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♪ (dramatic chord) ♪
♪ (dramatic chord) ♪
♪ (dramatic chord) ♪
- Lance. - Lance, how are you doing?
- Good. - Question for you:
for two, count it, $200,
I'm gonna ask you to drink this Ipecac,
throw up right here on the sidewalk.
- Don't do it, Lance.
- Dude, this is old-school.
- This is straight-up 2004!
- (Lance) What's Ipecac? - (host) Ipecac, it's just a drink.
- Liar!
- You're about to find out, buster.
- (host) $200. I'll make it four. I'll make it $400.
$400-- no, don't go anywhere.
- Never ever trust any one on the street with a microphone.
- (host) It's that simple. Come on.
- Heck no! - (host) Here we go.
- (Lance) Well, let me smell it first.
- Is this real?
- I don't like watching people throw up.
- (host) What does it taste like?
- (Lance) Like... tree sap.
- Oh my god. He's drinking the whole thing.
- (host) There you go. - Oh man! Chug, chug!
- Get it, get it. Yeah.
- Can that kill you?
- That's pretty fascinating.
- There's so many better ways to make $200.
- (host) Anything yet? - (Lance) No.
- Oh, I know you're not gonna feel good.
You just drank a whole bottle.
- (Lance) I don't... I don't feel... (moans)
Holy! Oh!
(vomits) (squeals)
- (host) Oh my god. (laughter)
- (host) Oh, this is disgusting.
- Oh! - (host) That is the most disgust--
- That was like projectile.
- That was like Exorcist. Rarr!
- (host) You all right? - (Lance) Forget it!
- (host) You all right? - (Lance) Yeah.
- Oh Lord.
- I do not like it.
- (host) What the...? - (gags)
- No, no.
- (host) Are you all right?
- (retches) Oh my god, no!
- (gagging) Ugh!
- (host) I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what.
- He's like, "Get off me! Get off me."
- Dude, I'm so glad I didn't eat before I came in here.
I would've been mad at you guys.
- (host) You all right? - Lance, you idiot.
- (Lance) I'm-I'm all right.
- (laughs) It keeps going.
- (gagging) Jeez.
- I feel like I can smell it.
- (host) No, no, I got-- now, hold up.
I got another five-- $1,000.
- For what?
- (host) All you need to do is lick it up.
- (groans) I forgot this part.
- Would you? - No.
- What have we become as humans?
- (host) Just lick it up. (vomiting)
- (host) Okay, we're not ready to lick it up yet.
- (Lance) $1,000? - He's considering it!
- Don't do it.
- (Lance) All right. - (host) It's a [bleep] show.
- (laughs) He's like, "[Bleep] it."
- Oh no! - Oh, he did it?
- (whimpering) No!
- (disgusted moan) Why?!
- Ohhhhh-ho-ho-ho!
- Lance, get your [bleep] together.
(host groans in disgust)
- I don't remember this part.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Are you--?
- (host) Everybody's got their price!
- Wow. - I'm mildly disturbed.
- That's just disgusting!
- That's why you don't drink stuff
that random strangers on the street give you.
♪ (dramatic chord) ♪
- (Finebros) Are you happy that we showed you that?
- No.
- I could have dealt with life without that video.
- I might pass it on to a few friends.
- I thought it was entertaining.
- I'm happy. - That was hilarious!
I've never seen-- I've thought I'd seen everything on the internet!
- I didn't think I'd seen it at first,
but I realized that I had erased it from my memory,
so thanks for refreshing that.
- Listen, when I agreed to come on the show,
I didn't expect to be shown a guy on the street
being paid to vomit.
Do you have a trash can? I need a trash can.
- (Finebros) Did you expect him to throw up in the way he threw up?
- No.
- I was surprised he didn't really throw up any food.
Was he not eating?
- It was like a hose coming out. - (laughing)
- I thought he was going to be like, "(retching)
All right, that was funny."
No, it was projectile.
- I don't think there's any other way to throw up
when you ingest some Ipecac.
- I've only been introduced to a first-person view of throwing up
up until YouTube existed.
I was really surprised of what it actually looks like from afar.
- (Finebros) What goes on in your head as you watch him
vomit over and over again? - To be honest, I was like,
"This can't be real."
- I immediately think back to all the times I've thrown up
and how much I hated it.
- When I see somebody throwing up,
I feel like I have to bite my teeth together
so, like, I don't throw up.
- When will it stop?
It just kept going and going.
It's like the Energizer Bunny of projectile vomit.
- I'm sure we've all had that night at least once.
- Not like that.
- (Finebros) And what did you think about the fact he licked it up?
- Why? (laughs) Just why?
- That was the worst thing ever.
- I feel like I'm gonna sound really gross when I say this,
but it was already in his mouth.
- At that point, I think I would've done it as well.
- So your own puke?
If it was someone's else's puke, I might not do it.
- If you did it, I'd do it.
- I believed it right until the guy licked it up,
and now I'm thinking maybe it was a guy who was in on it.
- Would I do that? That's $1,000!
- You always play that game with your friends,
where they're like, "How much money would it take for you to do this?"
But then when someone actually has the money there--
- Yeah, it changes the game!
- (Finebros) How much money would it take for you to drink Ipecac?
- I don't know. I wouldn't!
- I wouldn't do it. I would get money some other way.
The right way, with a job.
- $20,000.
- $250,000.
- I'm about to come up with a price, see?
That's a bad thing, whether it's $1,000
or a trillion dollars, it's the same principle.
- I'm pretty proud of my non-throw up streak.
It's been, like, nine years for me.
So I don't know that I would do it even.
- But it's $1,000!
- Put $10,000 on the table and I'd be like,
"All right, I'll ruin my streak." - Really?!
Man, I am a cheap date.
- (Finebros) Why are some people that motivated by money,
to do this type of stuff to themselves?
- Greed.
- 'Cause for $1,000-- - You could go to In-N-Out for a week.
- Money's the root of all evil.
- That's a lot of hours at a regular job.
- It all depends on a lot of people's circumstances.
Maybe the $500 will mean a couple extra meals for the week.
- Ask any girl or anybody for that matter,
not even girls.
It was like, "Oh, no, I would never strip. I would never do porn."
If you present them with a number, they'll be like, "Eh... all right...
how many guys will I have to [bleep]?"
- (Finebros) So this video is an early, early, early web viral video.
Why would this video be something that would go so viral?
- There must've been nothing else good on the internet at that time.
- You don't see a dude licking up his own vomit everyday.
Not in my neighborhood at least.
- I'm not being funny.
Even at parties, if someone's vomiting, you look.
- Back then, all the things were like Jack Ass pranks.
I think it's coming full-circle.
Pranks are huge now!
- I think it's one of those that teenage boys in high school
show their friends in the locker room.
They're like, "Oh, yo, bro! Come watch this.
Like, we should do it this weekend."
I feel like that's what they talk like in the locker room
and I think they hit each other's butts a lot.
- (Finebros) Do you think this video was real or fake?
- This is definitely real.
At the very end, when he's like, "Everyone's got a price,"
sounds like the name of a TV show.
- I thought it was real until you asked me this question.
- I think it was real because that puke was crazy.
- I feel like it's fake, but that's just because
I'm a little internet jaded.
- After he licked it up, I think it was fake.
- I feel like the vomiting is real-- - Yeah, definitely.
- But who knows if the guy was paid secretly, like,
$10,000 to actually do it.
- The only thing that made me think it was set up at all,
him saying, "Holy [bleep]!" right before he's about to throw up.
Whenever people have a comedic tagline,
before something goes on, it makes me question it a little bit.
- (Finebros) Many people think it was staged,
that he really did drink it, and he really did throw up,
but that the guy wasn't like a guy on the street.
He knew. He had been paid to drink it and throw up.
- I could see that.
- What's the point of it being real?
Why would someone want to make that video in the first place
and have it all staged out?
- (Finebros) If it is fake, why would they possibly do this?
- Entertainment.
- I laughed my ass off. - Yeah.
- Don't ruin this magic for me.
- To have a gross video, you know people like to watch gross stuff.
Have you seen Two Girls, One Cup?
- (Finebros) Finally, will you... - No.
- (Finebros) ..drink... - No.
- (Finebros) ..some... - What?
- (Finebros) ..Ipecac? - No! Is this really it?
- Is this the real thing?
- It's not Ipecac. - It's not.
- Can I smell it? What is that?
What is that?
- Hell yeah. I ain't no bitch.
- Do I get $1,000?
- Show me the money!
- If I do it, you have to do it.
Be my best friend that you're supposed to be.
- Oh my god, I'm getting peer pressured!
- I know you guys too well.
You would not have Ipecac in this.
- Is...? (laughs)
- I'm not gonna do it. I don't wanna throw up.
- You know what? No.
- I was totally gonna take a sip until Benny made this face
when I did this.
Benny's face went like this. - (Finebros laughs)
- The things I will do for the Fine Brothers.
- There's not really Ipecac in there, is it?
- I'll do it. I trust you guys.
- Oh my god, we should puke in each other's mouth.
What is that? - (disgusted moan)
Come on, have another gulp. Have one more.
- (squeaky voice) This is a bad idea!
- (laughing) If I have medical bills because of this
I can talk to you guys, right?
- (Finebros) It was iced tea.
- (relieved) Oh, thank goodness.
- I knew there was no way you'd let me drink it.
- I knew it. I'm a little bit thirsty anyway.
- Oh! (both laugh)
- But I'm waiting for the moment though when he's like,
"No, but really it's Ipecac."
(everyone laughs)
(smacking lips)
- Yeah, it's just tea, guys.
It's just tea.
(pretends to vomit)
- Thanks for watching this episode of YouTubers React.
- Help support the show by subscribing to all the channels
you see below.
- Do you guys know any old-school viral videos we should react to?
Let us know in the comments.
(both) Bye!
- I'm gonna throw up now.
♪ (end music) ♪