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♪ (rock music) ♪
"I am he as you are he-- as you are me,
and we are all together."
What? Say what?
Give me, like, 46 minutes to think about this
and contemplate what this could mean.
I feel like this is like a 5 Seconds of Summer song
or a One Direction song.
This person does not have very good grammar.
"I am he...
as you are he... as you are me."
He's trying to say that we're all one. We're all one being.
They're all one race.
Reminds me of a book I read.
It's, like, on spiritual energy. And it's like, we are all one.
"See how they run like pigs from a gun.
See how they fly. I'm crying."
This sounds like a really famous song, I think.
I'm not into the rock scene or that '90s stuff.
Let's rebel with our gun, do you know? Second Amendment stuff.
"They run like pigs from a gun."
So they're squealing around, I guess, people are.
"I'm crying."
Maybe this is really emotionally stimulating for this person.
Maybe they're high.
It's probably not a 5 Seconds of Summer song now.
I think it's trying to say something about how--
something with a relationship,
how this guy's running away from the girl.
"Sitting on a corn flake, waiting for the van to come.
Corporation t-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday."
"Man you been a naughty boy. You let your face grow long."
You're sitting on a corn flake,
it's either a really big corn flake
or you're a really small person.
Maybe a corn flake is, like, a metaphor for something that
is not very steady and can't hold a lot of weight.
So he's like, "stupid bloody."
I say British. I can see the "bloody" thing going on.
Maybe it's a band from the UK.
The long face-- that means you're sad or down in the dumps.
Is this all just symbolism and I just don't get it?
"I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo goo joob."
What the [bleep]?
This is like The Beatles but not.
I know this song. It's a Beatles'.
It's The Beatles.
It's called "I Am the Eggman," right?
He's an eggman. So he's like a superhero?
He's really proud of being Eggman, savior of... chickens?
When he said, "I am the eggman,"
I instantly thought of Sonic and Doctor Eggman.
They're using some weird kind of code
to convey some kind of picture, and I'm not getting that picture.
"Mister City Policeman sitting,
pretty little policemen in a row."
"See how they fly like Lucy in the sky, see how they run."
Okay, I saw "Lucy in the sky,"
I instantly thought of a Beatles song.
But I'm pretty sure this isn't a Beatles song.
And if it is, this is a really weird Beatles song.
"See how they fly like Lucy in the sky, see how they run."
He's planning something to fight back, and he's making a metaphor
how they're gonna run away and fly off.
I feel like he's kind of mocking the policemen.
They're conformed, 'cause they're policemen,
I mean, working for the government.
I think this song's like a symbolism
for how policemen run the world.
Policemen are known to abuse their power.
How can they fly and run at the same time?
They're on acid.
"I'm crying, I'm crying. I'm crying, I'm crying."
I think this one means he's crying.
Pretty straightforward, I gotta say.
Maybe the policemen got him.
He's crying for what the state of humanity
or the country or the city he's in.
Or he's crying, 'cause he's in joy, like,
"Oh, they're about to rebel, so they're gonna be free."
"Yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dog's eye.
Crabalocker fishwife pornographic priestess.
Boy you been a naughty girl, you let your knickers down."
When you wake up and you got that nasty stuff in your eyes.
So that's what he's talking about. My dog has that sometimes.
"Crabalocker fishwife pornographic priestess."
That's a mouthful... definitely for the priestess.
Maybe it's about a priestess who kind of is a nun during the day
but like a ho during the night.
None of this song is correlating with any of the lyrics at all.
At this point, I just think they're making things up.
I really don't know what this means.
This is more mentally stimulating than school.
"Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun."
"If the sun don't come
you get a tan from standing in the English rain."
Oh, that's kind of pretty.
I think the English rain is his tears, and he's crying
'cause the sun, the chick didn't come to meet him at the place.
You can't get tan from rain. It's not how it works.
This guy is just high.
I can't put anything together.
"Expert texpert choking smokers."
"Don't you think the joker laughs at you?
Ha ha ha! He he he! Ha ha ha!"
I don't know what a texpert is, unless you're good at texting
or you're good at reading stuff.
It's kind of ironic how the joker is laughing at you,
while he's the joker and you're supposed to laugh at him.
Joker means the arch-nemesis,
kind of like how they have a Batman and then they have the Joker.
So they have Eggman and the Joker, I don't know.
Or Eggman and the Yolker.
Now I think that this song is a joke.
They're making a song just to make a song and to see if anyone
notices that it's just super weird lyrics.
"Semolina pilchard climbing up the Eiffel Tower."
"Elementary penguin singing Hare Krishna.
Man you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe."
This is why people have majored in English,
to understand this [bleep].
"Singing Hare Krishna," I think that's like a Hindu thing,
like a chant that they have.
Semolina, that's like a flower.
"Semolina pilchard," that could possibly be a girl.
"Man you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe."
Maybe that's higher authority,
like, talking down at Edgar Allan Poe,
because Edgar Allan Poe is so much more intellectual.
Well, that's rude, kicking Edgar Allan Poe.
He was a really good poet... so I've been told.
"I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo goo joob."
It still doesn't make sense.
I think it's an inside joke between them,
because it doesn't make sense.
(holding back laugh) "Goo goo goo joob. Goo goo goo joob."
"Goo goo goo joob, goo goo goo joob."
"Gooooooooooo jooba jooba jooba jooba."
(scatting) Jooba jooba, jooba jooba.
I feel like you guys wrote this just to mess with my head.
I can't understand any of these metaphors.
They're too complex for me.
(Finebros) So what was this song about?
I think that song was about parties.
Drinking and drugs.
I think it was a guy trying to find the love of his life,
and people try to knock him down.
It's one big metaphor for defying The Man.
An uprising of the people against the government--
the pigs, the policemen.
Doesn't make sense.
Maybe that was their point, just to make everyone go crazy.
(Finebros) The artist who wrote these lyrics said
that they intentionally made the lyrics random and confusing
as a way to poke fun at the constant over-analyzation
of their other songs.
So this song was supposed to not make sense at all?
Yeah. "Goo goo goo joob."
People were like, "Hmm, joob.
Must mean really something deep to him."
I was forced to over-analyze these, and boy did I.
I automatically like this guy.
Everyone has that English teacher that just takes everything
and makes it so symbolic.
Not everything has to have a million meanings.
Maybe it's just a bunch of words thrown together.
Even if the goal was not to have a meaning,
the actual meaning behind it is to not to have a meaning,
so it technically has a meaning.
That's actually a good message to send out.
Stop over-thinking it
and just appreciate the actual song for itself.
(Finebros) Do you know the song's artist and title?
Hell no.
No idea of who wrote this.
I'm only gonna say it's from the UK.
"Goo Goo Goo Joob" is the title, I'm guessing.
I have no idea who the artist is.
"I Am the Eggman" by The Beatles.
The Beatles, "I Am the Walrus."
"I Am the Walrus" by The Beatles.
(Finebros) It's called "I Am the Walrus" by The Beatles.
The Beatles wrote this?
So it was a Beatles song?
Wow, I didn't think-- okay.
I thought it was gonna be some offbeat artist.
But I guess it's cool that they don't care
what other people think of them.
Some of this stuff was cool, I get it,
like those references that they were making.
But the whole "gojooba" part kinda messed everything up.
(Finebros) The name of the song isn't "I Am the Eggman."
It's actually called "I Am the Walrus" by The Beatles.
That's kind of ruined my day a little.
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♪ I am the walrus, goo goo goodbye ♪
♪ (rock music) ♪