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  • Hey fans! This is a special Rachel’s English video, um, where I’m going to tell you something

  • really exciting!

  • This is my boyfriend David. You guys might recognize him because we did go on a big road

  • trip this summer, and I did talk about it a lot on Rachel’s English. But the thing

  • that’s exciting, that I wanted to tell you, is that he’s not my boyfriend anymore. He’s

  • my fiancé. We decided to get married.

  • So, were going to get married this January. And, one of the things that, um, culture,

  • I think, is focused around, is big events like weddings. And so, I’m going to talk

  • a little bit about my wedding, and about how I’m preparing for it, were preparing

  • for it, um, as a way to, sort of, talk about American culture. So I’m going to make a

  • couple YouTube videos over the next couple months, maybe two or three. And, I’m hoping

  • that you guys will also share stories about your cultures, and what weddings are like

  • there.

  • Um, so to begin, were just going to talk for a little bit about how we got engaged,

  • and, what is, sort of, tradition, as far as that’s concerned, in America. So, David

  • did one thing that’s pretty traditional, that I was a little surprised about, which

  • isdo you know what it is?

  • >> I bought you a ring. >> Yes, two things, actually. The buying of

  • a ring is pretty standard. >> ‘kay.

  • >> I, I didn’t necessarily think I needed one. I didn’t need one, but it was really

  • awesome when he gave me one. Very pretty. The diamond ring is typical in America, and

  • you wear it on this finger of your left hand. But the thing I was thinking of, actually,

  • is that you got down on one knee. >> Oh, um-hmm.

  • >> Which is pretty traditional, and, I think it’s less frequent for that to happen than

  • for a ring to be presented. >> Youre probably right. [4x]

  • >> But the thing I was thinking of, actually, is that you got down on one knee.

  • >> Oh, um-hmm. >> Which is pretty traditional, and, I think

  • it’s less frequent for that to happen than for a ring to be presented.

  • >> Youre probably right. >> Yeah. But he did it. He’s just such a

  • traditional guy. Not really. >> Not really.

  • Not really. Did you notice how we both dropped the T innotin the phrasenot really’?

  • Not really, not really. This doesn’t follow any of the rules for pronouncing T. According

  • to the rules, this should be a stop T because the next sounds is a consonant, not really,

  • not really. But, because it’s such a common phrase, you will hear Americans simplify it

  • even further, like we just did, dropping the T altogether. Not really, not really. Listen

  • again.

  • >> Not really. [6x]

  • >> Um, but one tradition that David didn’t do, is he didn’t ask my parents for permission,

  • which I think is a much less strong tradition now than it probably was 50 years ago. Although,

  • I asked my Dad, and he said he did not ask my mom’s parents for permission, either.

  • So. And that was almost 50 years ago. Um, but also, part of it is just where we are

  • in life. Wereolder. And so, it, I’m not, like, I don’t know. I’m not so closely

  • tied to my parents in that familial kind of way. You know, I mean, I’m not as young,

  • I’m more independent now. So, asking them for permission also might have been a little

  • bit weird because of that. >> Mm-hmm.

  • >> Um, why don’t you just say

  • Did you notice howyousounded likechew’? Americans will do this sometimes

  • when there’s an ending T followed by the wordyou’. Instead of a T sound, it’s

  • more of a CH sound. Don’t you, don’t you, why don’t you. Listen again.

  • >> Um, why don’t you just [3x] say, for a minute or two, about where and how we got

  • engaged. >> Sure. So, we got engaged on a—Wednesday

  • evening? >> Mm-hmm.

  • >> And, basically, I had gotten the ring, I was feeling pretty good about the ring.

  • And decided that I would ask you in the park. So, I made some dinner reservations and tried

  • to be casual about it. I was trying to surprise her a little bit. And so, we rode our bikes

  • to dinner, but I had told her that I wanted to stop in the park for a little bit, and

  • just hang out. >> When he told me that, I thought, maybe

  • he’s got something up his sleeve. >> So I sort of, I, I tipped my hand a little

  • bit there. But, um, yeah, we sat down in the park, on a park bench. And, I didn’t know

  • how to start. So, I just at some point, just kind of got to the point. And, yeah. Then

  • I sort of slid off the bench and I got onto one knee, and I asked you if you would marry

  • me. >> And I said, “Mm-hmm.” Just kidding.

  • I saidYes!” And probably there were people in the park that were noticing this

  • was happening, but we didn’t notice them. And then we rode our bikes to dinner, and

  • had a great, a great dinner. >> We did.

  • >> So, it was also, it was in Rittenhouse Square, which is a very cute little park in,

  • um, in Philadelphia. And it was just, it was a special place for that to happen, because

  • it’s just, I don’t know. It’s beautiful, outdoors, very cute. And somehow it was very

  • personal even though it was in a public space. So I thought that was really sweet.

  • >> So, were going to get married in January, and that’s a pretty short engagement period

  • in America. In America, I think a year is a little bit more standard. But, were just

  • not standard people. So were getting married in January instead, which means, um, first

  • of all, it’s probably going to be a less formal event because of the timing of it.

  • And also, um, yeah. Just means less time to stress, which is always good.

  • >> Um, so. So in order to help this still be an English exercise, a pronunciation exercise,

  • I noticed as we were talking that we did some sort of fun idioms, so stay tuned and I’m

  • going to go over those. And, that’s it guys. I do want to add, if youre interested in

  • joining the conversation and learning about American culture through the process of getting

  • married and of weddings, then I invite you to sign up for my mailing list if you haven’t

  • already. I’m probably going to post

  • >> I’m probably going to post [3x]

  • As I said, some people will reduce this to two syllables. So, you might hearpro-bly’.”

  • >> I’m probably going to post a few extra pictures and write a little bit more about

  • my experience there than I will, um, on my Facebook page, for example. So, click on this

  • link or in the description to go sign up for my mailing list. It’s free. And, yeah. I

  • guess, until the next video. That’s it guys, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.

  • Let’s learn the idiom to have something up your sleeve. I said, “Maybe he’s got

  • something up his sleeve”.

  • >> Maybe he’s got something up his sleeve.

  • This is a hidden or a secret plan or idea. In this case, I was pretty sure he didn’t

  • want to stop by the park just to enjoy the park, I thought he might have a plan in mind,

  • proposing.

  • >> Maybe he’s got something up his sleeve.

  • This idiom comes from card playing, when one might cheat by hiding a card up their sleeve

  • to his or her advantage.

  • A variation to this idiom, to having something up your sleeve, is to have a trick up your

  • sleeve.

  • In response to my idiom, David also used a card playing idiom: I tipped my hand a little

  • bit there.

  • >> So I sort of, I, I tipped my hand a little bit there.

  • If youre playing cards, you want to keep your hand of cards hidden, of course. If you

  • tip your hand, you intentionally or not let people see what cards you have. The idiom

  • to tip your hand means revealing your plans.

  • Let’s listen to this exchange of idioms again.

  • >> Maybe he’s got something up his sleeve. >> So I sort of, I, I tipped my hand a little

  • bit there.

  • I’d love to hear about the ritual of engagements in your culture. Tell me about it in the comments

  • below, or share your personal engagement story.

Hey fans! This is a special Rachel’s English video, um, where I’m going to tell you something


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A2 初級

レイチェルの英語からの楽しいお知らせ (Fun Announcement from Rachel's English)

  • 175 57
    浦瞿津 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日