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  • Beijing waded in to prop up stock and currency markets on Tuesday after panic selling on Monday,

  • when equity trading was halted after prices fell by 7%.

  • It's not clear what caused the panic, there was some bad manufacturing numbers,

  • it was also the prospect of mass selling by big investors after the end of a lock-in period imposed on them

  • after last summer's route on the Shanghai exchange, which is due to be lifted on Friday.

  • The government said today the lock-in might be extended

  • and it also seems to have sent in state banks to buy shares.

  • Even with those factors in place, some Chinese analysts are calling this week's panic irrational.

  • Maybe it is part of a new more volatile world opening up in 2016.

  • Since the global financial crisis, central banks in developed markets have been deliberately squashing market volatility.

  • Now the US Federal Reserve has reversed direction,

  • unlike the European Central Bank and the Bank of England.

  • Maybe what's happening in China this week marks our first move into what some analysts are calling uncharted waters.

  • As well as buying stocks, Beijing was buying the Renminbi on Tuesday to try and bring some sense of stability,

  • but few people doubt that the Chinese currency will continue to depreciate as it did last year.

  • This only adds to global deflationary pressures, especially on other emerging markets.

  • We knew 2016 was going to be a challenging year for emerging economies,

  • we didn't know it would get off to a start like this one.

Beijing waded in to prop up stock and currency markets on Tuesday after panic selling on Monday,


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B1 中級

90秒でわかる中国市場のインパクト|FTマーケッツ (China market impact in 90 seconds | FT Markets)

  • 43 6
    Kristi Yang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日