything like an accident.

  • I think that this is the result of gross negligence.

  • (Applause)

  • Not just B.P.

  • B.P. operated

  • very sloppily and very recklessly

  • because they could.

  • And they were allowed to do so

  • because of the absolute failure of oversight

  • of the government that's supposed to be

  • our government, protecting us.

  • It turns out that --

  • you see this sign on almost every commercial vessel in the United States --

  • you know, if you spilled a couple of gallons of oil,

  • you would be in big trouble.

  • And you have to really wonder

  • who are the laws made for,

  • and who has gotten above the laws.

  • Now there are things that we can do in the future.

  • We could have the kinds of equipment that we would really need.

  • It would not take an awful lot

  • to anticipate

  • that after making 30,000 holes

  • in the sea floor of the Gulf of Mexico looking for oil,

  • oil might start coming out of one of them.

  • And you'd have some idea of what to do.

  • That's certainly one of the things we need to do.

  • But I think we have to understand where this leak

  • really started from.

  • It really started from the destruction

  • of the idea that the government is there

  • because it's our government, meant to protect

  • the larger public interest.

  • So I think that the oil blowout,

  • the bank bailout,

  • the mortgage crisis and all these things

  • are absolutely symptoms of

  • the same cause.

  • We still seem to understand

  • that at least we need the police to protect us

  • from a few bad people.

  • And even though the police can be a little annoying at times --

  • giving us tickets and stuff like that --

  • nobody says that we should just get rid of them.

  • But in the entire rest of government right now

  • and for the last at least 30 years,

  • there has been a culture of deregulation

  • that is caused directly

  • by the people who

  • we need to be protected from,

  • buying the government out from under us.

  • (Applause)

  • Now this has been a problem for a very, very long time.

  • You can see that

  • corporations were illegal at the founding of America,

  • and even Thomas Jefferson complained

  • that they were already

  • bidding defiance to the laws of our country.

  • Okay, people who say

  • they're conservative,

  • if they really wanted to be

  • really conservative and really patriotic,

  • they would tell these corporations

  • to go to hell.

  • That's what it would really mean to be conservative.

  • So what we really need to do

  • is regain the idea

  • that it's our government

  • safeguarding our interests

  • and regain a sense of unity

  • and common cause in our country

  • that really has been lost.

  • I think there are signs of hope.

  • We seem to be waking up a little bit.

  • The Glass-Steagall Act --

  • which was really to protect us from the kind of thing

  • that caused the recession to happen,

  • and the bank meltdown

  • and all that stuff that required the bailouts --

  • that was put in effect in 1933,

  • was systematically destroyed.

  • Now there's a mood to put some of that stuff

  • back in place,

  • but the lobbyists are already there

  • trying to weaken the regulations

  • after the legislation has just passed.

  • So it's a continued fight.

  • It's a historic moment right now.

  • We're either going to have an absolutely

  • unmitigated catastrophe

  • of this oil leak in the Gulf,

  • or we will make the moment we need out of this,

  • as many people have noted today.

  • There's certainly a common theme

  • about needing to make the moment out of this.

  • We've been through this before

  • with other ways of offshore drilling.

  • The first offshore wells were called whales.

  • The first offshore drills were called harpoons.

  • We emptied the ocean of the whales at that time.

  • Now are we stuck with this?

  • Ever since we lived in caves,

  • every time we wanted any energy,

  • we lit something on fire, and that is still what we're doing.

  • We're still lighting something on fire

  • every time we want energy.

  • And people say

  • we can't have clean energy

  • because it's too expensive.

  • Who says it's too expensive?

  • People who sell us fossil fuels.

  • We've been here before with energy,

  • and people saying the economy

  • cannot withstand a switch,

  • because the cheapest energy was slavery.

  • Energy is always a moral issue.

  • It's an issue that is moral right now.

  • It's a matter of right and wrong.

  • Thank you very much.

This is the ocean as I used to know it.



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