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  • I just want to talk about the beard for a minute because it's quite something. And how long did it take you to grow it, first of all.


  • It was six months, and then I think I had it for an additional year after that.


  • - Mm-hmm. And how did people treat you? - There's the shot of me.

    うわー、周りの反応はどんな感じ? ホラ、この写真ボクだもん。

  • No, that's... no, that's not what it was during the movie, right?


  • - That's cleaned up. - No, that was it.

    きれいになってるもん。 いやいや、撮影中のだよ。 

  • Oh, really? Well, then it didn't look like that in the movie. It... it... maybe it's, 'cause there was so much ice on it, too. 'Cause it was always frozen.


  • That was actually wax.


  • She... I had a fantastic makeup artist in this movie who did all the stuff from the bear mauling, and it was wax that she dribbled all over my face every day.


  • It was about a four to five hour makeup job every day with all the scars.


  • - So again, it was just a joy, the whole experience. -Yeah.

    だからさ、すごく楽しい経験だったよね。 なるほどね。

  • But now see, you're growing it back again or something. Or are you just gonna keep it at that level?


  • - A light stubble. I'm keeping it at a light stubble. - A light stubble? - Yeah.

    軽めの無精ヒゲ程度ね。その程度に留めとくよ。 軽めの無精ヒゲ? そう。 

  • - Do you like wearing a beard? - I don't think I'll ever have a beard like that ever again. Unless it's for a role. But yeah, it's hard to maintain.

    ヒゲ伸ばすのは好き? 多分役作り以外ではあんなには2度と伸ばさないと思うね、うん。手入れが大変だし。

  • It's just... stuff gets in there, you know; you're eating and then food falls in, and you're...


  • Right. And you have to shampoo it, right?


  • You have to shampoo it, yeah.


  • And do you put conditioner in it?


  • - I did. I did put conditioner... - 'Cause you'd want it to be soft.

    したよ、リンスもした…  だって柔らかい方がいいもんね。

  • - You do want it to be soft. - Right.

    ホントに柔らかい方がいいもん。 だよね。

  • Otherwise it gets like a Brillo pad.


  • And can you... yes. And who wants to feel that?


  • - Who wants it? - And when you... when you have food in it, can you tell?

    誰もありがたがらないでしょ? それから…食べ物が入っちゃったら、自分で分かるものなの?

  • It's very visible, yeah. Very visible.


  • I mean, no, but if you don't have a mirror, sometimes do you feel like you've walked around and there's been food in your beard?


  • - Well, if you have good enough friends, they notify you if you have mustard on your beard or something like that. - Right.

    まあ、いい友だちがいたらヒゲにマスタードが付いてるよとか教えてはくれるよね。 なるほど。

  • They let you know.


  • All right. Just checking.


  • So, you've always been like a daredevil, but you've done... I think I've talked to you about you swim with sharks, or you have.


  • - Yeah. - And you've jumped out of an airplane. - Yeah.

    うん。 それから飛行機から飛び降りたりもした。 そうそう。

  • - On a regular basis, or... - I only did that once.

    定期的に?それとも… 1回しかやってないよ。

  • - Once. Will you do it again? - When you're... when both parachutes don't open, you tend to not go repeat something like that, yeah.

    1回か。 もう1回やってみたい? パラシュートがさ…開かなかった経験をしたらまあもう1回やりたいとは思わないものだから。

  • - What are you talking about? Well, then, how'd you get down?


  • I had... I jumped out of the airplane, and then my first chute didn't open.


  • They cut... it's tandem, so somebody's on your back; they cut that line.


  • We've started free-falling towards Earth, and that's when you get the, you know, 8x10 glossies of your whole life flashing before your eyes.


  • And then, the second one was tangled as well, and I saw my friends sort of popping off with their, you know, their parachutes, and I'm still plummeting towards planet Earth.


  • And... and then that was tangled for about a good, I don't know, 20, 30 seconds, and then he untangled it, and then he told me,


  • "Oh, you're probably gonna break your legs now because thiswe're going too fast."


  • So it was one of the worst experiences of my life, and I'll never do it again.


  • And did you break your legs?


  • - I did not break my legs. - Wow.

    足は折れなかった。 うわー。

  • -So, he's whispering in your ear... or yelling in your... - He was screaming. - Screaming in your...

    その人っていうのは耳元でささやいてるわけ?それとも大声で… 叫んでんだよ。 耳元で叫んでるのか…

  • [whispering] "Break your leg."

    [小声でささやきながら] 「足折れちゃうよ」

  • [whispering] "You're gonna break your legs."

    [小声でささやきながら] 「足が折れちゃうよ」

  • [screaming] "What? I can't hear you."

    [叫びながら] 「何?聞こえないよ」

  • Wow, that's just horrible.


  • So, what's the scariest thing you've ever done?


  • I was on a plane to Russia, and the engine exploded.


  • I was looking out the window and the entire engine just turned into a fireball.


  • - It was right after Sully had that incident happen to him where the geese flew into both engines. - Right, and he landed on the river.

    ガチョウが両方のエンジンに突っ込んで発生したハドソン川の奇跡の事故が起きたばっかりの頃だったわけ。 ああ、はいはい川に不時着したやつね。

  • Yeah. This happened in one of the engines, and I was the only person there that seemed to see this, but it was a flaming fireball, and it was all Russian passengers, and


  • I kinda felt like I'd already died and gone to heaven 'cause no one said anything.


  • And I was screaming at the top of my lungs saying, "What the hell is going on here?"


  • And the people just kinda looked back at me and the stewardess came out and said, "We seem to have a slight problem here."


  • And the Russian guy finally said, "What is the problem?"


  • And he said, "Well, we... we lost one of our engines."


  • And he sa--he goes, "How many engines did we have?"


  • He goes, "Well, we had two. Now we have one."


  • And... he proceeded to say, "That is not... that is not good. That is not good."


  • And we basically dumped fuel for 45 minutes and did an emergency landing, and all our tires exploded and there was a hundred different ambulances there, and it was on CNN; that was another bummer.


  • - Wow. Oh, my God. That's incredible.


  • - I feel like I should write a book now. - Yeah, well, no, I'm gonna write it.

    何か本でも書いた方がいい感じがしてきた。 そうだよね、っていうか私が書くわ。

I just want to talk about the beard for a minute because it's quite something. And how long did it take you to grow it, first of all.


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