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  • Good evening!

  • I have been a police officer for a very, very long time.

  • And you see these notes in my hand because I'm also a black preacher.

  • (Laughter)

  • And if you know anything about black preachers,

  • we'll close, and then we'll keep going for another 20 minutes.

  • (Laughter)

  • So I need this to keep pushing this thing forward.

  • I've been a police officer for a very long time,

  • and I mean I predated technology.

  • I'm talking about before pagers.

  • (Laughter)

  • Laugh if you want to, but I'm telling the truth.

  • I predate War on Our Fellow Man - I mean, War on Drugs.

  • I predate all of that.

  • I predate so much

  • and I've been through ebbs and flows

  • and I've been through good and bad times,

  • and still I absolutely love being a police officer.

  • I love being a police officer because it's always been a calling for me

  • and never a job.

  • And even with that,

  • my personal truth is that law enforcement is in a crisis.

  • It's an invisible crisis,

  • and it has been for many, many years.

  • Even though we in law enforcement say,

  • "You know what? We can't arrest our way out of this."

  • We say in law enforcement things like,

  • "Yeah, it's illegal to profile."

  • You know what?

  • In law enforcement, we even agree that we have to adopt this thinking

  • and become more oriented to community policing.

  • And yet all the while, still,

  • we continue in the same vein,

  • the same vein that contradicts everything that we just admitted.

  • And so that's the reason for me, several years ago.

  • Because I was tired of the racism, I was tired of discrimination,

  • I was tired of the "-isms" and the schisms.

  • I was just so tired.

  • I was tired of the vicious cycle,

  • and I was tired of it even in the beloved agency

  • in the department that I still love today.

  • And so my wife and I, we sat down

  • and we decided and we targeted a date that we would retire.

  • We would retire and I would go off into the sunset,

  • maybe do ministry full time, love my wife a long time.

  • Y'all know what I'm talking about.

  • (Laughter)

  • But we decided that I would retire.

  • But then there was a higher power than I.

  • There was a love for the city

  • that I loved, that I grew up in, that I was educated in -

  • a city that pulled my heart back into the system.

  • So we didn't retire.

  • We didn't retire

  • and so what happened was,

  • over the next - I would say, 18 months, 19 months,

  • I had this passion to implement some radical policing.

  • And so now, over the next 19 months,

  • I shifted, and I transcended from being a drug sergeant -

  • ready to retire as a drug sergeant -

  • and went from level to level to level,

  • until I find myself as a district commander,

  • commander of the worst district in Baltimore city.

  • We call it the Eastern District,

  • the most violent district,

  • the most impoverished district -

  • 46 percent unemployment in that district.

  • National rating at that time,

  • national rating, the AIDS and the tuberculosis [rating],

  • was always on the top 10 list

  • for zip codes for cities across the nation,

  • or just zip codes across the nation.

  • The top 10 - I didn't say state, I didn't say city -

  • that little neighborhood.

  • And I said, you know what? We gotta do something different.

  • We gotta do something different. We gotta think radical.

  • We gotta think outside the box.

  • And so in order to bring change that I desperately wanted

  • and I desperately felt in my heart,

  • I had to start listening to that inner spirit.

  • I had to start listening to that man on the inside

  • that was telling me to do everything -

  • that went against everything that I had been trained to do.

  • But we still did it.

  • We still did it because we listened to that inner spirit,

  • because I realized this:

  • if I was to see real police reform

  • in the communities that I had authority over for public safety,

  • that listen,

  • someone once told me, and we all have heard this -

  • to continue to do the same thing expecting a change is just insanity.

  • We had to change our stinkin' thinkin'.

  • We had to change it.

  • And so what we did is we started to think holistically

  • and not paramilitarily.

  • So we thought differently.

  • And we started to realize

  • that it could never be and never should have been

  • us versus them.

  • And so I decided to come to that intersection

  • where I could meet all classes, all races, all creeds, all colors;

  • where I would meet the businesses and the faith-based,

  • and the eds, the meds,

  • and I would meet all the people

  • that made up the communities that I had authority over.

  • So I met them and I began to listen.

  • See, police have a problem.

  • Off the top, we want to bring things into the community

  • and come up with these extravagant strategies and deployments,

  • but we never talk to the community about them.

  • And we shove them into the community and say, "Take that."

  • But we said we'd get rid of that stinkin' thinkin',

  • so we talked to our communities.

  • We said, "This is your community table.

  • We'll pull up a chair. We want to hear from you.

  • What's going to work in your community?"

  • And then some great things started to happen.

  • Some great things started to happen.

  • See, here's the thing:

  • I had to figure out a way to shift 130 cops that were under my tutelage

  • from being occupiers of communities

  • to being partners.

  • I had to figure out how to do that.

  • Because here's the crazy thing:

  • in law enforcement, we have evolved into something incredible.

  • Listen, we have become great protectors.

  • We know how to protect you.

  • We are great protectors.

  • But we have exercised that arm so much, so very much.

  • If I was a natural police department

  • and I represented a police department,

  • you would see this incredible, beautiful, 23-inch arm.

  • (Laughter)

  • It's pretty, ain't it? It's cut up.

  • No fat on it. Mmm it look good. It just look good!

  • (Laughter)

  • That's a great arm - protection!

  • That's who we are, but we've exercised it so much sometimes

  • that it has led to abuse.

  • It's led to coldness and callousness and dehumanized us.

  • And we've forgotten

  • the mantra across this nation

  • is to protect and serve.

  • Y'all don't know that? Protect and serve.

  • (Laughter)

  • So you look at the other arm,

  • and then you look at it and ... there it is.

  • (Laughter)

  • You know, it's kinda weak.

  • It looks sickly.

  • It's withering and it's dying

  • because we've invested so much in our protective arm.

  • But we forgot to treat our communities

  • like they're our customers;

  • like they're our sons and daughters, our brothers and sisters,

  • our mothers and fathers.

  • And so somehow, along the way,

  • we've gotten out of balance.

  • And because we are a proud profession,

  • it is very hard for us to look in the mirror and see our mistakes.

  • It's even harder to make a change.

  • I need to say this:

  • it's not just in law enforcement, though.

  • Because every one of us makes up a community.

  • Everybody makes up a community.

  • And as communities - can I say this? -

  • we have put too much responsibility on law enforcement.

  • Too much.

  • (Applause)

  • And then we have the audacity and the nerve to get upset

  • with law enforcement when we take action.

  • There is no way in the world

  • that we, as a community, should be calling the police

  • for kids playing ball in the street.

  • No way in the world that we should be calling the police

  • because my neighbor's music is up too loud,

  • because his dog came over to my yard and did a number two and one;

  • there's no way we should be calling the police.

  • But we have surrendered so much of our responsibility.

  • Listen, when I was a little boy coming up in Baltimore -

  • and listen, we played rough in the street -

  • I ain't never see the police come and break us up.

  • You know who came? It was the elders.

  • It was the parental figures in the community.

  • It was those guardians, it was that village mentality.

  • They came and said, "Stop that!" and "Do this." and "Stop that."

  • We had mentors throughout all of the community.

  • So it takes all of us, all of us.

  • And when I say community,

  • I'm talking about everything that makes up a community, even -

  • listen, because I'm a preacher, I'm very hard on the churches,

  • because I believe the churches too often have become MIA,

  • missing in action.

  • I believe they have shifted over the last 10, 20 years

  • from being community churches,

  • where you walk outside your door, round the corner and you're in church.

  • They shifted from that and became commuter churches.

  • So you now have churches who have become disconnected by default

  • from the very community where they're planted.

  • And they don't take care of that community.

  • Community and policing:

  • we've all lost that precious gift, and I call it relational equity.

  • We've lost it with one another.

  • It's not somebody else's fault -

  • it's all of our fault.

  • We all take responsibility in this.

  • But I say this: it's not too late for all of us

  • to build the back of our cities, and build this city

  • and nation to make it great again.

  • It is never too late.

  • It is never too late.

  • You see, after three years

  • of my four-and-a-half-year commandship in that district,

  • three years in,

  • after putting pastors in the car with my police

  • because I knew this - it's a little secret -

  • I knew this:

  • it was hard to stay a nasty police officer

  • while you're riding around with a clergy.

  • (Laughter)

  • (Applause)

  • You'd be getting in and out of the car, looking to your right, talking about:

  • "Father, forgive me, for I have sinned," all day long - you can't do it!

  • So we came up with some incredible initiatives,

  • engagements for our community and police to build that trust back.

  • We began to deal with our youth

  • and with those who we consider are on the wrong side of the fence.

  • We knew we had an economic problem,

  • so we began to create jobs.

  • We knew there was sickness in our community

  • and they didn't have access to proper medical care,

  • so we'd partner up.

  • We got to that intersection and partnered up

  • with anybody that wanted to partner with us

  • and talked about what we needed holistically,

  • never thinking about the crime.

  • Because at the end of the day,

  • if we took care of the needs of the people,

  • if we got to the root cause,

  • the crime would take care of itself.

  • It would take care of itself.

  • (Applause)

  • And so, after three years of a four-and-a-half-year stint,

  • we looked back and we looked over

  • and found out that we were at a 40-year historical low:

  • our crime numbers, our homicides -

  • everything had dropped down, back to the 1970s.

  • And it might go back further,

  • but the problem is, we only started keeping data since 1970.

  • Forty-year crime low, so much so, I had other commanders call me,

  • "Hey Mel, whatcha doin', man?

  • Whatcha doin'? We gotta get some of that!"

  • (Laughter)

  • And so we gave them some of that.

  • And in a short period of time,

  • the city went to a 30-year crime low.

  • For the first time in 30 years, we fell, Baltimore city,

  • to under 200 homicides - 197 to be exact.

  • And we celebrated,

  • because we had learned to become great servers,

  • become great servers first.

  • Become great servers, first.

  • But I gotta tell you this: these last few years,

  • as much as we had learned

  • to become great proactive police officers

  • and great relational police officers rather than reactive,

  • these last years have disappointed me.

  • They have broken my heart.

  • The uprising still hurts.

  • It still hurts my heart,

  • because truly I believe that it should've never happened.

  • I believe it should've never happened

  • if we were allowed to continue along the vein that we were in,

  • servicing our community,

  • treating them like human beings, treating them with respect,

  • loving on them first.

  • If we continued in that vein,

  • it would've never happened.

  • But somehow, we went back to business as usual.

  • But I'm excited again!

  • I'm excited again, because now we have a police commissioner

  • who not only talks about community policing,

  • but he absolutely understands it,

  • and more importantly, he embraces it.

  • So I'm very excited now.

  • Listen, I'm excited about Baltimore today,

  • because we, as many cities, I believe shall rise from the ashes.

  • I believe - I truly believe -

  • (Applause)

  • that we will be great again.

  • This nation will become great again.

  • Because we have the same goal: we all want peace.

  • We all want respect for one another.

  • We all want love.

  • And I believe we are back on that road,

  • and I'm so excited about it.

  • God bless you all.

  • (Applause)

  • God bless you.

  • (Applause)

Good evening!


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TEDx】私たち警察は偉大な保護者になったが、奉仕の仕方を忘れていた|メルビン・ラッセル|TEDxMidAtlantic (【TEDx】We police have become great protectors, but forgot how to serve | Melvin Russell | TEDxMidAtlantic)

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    Max Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日