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Thresh Guide Season 4
Pre-Intro - Hey everyone and welcome to yet another
season 4 guide. In this guide I will teach you how to play Thresh
as a support. Enjoy the video.
- - intro - -
- Thresh is my favourite support because he has everything a good support needs. He is
a top priority pick and there is no real counter to him either.
I played numerous amounts of Thresh games and with that experience,
I will teach you everything I can to give you that shortcut to becoming pro with Thresh.
- For masteries, runes and item builds, please check the description. There is a detailed
description about what to take and why there. For the video,
I'll cover the mechanics, laning phase and teamfighting phase.
- So without further a do, let's get started with his mechanics.
- His passive, Damnation, makes enemies drop souls. This is a random event for normal minions,
but for big monsters and champions it's a 100% drop. The souls
give you additional armor and ability power and stack onto eachother.
Souls cannot be lost. However, because of this passive, Thresh does not gain armor on
leveling up. It is truly essential to pick up all souls you possibly
- His Q, Death Sentence, Throws a chain into a direction. On hit, it will be stuck on an
enemy, stunning the target for a small amount of time. The chain sticks
for a couple of seconds and allows you to press your Q again. The second
Q will pull Thresh towards his hooked enemy. This skill is great for catching people from
long ranges, or for setting up ganks.
- His W, Dark Passage, Throws a lantern towards a position. This lantern sucks in all souls
surrounding the lantern, gives a shield to all allies nearby and allows allies
to Click on the lantern. If allies click on the Lantern, Thresh will pull
his lantern back, bringing the ally with it. This is a great skill for saving people that
are in trouble, and also for setting up ganks by pulling your jungler in.
- His E, Flay, has a passive and an active. The passive is really strong because it gives
you additional magic damage on your auto attacks. This magic damage stacks up
when you are not attacking for a while, and can get incredibly high. The active is
also very strong because it is an AOE displacement spell. What it does is push everyone who is
around thresh towards 1 side, dealing magic damage and displacing the enemies.
After hitting someone with it, it also slows the enemy champions movement
speed, allowing you to hit easy hooks.
- His R, The Box, literally places a box around you. This box has 5 walls and each of them
will deal a high amount of damage on enemies walking through it. Once they are
hit by one of the walls, they will also be slowed by 99% for 2 seconds. However, if
a champion walks through a wall, the wall will be destroyed. Other enemy champions will
not be hit by it.
- Alright, so now you kinda know how his skills work and what they are useful for. Now it's
time to go more in-depth on the laning phase and the teamfighting phase.
- Thresh is incredibly strong on lane because of his E passive. Because his auto attacks
have an insane range, poking with Thresh is really easy and very effective. His E makes
you deal insane amounts of damage on your auto attacks, and landing auto attacks is
a piece of cake. Therefore, try to harass the
enemy champions as much as possible.
- When enemy champions go for a lasthit, walk forward and auto attack the enemy champion.
This will make you deal free damage to them, while they don't attack you because they went
for the lasthit.
- Once you think you can win a fight, (and to be honest, if your ADC is good it's almost
impossible to lose fights with thresh), walk up,
auto attack the enemy as much as possible and use your Flay first. Seriously, people
trying to hook first are really stupid because his
E is very easy to hit and makes landing a hook easier.
- After using your E, try to DIRECTLY hook them. This makes them unable to flash and
100% assures you a hook. If you have ignite, ignite
the enemy champion as well. If you have exhaust, don't do anything yet. Only exhaust once you
have used all your CC abilities or when you are focussing the support. Going for a
support is nice because they're squishy, but be sure to exhaust the adc while doing so.
- On level 6 the real pain starts for the enemy, because you can basically do the same
thing you did before AND trap them in your ult.
Always try to position yourself behind the enemy champion. If it's possible, use your
ultimate first, then flay them back in the wall
and hook them into another wall. This deals a TON of damage and is the safest for when
they have flash up. However, you can only ult
first if you are BEHIND the enemy champion.
- If you're not, you can also flash behind them. This is an aggressive move, but it 100%
assures you of a kill. If they flash, they will
still be hit by your flay, hook and the walls.
- Thresh also works great with your jungler. You can setup ganks VERY easily by walking
into the enemies, flaying them back and lanterning your jungler to you. There is not much they
can do, unless they have a Morgana support. Morgana is Thresh's worst enemy.
- Alright so that should be enough about the laning phase. To sum it up: Harass with auto
attacks, Flay first, then follow up with the rest,
Keep auto attacking inbetween, Use lantern to pull in junglers and exhaust the enemy
ADC AFTER using your CC, or when you focus the support.
- Next part is teamfighting. Because Thresh has so much utility, Thresh allows for great
plays in teamfights. You can catch people out of position,
save your carries with lantern and peel with flay and ult. The real question is, when to
do what?
- When you're against assassins like zed, yasuo and Leblanc, always protect your AD
carry, Literally stand INSIDE him to make sure he's safe. Once
you see an assassin jumping in, directly exhaust him. Follow it up with a flay, hook and ult
to bring your carries into a safe position. If your ADC
is out of position, use your lantern to bring him back to you. It is important to stay focussed
on your ADC throughout the whole fight.
- When you think your ADC will be relatively safe, go aggressive mode. If you hook a carry,
it is almost guaranteed to be a kill. Don't completely
ignore your own ADC though, if he needs help with a tank rushing him, hook the tank to
give the ADC some free space. Also a good positioning of
your Ultimate helps a lot for your team. Try to position it in a way that tanks have to
either walk around it, taking a lot of time from them, or
that they have to run through it, slowing them and damaging them.
- Don't forget to use your active items in fights. They are great for supports to supply
your team with extra utility. I personally think Mikael's
Crucible is an amazing item to have on you to safe people, but of course you will have
to use it. This will become easy for you once you played
a lot of support.
- If you know someone is out of position and your team is nearby, do everything to catch
that person. If you have to Flash hook or Flash Flay to
secure a kill, it's definitely worth it. You can pull people in with your lantern after
catching them. Things like this win games, seriously.
Don't underestimate the plays you can make with your flash.
- Most importantly is to not miss your hook. You need to hit your hook in fights because
of it's CC. You can easily hook your targets if you
stay calm, Flay-ULT them first and THEN hook them. If your hook is on cooldown and they
engage, you don't have much to protect your carries. A lot
is about hitting your hook.
- To sum this up, teamfighting with Thresh is mostly protecting your AD carry. Keep assassins
away with exhaust and your skills, use your hook to pull
tanks away from your ad carry, use your lantern to safe people and to reposition your AD carry,
don't be afraid to take risks with flash, And most
importantly, Flay first, then do the rest to assure you hit your hook. If you do that,
I'm sure you're going to be a good Thresh!
- Oh yeah, and don't forget to ward of course! Vision is king.
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on release date! Now go ingame and wreck some ass with Thresh!