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  • Mark, pleasure to meet you.

  • Thank you. You too.

  • And this is a different kind of film to one I've seen you in, so what I liked about it

  • is you get to play quite a schlubby guy. It must be quite nice to go to work and be like

  • - the hair can be long.

  • Roll out of bed, just yeah. They need to make me look worse than I actually do, which is nice.

  • Yeah, you look much better.

  • Thank you.

  • You start off in the movie in this apartment, and I kind of thought... Is it a bit like

  • when you start off as an actor that you're really scrabbling around? You don't really

  • eat. You've got this mattress with the sheets coming off the thing.

  • Yeah. I'm familiar with that and being down like that and not knowing where you're headed

  • or when you're going to hit or where the paycheck's going to come from. You know, that is similar

  • to starting off as an actor. You just don't want to do it when you're in your mid-40s

  • like Dan's doing.

  • Yeah, yeah. Now there's a nice romance with Natalie in sort of the coming back from the

  • bottom type thing.

  • Yeah, that's a great storyline. Yup.

  • Is that part of it? Because this is kind of a different movie because it's a musical,

  • but it's not cheesy and it's not too trite or corny. It feels real, despite there being

  • these flights of fantasy in it.

  • Yeah, that was one of the things that I responded to in the script. I knew that because of Once,

  • and I love that film. I had a feeling that John was going to be able to do it in a way

  • that wasn't cheesy. You know, often times the romantic comedies that we see are neither

  • romantic nor are they very funny, and so I think this movie is actually pretty romantic

  • and actually is pretty funny, and so I did feel like when I read it, I felt like it was

  • a nice divergent take on that sort of genre, which is a genre that people love, but I think

  • I always look at it and go this can be done so much better. And I think he does it well.

  • You're the one guy that doesn't sing in the film.

  • Yes.

  • That must have been another reason.

  • Okay, I don't sing here. I don't sing. Okay.

  • Yeah, yeah. I'm not a singer. I was supposed to sing a Leonard Cohen song in the shower,

  • but we couldn't get the rights to it so that was the end of that.

  • Oh, is that the reason?

  • Yeah, I was going to sing Chelsea Hotel, which is not really singing at all, but um...

  • It's more of a mating call, a sort of whale call.

  • Yes, but that didn't work out, so we cut that.

  • Do you have a karaoke song?

  • No. Everyone...

  • Has everyone asked that?

  • Everyone has.

  • Have they?

  • It's so funny. I suppose we like the idea of thinking that you, Keira and James...

  • Went out and karaoked.

  • You were out in Manhattan, and you just have a few beers and you'll hit the karaoke bar.

  • No, we didn't. I think James would probably be fun to do that with. I can't see Keira

  • doing karaoke for some reason. Does she say she did it?

  • She didn't. No, no.

  • Has anyone done it?

  • I haven't met James yet.

  • He's probably done it.

  • I would also feel that with James, he's the guy that he's very larger than life, so he'll

  • busk, he'll sing, he'll dance. He would make me think, well I'm not going to do it. He's

  • going to make me look bad.

  • Yeah. He would be tough to do it, but he would be fun to watch, I'm sure. He's genius.

  • Yeah, Keira I imagine, she obviously prepared to sing in the movie, but she seemed like

  • she was it was something like okay I've done it now.

  • Yeah, yeah. I mean, I was there when we were recording all that stuff, and I could see

  • that was not... That was tough. That would be really tough to do.

  • But she did an amazing job. I don't think anyone realised that she had such a great

  • voice. I don't think she realised it.

  • Well I said in the screening room, there was a moment where you're going... You're looking

  • a little bit like okay here comes a Hollywood actress that's going to sing.

  • Yes, which can be disastrous. Yes.

  • And this kind of interesting, raspy sort of voice that suits her. It's authentic.

  • Totally authentic, yeah.

  • And you go phew. Okay. We're in safe hands.

  • Yeah, now we're along on the journey. That was kind of a defining moment, that moment

  • in the movie of are we going to like this movie or not?

  • Can you... There's a moment obviously where you hear her sing, and it changes your life.

  • I know you would have been asked this already as well, but is there a particular track that

  • you go back to that is either a pick me up or one that still gets the hairs on the back

  • of your neck going, even though you've heard it 100 times?

  • Um... Yeah, there's those... My brother who's passed away used to play a song that, an Elton

  • John song Daniel, and that always - it moves me. And there's a Coldplay song called The Scientist

  • that he gave me, he wanted me to hear before he passed away, and those two songs in particular

  • are pretty moving to me.

  • They always get you.

  • Yeah.

  • That's the beauty though of it, isn't it? It just gets you out of nowhere.

  • Yeah, it's pretty... music's an important part of our lives. Obviously.

  • Absolutely. Um, so what's coming up next for you? Are you jumping straight back into the

  • Marvel world, or is that all done?

  • I'm in that now. I'm shooting that now, and that's done in August, and then maybe Now

  • You See Me, but we're still sort of waiting on a script and a director for that.

  • -You're a busy guy. -Yeah.

Mark, pleasure to meet you.


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A2 初級

マーク・ラファロ インタビュー。新作映画『Begin Again』の俳優、カラオケ、そして感情を揺さぶる曲について (Mark Ruffalo interview: Actor on new film Begin Again, karaoke and songs that get him emotional)

  • 129 14
    Yu Chen に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日