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  • Can staring at someone cause you to hallucinate?

  • Let's talk about that!

  • ♪ (theme music) ♪

  • - Good... Mythical... Morning. - Thank you for staring at our faces every

  • day by making us a part of your daily routine, 'cause today we are

  • talking about staring at faces. So get with me brother, 'cause this is exciting.

  • - I was staring at their faces. - This could be quite an experience today.

  • - Based on a study, okay? - Mm!

  • - So there is science. - A study!

  • There is boopity-boop done by someone else that we are gonna highjack for our

  • entertainment purposes today and see what we can see, Rhett. Psychologist

  • Giovanni Caputo from the University of Urbino... Urbeeno? in Italy, conducted--

  • - He's my favorite Italian researcher. - Giovanni Caputo?

  • - Yeah. - He conducted some face experiments,

  • okay? Two of them, to be exact, that we are gonna replicate because of the results

  • he got. I'm hoping we can get similar results. The first experiment, he took a

  • medium-sized mirror and one person, put the mirror about half a meter away from

  • the furson's-- the person's face. Or the furson's pace.

  • - Yeah. - And dimmed the lighting in the room,

  • and then, after... Got the person to stare at themself for about one to two minutes,

  • - Okay? - Right.

  • And then, after that time, he just grilled them on what their experience was like.

  • All 50 participants-- 100 percent of the participants-- experienced some form of

  • - dissociative identity effect. - Awesome!

  • Meaning, their face started to morph or melt away or weird things happened.

  • - And we're gonna do this. - Oh yeah. They said that they saw

  • apparitions of strange faces. Some people saw deceased parents or archetypal--

  • archetypal... I practiced that word and I still don't know how to say it. Portraits.

  • - Like archetype portraits. - I think you can say "archetype."

  • - Archetype? - Archetypal.

  • Or monsters. I know how to say "monsters."

  • - Oh, monsters! You got that. - The next experiment, the Dyad Staring

  • Experiment, was two people about a meter away from each other...

  • - Mmhm. - Staring into each other's eyes in a

  • - dimly lit room for ten minutes or so. - That could get weird!

  • - Okay? - For lots of reasons.

  • This is not romantic; this is experiment... buddy type stuff.

  • - Experimental. Experiment buddies! - We're gonna be experiment buddies.

  • (silly voice) Not romantic, man. Experiment buddies.

  • - (crew laughs) - 'Cause this could be-- if you do this

  • - with a romantic-- - Come over my house, we're just

  • - experiment buddies. - (all laugh)

  • - Yeah, try that line on somebody. - (normally) Oh gosh.

  • - (crew laughs) - 90 percent of the people who

  • participated saw deformed faces. Like, the other person's face melting, okay?

  • - Yep. - 75 percent said they saw a monster.

  • 50 percent said they saw aspects of their own face in their partner's face.

  • That's weird. I'm excited about this because I used to look-- do this as a kid,

  • stare at myself until things started changing in the mirror, and I'm not even

  • an Italian scientist. I'm just a kid. I was a kid.

  • - Not yet. - Yeah.

  • But today we're gonna become that and maybe you'll see one in your own face

  • or in my face. Let's get to it, guys! Let's go to the

  • Face Morphing Into a Monster Zone!

  • Okay, Rhett, as you can see, I've placed you in front of this mirror. Now, I have

  • not done this, but this is how I want us to do it.

  • - I like it. - (Link) Just-- no. It's not about how

  • you look. This is about becoming something that you don't. (laughs)

  • - What? - I don't know, it's like the

  • terminology I'm using. "Become something you don't."

  • - Okay, cool. - You're gonna stare at yourself and

  • I'm not gonna ask you questions, because I don't want you to respond and start

  • speaking, because I think that the facial movement of speaking will bring you out

  • - of it, okay? - Yeah.

  • So I'm gonna let you just come out of it and report to me if and when you see

  • your face morph and become something... you don't.

  • - Okay. - (Link) Okay?

  • Let's see if I can become something I don't.

  • All right, so whenever you're ready, just start staring at yourself and I'm just

  • gonna stand here and stare at you, waiting for you to report back to me.

  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪

  • - I became a skeleton. Like re-- like re-- - That fast? Come on.

  • No, I'm serious. My eyes are kinda dark, and the mouth is dark 'cause of this

  • lighting, and it just like... 8 seconds into that, it was like Halloween time.

  • Right there in the mirror. I'm not making it up.

  • - Okay. - I'm being completely honest.

  • - All right. - I became something I don't.

  • - I don't a skeleton. - (laughs)

  • - I do a human. I mean, I am a human. - Right.

  • - (crew laughs) - All right, now, whenever that happens

  • this time, just stick with it and let's just go deeper into "don't"

  • and see what happens.

  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪

  • (Link) What? Okay...

  • He's come out of it, people. He's gonna report back to us now.

  • You know the original Planet of the Apes?

  • - Yeah, like the rubber masks? - I became one of those.

  • - Really? - Yes! I began to see myself as one of

  • the guys from the original Charleton Heston...

  • - A talking monkey. - I became a skeleton and then I became

  • - a talking monkey! - Next time that happens, start to talk

  • and see if you can stay in it while talking.

  • Lemme just go a little bit deeper.

  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪

  • - My nose... was migrating... - (laughs)

  • - Your nose was crawling off your face? - The nose was migrating and my entire

  • face was becoming a paint-by-numbers painting.

  • What do you mean? Like, there were numbers on your face?

  • - (Rhett) No, I mean like the patches... - (Link) Like geometric color patterns?

  • were just color. It was like there was a hair patch and a beard patch and a

  • nose patch, and the nose patch was moving. I was a paint-by-numbers painting that was

  • being moved around. This is the coolest thing ever. I wanna look in the mirror

  • - more often! - Yeah, you already do it enough.

  • - Do you want me to go? Can I go? - Yeah, you should experience this.

  • Okay, lemme get in there.

  • - Okay! - (Link) Were you pullin' my leg, man?

  • No, listen. I am being completely honest. Everything that I said I saw, I saw.

  • - (Rhett) It's freaky, man. - (crew laughs)

  • - All right, lemme go under. Here I go. - You think you should take

  • - your glasses off? - Lemme try it first like this.

  • (Rhett) Okay.

  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪

  • You a skeleton yet?

  • - (all laugh) - I forgot to breathe while I was doing it.

  • - Yeah. - My eyes got bigger. Like anime eyes.

  • - A little bit. - A little bit of anime.

  • - But lemme take the glasses off. - (Rhett) Yeah, go for the glasses off.

  • - Whoa. I look weird. - (chuckles) Yeah.

  • - I was immediately morphed! - (crew laughs)

  • - Okay. - Yeah, do that.

  • That's just two black holes where my eyeballs used to be. That's just how deep

  • - my eyes are set. - (Rhett) Just relax.

  • - Okay. - Just let the monkey happen.

  • (laughs)

  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪

  • (laughs) My face started to shrink into, like, a baby face.

  • - (laughs) - Like, my eyes got bigger but my

  • entire face got smaller and became a baby face.

  • You became Baby Face, the artist, or you became a baby face?

  • I became a baby-sized face. I did not produce Toni Braxton.

  • - Okay. - (crew laughs)

  • - Okay. - Go under again, man. I mean, this is

  • - great. This might be our new hobby. - I'm gonna try to... I can see my

  • - eyeballs like this. - (Rhett) Oh, wow. Mm.

  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪

  • My mouth disappeared entirely. Flesh... it's like--

  • - (both) Flesh Mouth. - Like horror-movie mouth, right?

  • Yeah. It's like mm! mm! mm! And then this eye started to creep over here.

  • - Yeah, you got moving features as well! - But my nose never moved and this eye

  • - never moved. - But you didn't become paint-by-numbers?

  • - No, I haven't... - Because my whole beard became

  • - just beard. - Lemme see if I can get a beard. Hold on.

  • "Let me see if I can get a beard," is what the man just said.

  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪

  • Yeah, make a face like that.

  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪

  • - Oh, shoot! - (all laugh)

  • Oh my gosh. This eye... this whole eye started moving this way. It got a little

  • bigger and then the eyeball started drifting within the socket like it was

  • leaving a hole, but I couldn't scream because I had Flesh Mouth... again.

  • - You got Flesh Mouth again? - I didn't get Flesh Mouth again,

  • - I was too focused on-- - Got a case of Flesh Mouth!

  • I started to look like that guy, the German dude in Indiana Jones, Raiders of

  • - the Lost Ark. They started melting. - (Rhett) The end scene, right, yeah.

  • Well, let's take it up a notch and let's stare at each other.

  • Yeah. Staring buddies.

  • Okay, now we are gonna see if we can find faces in the other person's face.

  • - (Link) Or stuff. - I've already become a monkey and

  • you became Baby Face. Let's see where we can go now.

  • - (laughs) All right. - Maybe I can make you become Baby Face.

  • Let's try to minimize the amount of times we come out of it.

  • - Yeah. - (Link) So as not to distract the other

  • - person from seeing the other person - Right.

  • - become something they don't. - (laughs) Yeah.

  • - Okay? - And can you-- I want you to take

  • - your glasses off, please. - Oh, yeah. Now, even that's gonna

  • - be freaky. Just me. - Well, more of your life I've known you

  • - without glasses than with glasses. - (Link) Oh, really? I feel naked.

  • Ready?

  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪

  • - You're smiling. - I really am smiling.

  • - (Rhett) Your face morphed into a smile. - (laughs)

  • - Can you not do that? - (Link) Well just staring at you like

  • this is weird. Can I just smile the whole time and just see what happens?

  • Yeah, just whatever-- just keep it consistent.

  • - (both laugh) - You're like...

  • (Link laughs) I don't look like that, man. I was looking at you. Look at me.

  • - I'm gonna smile. - Okay.

  • Just like in every gradeschool picture we had together. And you make that face

  • you made in every gradeschool picture, which was like... "I'm tryin' to be cool."

  • - No, I wasn't trying. - (both laugh)

  • All right.

  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪

  • - (laughs) - (fart noise)

  • - What did you-- did you just fart? - No, it's my seat.

  • - My seat-- my seat farted! What? - You became-- (laughs)

  • - Already? - You became Howdy Doody.

  • - (all laugh) - (Rhett) And it was, like, the most

  • - Howdy Doody... - (Link) What is that?

  • - Like a marionette puppet? - The Howdy Doody! You are Howdy Doody.

  • Like, that's how much Howdy Doody you became to me.

  • - Shut up. - Like, you're becoming something I don't

  • wanna look at. Like you're becoming a being that I'm frightened of.

  • - Okay, okay. - (Rhett) Sorry. You were so Howdy Doody

  • that I broke.

  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪

  • - (all laugh) - I know, I'm smiling like Howdy Doody!

  • - (laughs) Howdy Doody! - It's like... 7 seconds into every stare

  • - you start going... - (Link and crew laugh)

  • (Rhett) Just don't smile, man! It's not funny. This is research! This is Italian

  • - research. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay.

  • - Think of the Italians, man. - Okay. Here we go.

  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪

  • (laughs nervously) You started to scare me! I'm like-- my eyes are watering.

  • - I'm starting to get scared. Um... - Did I become something I don't?

  • (Link) Well, 4 things happened. Your eyebrows became like a flying bird

  • coming towards me and it was like... I wasn't aware of your eyes anymore,

  • just your eyebrows became like a swooping bird. And then the whole right

  • side of your face disappeared. It was like all you had was the left side of your face.

  • And then your left eyeball-- the side of your face that was still there-- started

  • getting bigger and migrating off of your face, and that's when I got scared.

  • One of your eyes is turning into flesh. Like, you are a man without an eye--

  • - an eye that was never born. - Like my eye didn't born?

  • - Your eye never born. - (Link laughs)

  • - Okay. - Okay.

  • I'm gonna try to focus on a different part of your face now.

  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪

  • - Tom Selleck. - Really. Mustache?

  • No. You became a person wearing a Tom Selleck mask. You became somebody who,

  • in 1985, they went to the Halloween store and they were like, "I wanna be

  • Magnum P.I." 'Cause Magnum's face was out here and then Link's eyes...

  • - (Link) Oh, wow. - were like an inch behind it. It was like

  • a cheap Tom Selleck mask. Very plasticky.

  • This is kinda scary. I mean, if I were a middle schooler at, like, a slumber party,

  • this could get really freaky for a number of reasons.

  • - (crew laughs) - One, because why was I invited?

  • Two, it would just be weird. Um... I invite you...

  • - To the slumber party! - (laughs) To my slumber party!

  • We invite you to the slumber party. We're all gonna see if we can become

  • - things that we don't. - I invite you to try this on your own,

  • and if you've already done it or whatever you wanna comment, just do it below.

  • - Also like and subscribe. - Wow. You know what time it is.

  • (distorted male voice) Hey, this is Barry of Another Round in Oshawa, Ontario,

  • Canada, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality!

  • You can watch Good Mythical Morning 24 hours earlier Monday through Friday

  • - at - What?

  • - Do it! - 24 hours early,!

  • Check it out! Click through to Good Mythical More. We have learned

  • some stuff about you Mythical Beasts, and we're gonna tell you about it,

  • so just click on through in a second, after this lands and we end the episode.

  • (Rhett) Link loses toddler Rhett at the airport.

  • (high-pitched voice) Rhett! Rhett! RHETT! RHETTTTTT!

  • Rhett! What on Earth? I've been lookin' for you everywhere!

  • Don't you (voice deepens) ever do that again!

  • (whimpers)

  • (crew laughs)

  • - (quietly) Now let's go get some ice cream. - (kid voice) Okay!

  • [Captioned by Caitrin: GMM Captioning Team]

Can staring at someone cause you to hallucinate?


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B1 中級

顔面モーフィング実験 (Face Morphing Experiment)

  • 31 1
    Emily に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日