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  • Today, we peer into a world where shadowy government stuges

  • manipulate the levers of fiscal policy from deep in their evil lairs.

  • They pick economic winners, and losers.

  • And control the business cycle, creating recessions and controling inflation

  • to serve ... their nefarious purposes.

  • Nah, Fiscal Policy is a completely legitimate tool used by non-shadowy government officials

  • to correct fluctuations in the economy.

  • [Theme Music]

  • Okay, in previous videos we've discussed the business cycle and how the economy goes up and down and up and down and up and down overtime.

  • This line represents the economy's potential GDP,

  • the maximum sustainable amount that the economy will produce in the long run.

  • But the business cycle shows that the economy isn't always at its potential.

  • When actual output is below potential, economists call it a recessionary gap.

  • Workers are unemployed and factories are sitting unused

  • Sometimes, actual output can briefly rise above potential.

  • Economists call this an inflationary gap.

  • Unemployment is super low and factories are working over time

  • but it's not sustainable.

  • Eventually producers will bite up the price of scarce resources and higher cost will lead to more inflation rather than more output.

  • Obviously real life fluctuations aren't as predictable as the business cycle might suggest,

  • but every modern industrialized economy sees times of boom and bust.

  • You know, you get your empire strikes back and you get you're phantom menace.

  • So look at the real GDP growth rate in the United States since 1920

  • see up and down overtime.

  • In the mid 1980s, things flattened out

  • and we had been called the Great Moderation

  • it seemed like the days of deep recessions and high inflation were over.

  • Then came the great recession, as a result of the 2008 financial crisis.

  • Back to the same old up and down, up and down of the business cycle.

  • Both recessionary and inflationary gaps cause serious problems.

  • High unemployment when the economy is bad?

  • That's bad, like really bad,

  • And not just for the economy -- for people.

  • High employment rate have been linked to higher suicide rates

  • more domestic violence, and social upheaval.

  • High inflation can be just as bad.

  • Rising costs wipe out savings,

  • and have been the root of protests and riots throughout the world.

  • Well, this seems like a fun episode.

  • Stan, what's with all the doom and gloom?

  • Isn't there some way to smooth out these fluctuations?

  • I'm gonna answer my own question: there might be.

  • Many economists argue that policy makers should intervene in the macroeconomy in order to promote full employment or reduce inflation.

  • Today, we are gonna look at one of the ways to do this: fiscal policy.

  • The idea of fiscal policy is really simple,

  • when the economy is going too slow, or too fast,

  • the government can step on the gas or the brake by changing government spending, or taxes.

  • In the United States, that's the job of Congress and the President.

  • When the economy falls into a deep recessionary gap,

  • the government can increase government spending, cut taxes, or do some of both,

  • that's called expansionary fiscal policy.

  • The idea that government spending creates jobs and increases income for construction workers and teachers and other labours.

  • In turn, theses workers spend more of their additional income, increasing consumer spending and boosting the entire economy.

  • Cutting taxes follows a similar logic.

  • A tax cut will increase disposable income for consumers that will increase our

  • consumer spending and boost the entire economy.

  • This is exactly what the U.S. did in 2009 during the depths of the Great Recession.

  • The American recovery and reinvestment act was a stimulus build that added more than 8 hundred billion dollars to the economy.

  • That stimulus was split 60-40 between new government spending and tax cuts

  • and the expansionary fiscal policy funded new roads and bridges and upgrades to the electric grid,

  • and those projects created jobs.

  • But when the economy has an inflationary gap

  • the government can cut spending, or raise taxes or do some combination of the two.

  • That's called contractionary fiscal policy, and that's not half as fun.

  • The idea is that higher taxes will lead consumer with less money to spend,

  • and lower government spending will mean fewer public jobs, all that should reduce consumer spending

  • cooling off the economy and reducing inflation.

  • We don't see contractionary fiscal policy very often in practice

  • because politicians rarely want to hit their voters with a slower economy, it's a hard sell

  • and it could cost policy makers their job.

  • U.S. President George H. W. Bush famously stated "Read my lips, no new taxes." While campaigning in 1988.

  • A few years later, he agreed to raise taxes to reduce the debt and lost the election in 1992.

  • So the big question here is: Does fiscal policy actually work?

  • Does stimulating the economy with spending and tax cuts actually, you know, make the economy grow?

  • That is the most heated debate in modern economic, and it's been raging for decades.

  • It's been known to drive mild-mannered economists to use their loud voices on cable news shows.

  • Let's learn about it in the Thought Bubble.

  • Classical theories assumed that the economy will fix itself in the long run, and that government intervention

  • will, at best, lead to unintended consequences and, at worst, cause massive inflation and debt.

  • These theories dominated policy decisions during the earliers of the

  • Great Depression, which saw little stimulus.

  • Economists argue that unemployed workers would eventually accept lower wages,

  • since some pay is better than no pay,

  • and resource prices would have eventually fall; since fewer people were using resources.

  • Lower cost would lead to more production, more jobs and poof, the economy is back on track.

  • At the time, many policy makers thought about a sick economy,

  • the way doctors a thousand years ago thought about a sick patient.

  • The thinking was that problems resulted from accumulated imbalance,

  • which could be cured by aggressive purging.

  • In the case of doctors, that meant bleeding their patients.

  • In the case of a recession, that meant standing back and letting the economy bleed jobs and output until balance was restored.

  • Then entered British economist John Maynard Keynes

  • One of the most influential and controversial economist of the 20th century.

  • Keynes basically invented modern economics, and developed theories and models about spending in production.

  • He's the one that suggested using expansionary fiscal policy to speed up the economy,

  • Keynes argued that government spending can make-up for a decrease in consumer spending.

  • So even if the economy does self-correct in the long run, there's no reason to wait it out

  • His justification: "In the long run we are all dead."

  • Well, Keynes died in 1946, but his theories live on, and so does the debate. Thanks Thought Bubble.

  • So at first glance, Keynesian policy seem like the perfect solution to fix a sluggish economy.

  • If consumer spending falls, the government can spend instead. What's the harm in that?

  • Well, the government needs to pay for all that spending.

  • They can't just raise tax to cover because that would cause the decrease in consumer spending and defeat the purpose.

  • So to stimulate the economy, the government needs the deficit spend;

  • they need to spend more money than they collect in tax revenue.

  • Now to achieve this, the government needs to borrow money, which will result in debt,

  • and we are going to make a video about the national debt and different schools of economic thought. But for

  • now, it's fair enough to say that the people who don't like Keynesian policy, don't like it because it causes debt.

  • More technical argument against deficit spending is that it leads to something called CROWDING OUT.

  • If the government borrows a lot of money that increases interest rates,

  • making it harder for business to borrow money and buy things like factories and tools.

  • This weakens the economy while increases government debt.

  • But Keynesian economists maintain that crowding out is only a problem if the economy is operating at full

  • capacity, where all workers are employed and we're producing as much as we can. In that case,

  • since total output can't really rise, more government spending will result in less private spending.

  • However, they argue that the situation is different when the economy is below capacity

  • with lots of unemployed workers and vacant factories.

  • Now in that case, more government spending can raise overall output by putting idle resources back to work.

  • In fact, Keynesians will argue that government stimulus when the economy is below capacity

  • can actually raise private spending.

  • All those newly hired workers will start spending more money.

  • So how can we figure out who's right?

  • We can start by comparing the actual performance of economies that receive stimulus to those that didn't.

  • As we mentioned, in 2009, the U.S. government launched a huge stimulus program

  • in response to the financial crisis. Despite that, employment and GDP both fell. That sounds like a

  • failure, but the majority of the economists think that the situation would have been far far worse without

  • that stimulus. And while the U.S. was implementing stimulus, most European countries were doing the

  • oppositethey were pursuing a policy called AUSTERITY,

  • raising taxes and cutting government spending to reduce debt.

  • Since 2011, when the U.S. and European policies really started to diverge,

  • the U.S. economy has grown at an average rate of 2.5 percent,

  • while the Euro-zone GDP actually shrank by one percent.

  • U.S. unemployment fell to 5.5 percent,

  • while Euro-zone unemployment rose to 12 percent.

  • Another thing to keep in mind is that stimulus is complicated and it's hard to do well.

  • One reason is because of this thing called the MULTIPLIER EFFECT.

  • The idea here is that the government spends 100 dollars and the highway construction worker who got the money

  • will save 50 and then spend 50 in a concert or something. And the musician who got that money will

  • save 25 dollars and spend the other 25 and so on.

  • So because of this ripple effect, the initial increase in government spending of $100 might turn out to be $175 worth of actual spending in the economy.

  • Economists would call this a multiplier of 1.75.

  • But the question is, what's the real multiplier of the United States' economy?

  • Economists have come up with a wide range of estimates for that multiplier, and it turns out that it

  • depends on different situations. When the economy's already booming, the multiplier seems to be close to 1.

  • If everyone is already working and the government wants to build a road, then they're gonna have to hire workers away from the private sector.

  • Sure public sector output increases, but private sector output falls and GDP is unchanged, it's a wash.

  • But when the economy's in recession with lots of unemployed workers and lot of unused capital,

  • the multiplier is around 2.

  • Due to that ripple effect, an increase of 100 dollars of government spending,

  • would lead to about 200 dollars of total spending, which put some people back to work.

  • Moreover, different policies have different multipliers.

  • Spending on welfare and unemployment seem to give us the biggest bang for our buck,

  • since people who have low incomes would likely to spend virtually all of their additional income.

  • Spending on infrastructure, and aid to state & local governments, also seems to have a fairly high multiplier,

  • about 1.5. But general cuts to payroll and income taxes seem to have a multipler of about 1: if the government

  • cuts $100 in taxes, the economy's going to grow by about $100.

  • More targeted tax cuts and tax credits have lower multipliers, since they tend to benefit those who have higher incomes

  • who often save rather than spend additional income.

  • But what we want is something that will affect the economy rapidly, but also have a high multiplier.

  • So tax cuts put money in people's hands quickly,

  • but that money might get saved rather than spent.

  • On the other hand, infrastructure projects like making roads and bridges have strong multipliers,

  • but it may take months or even years to complete.

  • So fiscal stimulus maybe an important tool, at least when it comes to a recession,

  • but it doesn't mean that it's easy to do or that all stimulus is created equal.

  • So fiscal policy has its advantages and drawbacks

  • but in the end, maybe it's all about that thing you didn't have when you were in 6th grade -- Confidence.

  • When people are miserable and unemployed, they want to feel like help is on the way.

  • Doing nothing doesn't create the kind of confidence that will get consumers and businesses spending again,

  • and it doesn't get politicians reelected.

  • So it looks like Keynes's policies are here to stay

  • unless...

  • Crash Course Economics is made with the help of all of these nice people.

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  • Thanks for Watching! And DFTBA.

Today, we peer into a world where shadowy government stuges


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財政政策と景気刺激策。クラッシュコース経済学 #8 (Fiscal Policy and Stimulus: Crash Course Economics #8)

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    yu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日