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Weightlifting is my life.
When you, you know, put your heart and
soul into something, like it, becomes your life.
And so I wanna be the best I can possibly be,
and, nothings gonna stop me doing that.
My name is Morghan King.
I am an international competitive weightlifter.
I actually started weightlifting, well,
it's probably getting closer to three years
now, but I became competitive about a year,
year and a half into it.
I came up really, really fast.
Like, when I went to nationals in 2013,
no one knew, really, who I was.
And I ended up winning.
And I made the world team for my first competition,
which is kind of unheard of,
that's not very normal.
In women's weightlifting,
there's seven different weight classes.
I am in the lightest weight class,
which is 48 kilos, and that's 105.6 pounds.
So the snatch is one fluid movement
from ground to overhead, and
you catch it in the bottom of your squat.
My best lift is 83 kilos.
So about one and a half times my bodyweight.
I've done that in training, and
I've done 76 on the international stage.
And so then our second movement
is the clean-and-jerk,
and that is technically two movements.
So a clean, you pick it from the ground up, you
get it to your shoulders, and then you squat it up.
And then the jerk is, from your shoulders,
you drive it off your shoulders, and
you're in a split jerk.
So, my feet actually split out away
from my body.
My best lift ever is 100 kilos, and
in competition, my best is 96 internationally.
That's officially double body weight.
Which is actually a really big deal cuz a lot
of women don't necessarily get
to a double body weight clean and jerk.
In weightlifting you have to know why you're doing
these movements.
And you have to be able to manipulate
your body to get the results that you want.
I mean, it comes down to, like, inches.
If I'm finishing in the middle of my thigh,
as opposed to into my hip,
there's gonna be significant different
results in how I'm competing.
I wanna say probably like Oh wow!
Probably, yeah.
No. Eight plus seven means
dinner was good.
Yeah okay.
Yeah, 58.7.
That's not bad..
Because you'll have an extra study session
You have
two session today?
Study Session 97.
97 even.
About 0.4 kilos lighter.
Don't make any funny jokes that I'm fat
After only one meal?
Impossible Yeah
In weightlifting cutting
is dropping weight.
And cutting is a pretty big deal.
It can get really
stressful I remember my first cut.
I actually almost blacked out, which is horrible.
I mean, the crazy thing is you literally have to
be 48 kilos for about four seconds.
You know, the second you step off the scale,
you can chug and eat and all of that.
But is funny when I am cutting,
like the month out, I start to make a list
of like, everything that I want to eat.
And it's usually like Sweet potato fries,
Slurpies, burgers.
At one point, I had, like,
Dairy Queen on there.
And so you start to crave all these things that you
just can't have.
People are starting to realize that diet really
does impact your training.
Our lifting sessions are two and a half hours.
And so, I mean, nine sessions a week.
And if you don't eat relatively smart,
you just feel so crappy.
It just really catches up to you.
And now I am going to go home and cook breakfast.
I think it's really,
really important when you know what's in your food.
And breakfast is really big deal for me.
I love breakfast.
I love cooking it.
I would probably eat it every meal if I could.
I'm gonna just heat these up cuz I'm weird and
I don't like cold,
I don't like it getting cold really fast.
My boyfriend's a weightlifter.
For him, I'll kind of try and
do like double just to make myself feel better.
I don't know if it's actually double.
That's how I do my portions.
Is I'm like well, I'm like half his size,
so, you should be eating twice as much as me.
So inside of this, I put a chicken, I put a,
a chicken sausage,
which has a little bit of jalapeno in it.
Sweet potatoes, peppers, baby kale.
We put it on a bed of spinach,
just to kind of get a little more greens in.
Eggs and then a tomatillo salsa, on top.
During training I have a shake during practice and
I have some sort of like protein bar kinda just
something to like keep you like fat and
protein to kinda keep you full for a while.
So this is my protein shake.
It's just some more muscle, so
it has BCAs in it as well,
just a little bit extra to help you recover.
I always take Progenex which is a pre-workout.
It also has a creatine, and
a little bit of whey protein in it.
Not, not to bad, but
it's just to help you kind of sustain so
your muscles don't get as fatigued during training
Our training sessions are two and
a half hours long.
So you kinda need something
in between cuz that kinda cuts into my you know,
two to three hour window.
I mean, we eat right after practice so
this is just kinda something, in the middle,
to keep you kind of full.
Come on.
Come on, straight up.
There you go.
You did it.
Today, I'm doing all clean work.
Yesterday I did snatch work, so,
each lift is one practice.
I've had other backgrounds that have
kinda helped me in weightlifting.
I didn't just come in and I was already really
good, like I put in a lot of work to get good.
The strength was there.
The first day I got into CrossFit,
they had us a max back squat, and I was doing
triathlons at that point and my max back squat was
like 90 kilos, which is a pretty good weight for
somebody that hasn't been training.
My coach is Zygmunt Smalcerz, he's also
the international team USA coach.
It's been really, really awesome having him,
because he is a very technical coach, and
he expects a lot out of you.
He's very in tune with all his lifters and
I think that's very important.
He works with each individual athlete in
their programming.
You need to forward.
I met Morghan and immediately I notice,
she looks like very promising.
She got something what athlete needs.
Especially in weightlifting,
a good mind.
She forms something what is really good for her.
Weightlifting is very beautiful.
Good, good beautiful.
Weightlifting is my life.
When you, you know, put your heart and
soul into something all of your circles
revolve around it.
You know, my room-mate's a weightlifter,
my good friends here are weightlifters and I think
when you have similar interests you start to
develop friendships and relationships with people
that are going through the same thing.
Like, it becomes your life.
There's Pan American Games this year and
then World.
And so, I wanna be the best I can possibly be to
be successful in my industry,
in weightlifting.
Like, I have this goal of what I wanna do,
and nothing's gonna stop me doing that.
Like I'm gonna put aside everything that I like to
do just for fun, because of this one goal.
Keeping it simple is kind of my fuel.
Eating really clean, eating vegetables,
eating meat and
some sort of complex carbohydrate is easy.
It takes the stress of eating out.
I think that's the easiest way for
somebody to be successful in weightlifting.
Nutrition is a huge deal and it
hinders performance when you don't eat properly.
Kinda just like in training,
what you put in you're gonna get out.
And if you don't take care of your body,
it's gonna eventually break down.
I'm supposed to get 75 grams of carbs with both
So, I mean, for, I mean,
that's a lot of carbohydrates.
In order to drop down to 48 I did, like, a 1200
calorie diet for, like, two and a half weeks.
And supposedly, like, my resting metabolic rate.
Metabolic rate.
Was, like, 1600s.
So I was at a, you know,
400 calorie deficit in a hard training cycle.
I had a terrible
diet before I started doing this.
Hot dogs, sweet tea, this is like a confessional.
Pizza. Pizza, cookies.
I ate like a three year old.
Pretty much.
Like we all were there at like 24 I think.
But I think just experimenting like you
start to realize what, what food works for
you and what doesn't.
So if you can really tune into what you're eating,
I think that helps a lot.
What's the one thing you miss the most,
being on the diet?
I do miss beer.
I mean you could have beer during training,
That'd be terrible.
That'd be the best, what are you talking about?
I'd never miss a drink.