字幕表 動画を再生する
Translator: Joseph Geni Reviewer: Morton Bast
17才の頃から ジャーナリストをしていますが
I've been a journalist now since I was about 17,
この業界は今 とても面白いです
and it's an interesting industry to be in at the moment,
ご存じの通り メディア業界では
because as you all know, there's a huge amount of upheaval
ものすごい変化が 起きているからです
going on in media, and most of you probably know this
ただ ほとんどの人は ビジネスモデルの崩壊や
from the business angle, which is that the business model
is pretty screwed, and as my grandfather would say,
the profits have all been gobbled up by Google.
ジャーナリストとして 本当に面白いですが
So it's a really interesting time to be a journalist,
私が興味あるのは記事自体の 変化ではありません
but the upheaval that I'm interested in is not on the output side.
書く前の段階の変化 つまり情報入手や ―
It's on the input side. It's concern with
how we get information and how we gather the news.
And that's changed, because we've had a huge shift
in the balance of power from
the news organizations to the audience.
読み手はこれまで ニュースに
And the audience for such a long time was in a position
where they didn't have any way of affecting news
or making any change. They couldn't really connect.
And that's changed irrevocably.
My first connection with the news media was
1984年 BBCがストを実施したときです
in 1984, the BBC had a one-day strike.
マンガまで休みになり 怒っていたのです
I wasn't happy. I was angry. I couldn't see my cartoons.
So I wrote a letter.
嫌がらせの手紙に 最高の結びは こうです
And it's a very effective way of ending your hate mail:
「愛を込めて マーカム 4才」 これは今でも通用します
"Love Markham, Aged 4." Still works.
ストに与えた インパクトは不明です
I'm not sure if I had any impact on the one-day strike,
ただ わかったのは 返事に3週間もかかったこと
but what I do know is that it took them three weeks to get back to me.
行動を起こして 結果を知りたくても
And that was the round journey. It took that long for anyone
to have any impact and get some feedback.
And that's changed now because, as journalists,
we interact in real time. We're not in a position
where the audience is reacting to news.
今ではジャーナリストが 読者に頼っているのです
We're reacting to the audience, and we're actually relying on them.
They're helping us find the news. They're helping us
取材の切り口も 皆が知りたい事も 読者が教えてくれます
figure out what is the best angle to take and what is the stuff that they want to hear.
全部リアルタイムで あっという間です
So it's a real-time thing. It's much quicker. It's happening
いつもこんな状態で 追いつくのに必死です
on a constant basis, and the journalist is always playing catch up.
どのくらい読者に頼っているか ―
To give an example of how we rely on the audience,
9月5日 コスタリカの 地震を例に 見てみましょう
on the 5th of September in Costa Rica, an earthquake hit.
It was a 7.6 magnitude. It was fairly big.
地震が起きて60秒後 ―
And 60 seconds is the amount of time it took
for it to travel 250 kilometers to Managua.
マナグアが揺れるまでに 60秒かかっているのです
So the ground shook in Managua 60 seconds after it hit the epicenter.
その30秒後 第一報がツイートされます
Thirty seconds later, the first message went onto Twitter,
"temblor" 地震というつぶやきでした
and this was someone saying "temblor," which means earthquake.
So 60 seconds was how long it took
for the physical earthquake to travel.
その30秒後には 地震のニュースが
Thirty seconds later news of that earthquake had traveled
all around the world, instantly. Everyone in the world,
世界中の誰もが マナグアの地震を
hypothetically, had the potential to know that an earthquake
was happening in Managua.
And that happened because this one person had
状況を伝えたいと思い 投稿したことです
a documentary instinct, which was to post a status update,
which is what we all do now, so if something happens,
we put our status update, or we post a photo,
絶え間なくクラウドに 流れ込んでいきます
we post a video, and it all goes up into the cloud in a constant stream.
And what that means is just constant,
huge volumes of data going up.
It's actually staggering. When you look at the numbers,
YouTubeでは毎分72時間以上の ビデオが投稿されます
every minute there are 72 more hours
YouTubeでは毎分72時間以上の ビデオが投稿されます
of video on YouTube.
1秒間に1時間分を超える 投稿があるのです
So that's, every second, more than an hour of video gets uploaded.
Instagramでは1秒に58枚の写真 ―
And in photos, Instagram, 58 photos are uploaded to Instagram a second.
Facebookでは 3,500枚以上の 写真が投稿されます
More than three and a half thousand photos go up onto Facebook.
だから 私がこの話を終える頃には
So by the time I'm finished talking here, there'll be 864
YouTubeには864時間分のビデオ ―
more hours of video on Youtube than there were when I started,
FacebookとInstagramには 250万枚の写真が投稿されています
and two and a half million more photos on Facebook and Instagram than when I started.
So it's an interesting position to be in as a journalist,
because we should have access to everything.
Any event that happens anywhere in the world, I should be able to know about it
ほぼ同時に しかもタダで 知ることができます
pretty much instantaneously, as it happens, for free.
この状況は 誰にとっても同じです
And that goes for every single person in this room.
ただ問題があって 情報が大量になると
The only problem is, when you have that much information,
you have to find the good stuff, and that can be
incredibly difficult when you're dealing with those volumes.
And nowhere was this brought home more than during
Hurricane Sandy. So what you had in Hurricane Sandy was
長らく経験していなかった 巨大ハリケーンが
a superstorm, the likes of which we hadn't seen for a long time,
iPhoneの総本山を襲ったのです (笑)
hitting the iPhone capital of the universe -- (Laughter) --
さらに多種多様なメディアを みんなが持っています
and you got volumes of media like we'd never seen before.
And that meant that journalists had to deal with fakes,
再投稿された古い写真 ―
so we had to deal with old photos that were being reposted.
We had to deal with composite images
ジャーナリストは 見分ける必要があります
that were merging photos from previous storms.
映画『デイ・アフター・トゥモロー』の 写真まで混じっています (笑)
We had to deal with images from films like "The Day After Tomorrow." (Laughter)
中には リアルすぎて
And we had to deal with images that were so realistic
it was nearly difficult to tell if they were real at all.
冗談はさておき Instagramからの この写真では
But joking aside, there were images like this one from Instagram
which was subjected to a grilling by journalists.
Instagramでフィルタが かけられています
They weren't really sure. It was filtered in Instagram.
The lighting was questioned. Everything was questioned about it.
でも これは本物でした
And it turned out to be true. It was from Avenue C
水没したマンハッタン アベニューCです
in downtown Manhattan, which was flooded.
And the reason that they could tell that it was real
was because they could get to the source, and in this case,
these guys were New York food bloggers.
よく知られ 尊敬されていました
They were well respected. They were known.
So this one wasn't a debunk, it was actually something that they could prove.
これがジャーナリストの仕事 情報の確認です
And that was the job of the journalist. It was filtering all this stuff.
And you were, instead of going and finding the information
and bringing it back to the reader, you were holding back
the stuff that was potentially damaging.
信頼できる情報源の 発見が重要になるため
And finding the source becomes more and more important --
ジャーナリストは Twitterを頻繁に利用します
finding the good source -- and Twitter is where most journalists now go.
大量の情報が集まるので 使い方がわかれば
It's like the de facto real-time newswire,
まるで記事配信サービスのように 利用できます
if you know how to use it, because there is so much on Twitter.
役に立つ反面 難しい面もあることが
And a good example of how useful it can be
but also how difficult was the Egyptian revolution in 2011.
アラビア語が話せず エジプトではなく
As a non-Arabic speaker, as someone who was looking
from the outside, from Dublin,
Twitter lists, and lists of good sources,
質の高い情報源のリストや 信頼できる人が 重要でした
people we could establish were credible, were really important.
そんなリストを 一から作るには どうしたらよいか?
And how do you build a list like that from scratch?
何を探すべきか知らないと とても大変です
Well, it can be quite difficult, but you have to know what to look for.
これはイタリアの学者 アンドレ・パニソンが
This visualization was done by an Italian academic.
タハリール広場での Twitter上のやり取りを
He's called André Pannison, and he basically
took the Twitter conversation in Tahrir Square
ムバラク大統領が 辞任した その日です
on the day that Hosni Mubarak would eventually resign,
点はリツイートで 誰かがメッセージを
and the dots you can see are retweets, so when someone
リツイートすると 2点がつながります
retweets a message, a connection is made between two dots,
回数が多い程 ―
and the more times that message is retweeted by other people,
the more you get to see these nodes, these connections being made.
And it's an amazing way of visualizing the conversation,
ただ ここから得られるのは 誰に関心をもち
but what you get is hints at who is more interesting
誰を調べるべきかを 知る手がかりだけです
and who is worth investigating.
会話が展開すると どんどん活発になり
And as the conversation grew and grew, it became
最終的に 会話は
more and more lively, and eventually you were left
巨大な リズムを刻む点の塊になります
with this huge, big, rhythmic pointer of this conversation.
つながりを見て こう思うかも
You could find the nodes, though, and then you went,
and you go, "Right, I've got to investigate these people.
These are the ones that are obviously making sense.
どんな人間か 調べてみよう」
Let's see who they are."
私たちジャーナリストは 情報があふれる今 ―
Now in the deluge of information, this is where
ウェブの同時性に とても興味を覚えます
the real-time web gets really interesting for a journalist like myself,
because we have more tools than ever
to do that kind of investigation.
以前よりも とても詳しく
And when you start digging into the sources, you can go
further and further than you ever could before.
Sometimes you come across a piece of content that
本当に使えるかどうか ―
is so compelling, you want to use it, you're dying to use it,
but you're not 100 percent sure if you can because
信頼できる情報源か ―
you don't know if the source is credible.
合成か 再投稿か わからないからです
You don't know if it's a scrape. You don't know if it's a re-upload.
And you have to do that investigative work.
And this video, which I'm going to let run through,
was one we discovered a couple of weeks ago.
ビデオ 「風が強くなってきたわ」
Video: Getting real windy in just a second.
(Rain and wind sounds)
(Explosion) Oh, shit!
プロデューサーなら 放送したくなるはずです
Markham Nolan: Okay, so now if you're a news producer, this is something
you'd love to run with, because obviously, this is gold.
You know? This is a fantastic reaction from someone,
very genuine video that they've shot in their back garden.
でも 本物か ニセモノか 古いものか
But how do you find if this person, if it's true, if it's faked,
or if it's something that's old and that's been reposted?
ビデオを調べて わかったのは
So we set about going to work on this video, and
the only thing that we had to go on was the username on the YouTube account.
このアカウントの投稿は 1件だけ
There was only one video posted to that account,
ユーザー名は "Rita Krill"
and the username was Rita Krill.
本名か 偽名かはわかりません
And we didn't know if Rita existed or if it was a fake name.
そこで ネット上の 無料ツールで調べ始めました
But we started looking, and we used free Internet tools to do so.
The first one was called Spokeo, which allowed us to look for Rita Krills.
全米を調べ NY ペンシルベニア ―
So we looked all over the U.S. We found them in New York,
ネバダ フロリダで この名を見つけました
we found them in Pennsylvania, Nevada and Florida.
次にWolfram Alphaを使って
So we went and we looked for a second free Internet tool
called Wolfram Alpha, and we checked the weather reports
for the day in which this video had been uploaded,
名前が挙がった場所の内 ―
and when we went through all those various cities,
その日 フロリダが雷雨でした
we found that in Florida, there were thunderstorms and rain on the day.
So we went to the white pages, and we found,
電話帳でRita Krillをいくつか見つけ
we looked through the Rita Krills in the phonebook,
住所を洗ったところ ―
and we looked through a couple of different addresses,
Google Mapsで 家を見つけました
and that took us to Google Maps, where we found a house.
ビデオと よく似た ―
And we found a house with a swimming pool that looked
プールがある家です 再びビデオを見て
remarkably like Rita's. So we went back to the video,
and we had to look for clues that we could cross-reference.
ビデオをよく見ると 大きなパラソルと
So if you look in the video, there's the big umbrella,
there's a white lilo in the pool,
there are some unusually rounded edges in the swimming pool,
and there's two trees in the background.
Google Mapsに戻り よく見ると
And we went back to Google Maps, and we looked a little bit closer,
and sure enough, there's the white lilo,
2本の木も パラソルもあります
there are the two trees,
there's the umbrella. It's actually folded in this photo.
少し工夫すると プールの角が丸いこともわかります
Little bit of trickery. And there are the rounded edges on the swimming pool.
So we were able to call Rita, clear the video,
make sure that it had been shot, and then our clients
were delighted because they were able to run it without being worried.
一方 真実を知ることが
Sometimes the search for truth, though,
is a little bit less flippant, and it has much greater consequences.
Syria has been really interesting for us, because obviously
a lot of the time you're trying to debunk stuff that can be
真偽を判断することが 当然 多くなるからです
potentially war crime evidence, so this is where YouTube
この場合 YouTubeが
actually becomes the most important repository
世界情勢を知るために 重要な情報源です
of information about what's going on in the world.
このビデオは かなり残酷なので
So this video, I'm not going to show you the whole thing,
音声の一部を お聞きください
because it's quite gruesome, but you'll hear some of the sounds.
This is from Hama.
Video: (Shouting)
And what this video shows, when you watch the whole thing through,
is bloody bodies being taken out of a pickup truck
and thrown off a bridge.
The allegations were that these guys were Muslim Brotherhood
シリア軍兵士の死体を 捨てる所とされています
and they were throwing Syrian Army officers' bodies
でも男達は 呪いや 冒涜の言葉を言っており
off the bridge, and they were cursing and using blasphemous language,
and there were lots of counterclaims about who they were,
ビデオの説明通りなのかは 意見が分かれます
and whether or not they were what the video said it was.
そこでTwitterでやり取りしていた ―
So we talked to some sources in Hama who we had been
ハマーにいる人達に この件を尋ねました
back and forth with on Twitter, and we asked them about this,
注目したのは橋です 特定できるかも知れません
and the bridge was interesting to us because it was something we could identify.
3つの情報源の 証言はバラバラでした
Three different sources said three different things about the bridge.
They said, one, the bridge doesn't exist.
別の協力者は「橋はあるが ハマーではない」
Another one said the bridge does exist, but it's not in Hama. It's somewhere else.
And the third one said, "I think the bridge does exist,
but the dam upstream of the bridge was closed,
川に水がないはずで 映像と一致しない」
so the river should actually have been dry, so this doesn't make sense."
So that was the only one that gave us a clue.
We looked through the video for other clues.
ビデオを見ると 特徴のある 手すりに気づきました
We saw the distinctive railings, which we could use.
歩道上の影が 南へ伸びているので
We looked at the curbs. The curbs were throwing shadows south,
so we could tell the bridge was running east-west across the river.
It had black-and-white curbs.
As we looked at the river itself, you could see there's
西側にコンクリート護岸 血の流れが見えます
a concrete stone on the west side. There's a cloud of blood.
That's blood in the river. So the river is flowing
south to north. That's what that tells me.
And also, as you look away from the bridge,
there's a divot on the left-hand side of the bank,
and the river narrows.
次にGoogle Mapsで
So onto Google Maps we go, and we start
looking through literally every single bridge.
We go to the dam that we talked about, we start just
橋がある場所を すべて確認し
literally going through every time that road crosses the river,
crossing off the bridges that don't match.
We're looking for one that crosses east-west.
And we get to Hama. We get all the way from the dam
to Hama and there's no bridge.
So we go a bit further. We switch to the satellite view,
橋がひとつあったのです 証拠がまとまり始めます
and we find another bridge, and everything starts to line up.
The bridge looks like it's crossing the river east to west.
この橋でしょうか ズームしてみましょう
So this could be our bridge. And we zoom right in.
橋の中央に線があり 2車線だとわかります
We start to see that it's got a median, so it's a two-lane bridge.
And it's got the black-and-white curbs that we saw in the video,
and as we click through it, you can see someone's
アップロードされた写真が マップ上に現れます
uploaded photos to go with the map, which is very handy,
so we click into the photos. And the photos start showing us
細部を見て ビデオと照合できます
more detail that we can cross-reference with the video.
最初に気づくのは 白と黒の縁石です
The first thing that we see is we see black-and-white curbing,
which is handy because we've seen that before.
特徴のある手すりも見えます ここから男達が
We see the distinctive railing that we saw the guys
throwing the bodies over.
これが探していた橋だと 確信するまで検証を続けました
And we keep going through it until we're certain that this is our bridge.
So what does that tell me? I've got to go back now
思い出してほしいのは3人の情報 ―
to my three sources and look at what they told me:
the one who said the bridge didn't exist,
「ハマーではない」という情報 ―
the one who said the bridge wasn't in Hama,
そして「橋はあるが 水位がおかしい」という情報です
and the one guy who said, "Yes, the bridge does exist, but I'm not sure about the water levels."
3人目の情報が急に 信頼できるものに見えて来ました
Number three is looking like the most truthful all of a sudden,
私達はそれを無料ツールで 確認する事ができました
and we've been able to find that out using some free Internet tools
sitting in a cubicle in an office in Dublin
たった20分で です
in the space of 20 minutes.
And that's part of the joy of this. Although the web
ネット上には大量の情報が 行き交っているので
is running like a torrent, there's so much information there
選別はとても大変ですし 日々 難しくなります
that it's incredibly hard to sift and getting harder every day,
でも情報を適切に使えば 素晴らしい情報が手に入ります
if you use them intelligently, you can find out incredible information.
Given a couple of clues, I could probably find out
皆さんが知られたくない 情報だって探り出せるでしょう
a lot of things about most of you in the audience that you might not like me finding out.
今は これまでにない程 ―
But what it tells me is that, at a time when
大量の情報があり 選別も難しいですが
there's more -- there's a greater abundance of information than there ever has been,
it's harder to filter, we have greater tools.
We have free Internet tools that allow us,
help us do this kind of investigation.
We have algorithms that are smarter than ever before,
and computers that are quicker than ever before.
でもアルゴリズムは 規則の集まりに過ぎず
But here's the thing. Algorithms are rules. They're binary.
YesかNo 白か黒なのです
They're yes or no, they're black or white.
真実はそうではありません 真実には価値があります
Truth is never binary. Truth is a value.
真実は感情に訴え 流動的で 何より人間的なものです
Truth is emotional, it's fluid, and above all, it's human.
コンピュータが どれほど速くなろうと
No matter how quick we get with computers, no matter
情報がどれほど増えようと ―
how much information we have, you'll never be able
真実を探すためには 人間が欠かせません
to remove the human from the truth-seeking exercise,
真実の探求は 人間の特性なのですから
because in the end, it is a uniquely human trait.
ありがとうございました (拍手)
Thanks very much. (Applause)