字幕表 動画を再生する
Thanks very much.
I'm not going to beat Gregory with his saxophone for sure, but bear with me.
皆さんが満足してくれるか自信はないですが まあ我慢して下さい
This might be - no, it won't be remotely as interesting, as good or entertaining.
これはもしかしたら―いや たぶん あまり面白い話じゃないでしょう
Is there a real you?
This might seem to you like a very odd question.
これはとても奇妙な問いに 思えるかもしれませんね
Because, you might ask,
なぜなら 皆さんは こんな疑問をもつでしょうから
how do we find the real you,
how do you know what the real you is?
どうやれば「本当の自分」を 知ることができるのか?
And so forth.
But the idea that there must be a real you,
しかし「本当の自分」が 存在するはずだという考えは
surely that's obvious.
If there's anything real in the world, it's you.
世界中で本物と感じられるものが あるとすれば それは自分です
Well, I'm not quite sure.
しかし 私にはよく分かりません
At least we have to understand a bit better what that means.
少なくともその意味をもう少し 理解する必要があります
Now certainly, I think there are lots of things in our culture around us
which sort of reinforce the idea
各自がある種の核 つまり本質的要素を 持つという考えを
that for each one of us, we have a kind of a core, an essence.
ある意味 より強固にするものが 多くあります
There is something about what it means to be you which defines you,
「自分らしさを定義するための 何かが存在し
and it's kind of permanent and unchanging.
それは永続的で変化しない」と するものです
The most kind of crude way in which we have it,
are things like horoscopes.
You know, people are very wedded to these, actually.
People put them on their Facebook profile
Facebookのプロフィール欄に 意味ありげに載せたりします
as though they are meaningul,
Facebookのプロフィール欄に 意味ありげに載せたりします
you even know your Chinese horoscope as well.
中国式占星術に詳しい人だって いるかもしれません
There are also more scientific versions of this,
これをもっと科学的にした バージョンもあります
all sorts of ways of profiling personality type,
性格タイプを描き出す あらゆる類のもののことです
such as the Myers-Briggs tests, for example.
例えば MBTI (性格検査) とかですね
I don't know if you've done those.
A lot of companies use these for recruitment.
You answer a lot of questions,
and this is supposed to reveal something about your core personality.
これはあなたの中核的な人格を あらわにするとされています
And of course, the popular fascination with this is enormous.
そしてもちろん世間の人々には 非常に魅力的に映ります
In magazines like this, you'll see,
in the bottom left corner, they'll advertise in virtually every issue
左下の隅に 性格云々という広告が
some kind of personality thing.
And if you pick up one of those magazines,
it's hard to resist, isn't it?
Doing the test to find what is your learning style,
what is your loving style, or what is your working style?
恋愛パターン 働き方のスタイルを 探ることをです
Are you this kind of person or that?
So I think that we have a common-sense idea
that there is a kind of core or essence of ourselves
to be discovered.
And that this is kind of a permanent truth about ourselves,
さらにこれは自分自身に関する 永遠の真実であり
something that's the same throughout life.
生涯を通じて同一であるものだとも 考えているようです
Well, that's the idea I want to challenge.
実は それこそが私が挑戦したい考えなのです
And I have to say now, I'll say it a bit later,
今言っておくと― 後にも少し触れますが
but I'm not challenging this just because I'm weird,
これに挑むからといって 私は別に変人ではありません
the challenge actually has a very, very long and distinguished history.
この挑戦は実のところ 極めて由緒のあるものです
Here's the common-sense idea.
There is you.
You are the individuals you are, and you have this kind of core.
あなたは個人としてのあなたであり こんな核を持っています
Now in your life, what happens is that you, of course,
accumulate different experiences and so forth.
So you have memories,
and these memories help to create what you are.
これらの記憶はあなたらしさを生む 手助けをします
You have desires, maybe for a cookie,
あなたには願望があります それはクッキーかもしれないし
maybe for something that we don't want to talk about
午前11時の学校で話すのが はばかられるようなことかもしれません
at 11 o'clock in the morning in a school.
午前11時の学校で話すのが はばかられるようなことかもしれません
You will have beliefs.
This is a number plate from someone in America.
これはある人の ナンバープレートです
I don't know whether this number plate, which says "messiah 1,"
この「メシア1」という ナンバープレートが
indicates that the driver believes in the messiah,
運転手がメシアを信仰していることを 指すのか
or that they are the messiah.
自分がメシアだという意味なのかは 分かりませんが
Either way, they have beliefs about messiahs.
どちらにしろ 彼らはメシアに関する 信念を持っている訳です
We have knowledge.
We have sensations and experiences as well.
同様に 感覚や経験も持っています
It's not just intellectual things.
単に理知的なものだけでは ありません
So this is kind of the common-sense model, I think, of what a person is.
今紹介したのは その人らしさを考える際の
There is a person who has all the things that make up our life experiences.
But the suggestion I want to put to you today
つまり人生経験を全て抱えた 1人の人がいるという考えです
is that there's something fundamentally wrong with this model.
しかし今日私が皆さんに 提起したいのは
And I can show you what's wrong with one click.
このモデルには根本的に 誤りがあるということです
Which is there isn't actually a "you" at the heart of all these experiences.
何が誤りなのか 1クリックで お見せしましょう
Strange thought? Well, maybe not.
この全経験の中心に 「あなた」は 実際にはいないのです
What is there, then?
奇妙な考えでしょうか? いいえ
Well, clearly there are memories, desires, intentions, sensations,
ではそこに 何があると言うのでしょう?
and so forth.
記憶や願望 意図 感覚 その他諸々は
But what happens is these things exist,
and they're kind of all integrated,
しかし実際には これらのものは存在し
they're overlapped, they're connected in various different ways.
They're connecting partly, and perhaps even mainly,
重なり合ったり 様々な形で結びついたりしています
because they all belong to one body and one brain.
結びつきは一部だけの場合も 大部分の場合もあるでしょう
But there's also a narrative, a story we tell about ourselves,
なぜならそれらは全て 1つの身体 1つの脳に属しているからです
the experiences we have when we remember past things.
We do things because of other things.
それは我々が過去の事柄を思い出す時に 行うことです
So what we desire is partly a result of what we believe,
我々がある事をするのは 別の事に影響されたからです
and what we remember is also informing us what we know.
And so really, there are all these things,
我々が想起することは 知識を反映してもいます
like beliefs, desires, sensations, experiences,
they're all related to each other,
and that just is you.
In some ways, it's a small difference from the common-sense understanding.
In some ways, it's a massive one.
それは常識的理解と 大差ない場合もあれば
It's the shift between thinking of yourself
as a thing which has all the experiences of life,
それは人生の全経験をもつ存在として 自分を捉えることから
and thinking of yourself as simply
それは人生の全経験をもつ存在として 自分を捉えることから
that collection of all experiences in life.
単に人生の全経験を寄せ集めた存在であると 捉えることへのシフトです
You are the sum of your parts.
単に人生の全経験を寄せ集めた存在であると 捉えることへのシフトです
Now those parts are also physical parts, of course,
あなたはあなたを構成する部品を 合体させたものなのです
brains, bodies and legs and things,
もちろんこの部品とは 身体の部位も指します
but they aren't so important, actually.
たとえば脳 胴体 脚などですが
If you have a heart transplant, you're still the same person.
実は それらはあまり 重要な部品ではありません
If you have a memory transplant, are you the same person?
もしあなたが心臓移植を受けても あなたは依然として同一人物です
If you have a belief transplant, would you be the same person?
Now this idea, that what we are, the way to understand ourselves,
信念の移植を受けても 同一人物といえるでしょうか?
is as not of some permanent being, which has experiences,
この 「自分はどんな人間か」 つまり自己理解のあり方に関して
but is kind of a collection of experiences,
自分は経験を抱えた永続的な存在であると 考えるのではなく
might strike you as kind of weird.
But actually, I don't think it should be weird.
ある種 奇妙に聞こえるかもしれません
In a way, it's common sense.
Because I just invite you to think about, by comparison,
ある意味 これは常識的なことです
think about pretty much anything else in the universe,
maybe apart from the very most fundamental forces or powers.
Let's take something like water.
世界の物一般の在り方と比較して 考えてもらいたいだけです
Now my science isn't very good.
We might say something like water has two parts hydrogen
and one parts oxygen, right?
我々の言い方では 水は水素を2つと
We all know that.
I hope no one in this room thinks that what that means
is there is a thing called water, and attached to it
are hydrogen and oxygen atoms,
and that's what water is.
それに水素や酸素が 付属している とは定義しませんね
Of course we don't.
それに水素や酸素が 付属している とは定義しませんね
We understand, very easily, very straightforwardly,
that water is nothing more
水は 水素分子と酸素分子が 適切に配置された物にすぎず
than the hydrogen and oxygen molecules suitably arranged.
水は 水素分子と酸素分子が 適切に配置された物にすぎず
Everything else in the universe is the same.
それ以上の何物でもないことを 我々は当たり前のように知っています
There's no mystery about my watch, for example.
We say the watch has a face, and hands,
例えばこの時計も全く 謎めいたものではありません
and a mechanism and a battery,
私たちの言い方では 時計は盤面と針 それから
But what we really mean is,
we don't think there is a thing called the watch
to which we then attach all these bits.
We understand very clearly that you get the parts of the watch,
それに先ほどの部品を くっつけたのだとは考えません
you put them together, and you create a watch.
我々は時計は部品が入手され それを寄せ集めて作られると
Now if everything else in the universe is like this,
why are we different?
さてもし全ての物が こんなふうにできているとすれば
Why think of ourselves
自分はそれと違うと なぜ言えるのでしょう?
as somehow not just being a collection of all our parts,
but somehow being a separate, permanent entity which has those parts?
Now this view is not particularly new, actually.
それらの部品をもった 独立した永久的な実体と見なすのでしょう?
It has quite a long lineage.
この見方は実のところ 特に新しいものではありません
You find it in Buddhism,
you find it in 17th, 18th-century philosophy
going through to the current day, people like Locke and Hume.
But interestingly, it's also a view
17、18世紀に始まり現在に続く哲学にも 見られます
increasingly being heard reinforced by neuroscience.
This is Paul Broks, he's a clinical neuropsychologist,
この見方は神経科学からの 支持を増しつつあるのです
and he says this:
こちらはポール・ブロックス 臨床神経心理士です
"We have a deep intuition that there is a core,
an essence there, and it's hard to shake off,
「私たちには 核 つまり 本質的要素が実在するという
probably impossible to shake off, I suspect.
深い本能があり それを振り払うのは難しい
But it's true that neuroscience shows that there is no centre in the brain
where things do all come together."
しかし脳には全ての事が 集まってくる中心がないことを
So when you look at the brain,
and you look at how the brain makes possible a sense of self,
you find that there isn't a central control spot in the brain.
どうやって自分という感覚が 生み出されているか知れば
There is no kind of center where everything happens.
統制を司る中心点が 脳にはないことが分かるでしょう
There are lots of different processes in the brain,
そこで全ての事が生じる中枢のようなものは 存在しないのです
all of which operate, in a way, quite independently.
脳の中では実に多種多様なプロセスが 進行しており
But it's because of the way that they relate
各プロセスは 言わばはっきりと独立して 実行されています
that we get this sense of self.
The term I use in the book, I call it the ego trick.
まさに各プロセスの そのような関係のあり方によるのです
It's like a mechanical trick.
このことを私の著書では 「エゴ・トリック」という言葉で表しています
It's not that we don't exist,
it's just that the trick is to make us feel that inside of us
それは私たちが存在しないという 意味ではありません
is something more unified than is really there.
Now you might think this is a worrying idea.
実際よりも統合的な何かが 自分の中に存在すると感じるのです
You might think that if it's true,
今皆さんはこの考え方に対して 心配を抱いたかもしれません
that for each one of us there is no abiding core of self,
no permanent essence,
つまり 自己の核 または 永続的な本質的要素を
does that mean that really, the self is an illusion?
Does it mean that we really don't exist?
それは自分という存在が 幻想であることを意味するのでしょうか?
There is no real you.
それは自分が存在しないという 意味なのでしょうか?
Well, a lot of people actually do use this talk of illusion and so forth.
These are three psychologists, Thomas Metzinger, Bruce Hood,
実際に多くの人が この幻想や それに類するものについて語っています
Susan Blackmore,
この3人は心理学者のトーマス・メッツィンガー ブルース・フード
a lot of these people do talk the language of illusion,
the self is an illusion, it's a fiction.
彼らをはじめ多くの人たちが 幻想という言葉で語っています
But I don't think this is a very helpful way of looking at it.
「自分とは幻想であり フィクションである」 と
Go back to the watch.
しかしこれが有益な見方であるとは 私はそれほど思いません
The watch isn't an illusion, because there is nothing to the watch
other than a collection of its parts.
この時計は部品の寄せ集め以上の 何物でもありませんが
In the same way, we're not illusions either.
The fact that we are, in some ways, just this very, very complex collection,
同じように 我々もまた幻想ではありません
ordered collection of things,
自分がいろいろな意味で 単に非常に複雑で整然とした
does not mean we're not real.
I can give you a very sort of rough metaphor for this.
自分が現実に存在しないと いうことにはなりません
Let's take something like a waterfall.
これに関してちょっとした例え話を しましょうね
These are the Iguazu Falls, in Argentina.
Now if you take something like this,
これはアルゼンチンにある イグナスの滝です
you can appreciate the fact that in lots of ways,
there's nothing permanent about this.
良く分かると思いますが いろいろな意味で
For one thing, it's always changing.
The waters are always carving new channels.
第一に これは常に変化し続けています
with changes in tides and the weather,
水は常に新しい流路を 切り開いていきます
some things dry up, new things are created.
それらの変化や 潮の満ち引き、天候によって
Of course the water that flows through the waterfall
ある物は干上がってしまったり あるいは新しい物が作られたりします
is different at every single instance.
But it doesn't mean that the Iguazu Falls are an illusion.
It doesn't mean it's not real.
しかしだからといって このイグアスの滝が幻想で
What it means is we have to understand what it is
as something which has a history,
has certain things that keep it together,
それが歴史をもつ 1つのまとまりとして捉えるべきである一方
but it's a process, it's fluid, it's forever changing.
それがプロセスまたは流動的であり 永遠に変化し続けていることを
Now that, I think, is a model for understanding ourselves,
我々が理解しなければ ならないということです
and I think it's a liberating model.
そしてこれが自分を理解するための 1つのモデルだと私は考えます
Because if you think that you have this fixed, permanent essence,
which is always the same, throughout your life, no matter what,
なぜならもし皆さんが この固定的・永続的で
in a sense you're kind of trapped.
生涯にわたり常に同一の本質を 何であれ持っていると考えるならば
You're born with an essence,
that's what you are until you die,
if you believe in an afterlife, maybe you continue.
But if you think of yourself as being, in a way,
もし死後の世界を信じているなら それはまだ続くでしょう
not a thing as such, but a kind of a process,
しかしもし皆さんが 自分という存在を
something that is changing,
そのようなものではなく ある種のプロセス つまり
then I think that's quite liberating.
Because unlike the the waterfalls,
we actually have the capacity to channel
the direction of our development for ourselves to a certain degree.
Now we've got to be careful here, right?
ある程度は自分で決める力が あるからです
If you watch the X-Factor too much, you might buy into this idea
ここで慎重にならないといけません でしょう?
that we can all be whatever we want to be.
もしあなたが自分の知られざる可能性を 過剰に重視してしまうと
That's not true.
思いどおりの自分になれると 信じ込んでしまいます
I've heard some fantastic musicians this morning,
and I am very confident that I could in no way be as good as them.
私は今朝素晴らしいミュージシャンの 演奏を聴きましたが
I could practice hard and maybe be good,
自分があんな風に上手にできるとは 決して思いません
but I don't have that really natural ability.
一生懸命練習すれば 上手にはなるかもしれませんが
There are limits to what we can achieve.
私にはあんな生まれつきの 才能はありません
There are limits to what we can make of ourselves.
人が成し遂げられることには 限界があります
But nevertheless, we do have this capacity
どんな自分になれるかについても 限界はあります
to, in a sense, shape ourselves.
それにも関わらず 我々には
The true self, as it were then,
is not something that is just there for you to discover,
「本当の自分」とは かつて言われていたような
you don't sort of look into your soul and find your true self.
発見されるような性質のものでは ありません
What you are partly doing, at least,
心の中をのぞいても本当の自分は 見つかりません
is actually creating your true self.
And this, I think, is very, very significant,
本当の自分を 実際には自ら作り出しているのです
particularly at this stage of life you're at.
You'll be aware of the fact
how much of you changed over recent years.
皆さんは 自分の多くの部分が
If you have any videos of yourself, three or four years ago,
ここ数年でいかに変化したか 分かるでしょう
you probably feel embarrassed because you don't recognize yourself.
もし皆さんが自分の映った 3、4年前の動画を見たら
So I want to get that message over, that what we need to do
気恥ずかしいでしょうね だって自分の姿だと分からないから
is think about ourselves as things that we can shape,
そこで私はこれを皆さんに伝えたいのです 我々に必要なのは
and channel and change.
自分という存在を 自ら形作り 方向づけ 変えられるものとして
This is the Buddha, again:
"Well-makers lead the water,
fletchers bend the arrow,
carpenters bend a log of wood,
wise people fashion themselves."
And that's the idea I want to leave you with,
that your true self is not something that you will have to go searching for,
as a mystery, and maybe never ever find.
「本当の自分」とは 追い求めても永遠に見つからないような
To the extent you have a true self,
it's something that you in part discover,
but in part create.
それはあなたの発見による部分も あるでしょうが
and that, I think, is a liberating and exciting prospect.
Thank you very much.
これは解放的でわくわくする見方だと 私は考えます