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  • When the FED wants to fight inflation, it raises interest rates, which sets up a chain reaction in the economy.

  • We build this machine to show you how it works.

  • It all starts when the FED makes money more expensive for big banks and hedge funds, and that pushes up short term and long term rates.

  • Now, more people want the dollar, making it stronger and stronger. And more people want bonds, so stock prices fall.

  • So, while you might earn more with your savings account, you'll pay more on your credit cards and loans.

  • This might make you buy less,

  • which means businesses could sell less, hire fewer workers, and put things on sale.

  • All slowing the economy, and everything goes as expected, inflation will fall.

  • But, it's a delicate system, and there're a lot of places where the machine could fail, so, like many of us,

  • the FED will be watching the economy to see what happens next.

When the FED wants to fight inflation, it raises interest rates, which sets up a chain reaction in the economy.


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A2 初級

ルーブ・ゴールドバーグ・マシンで解説するFRB金利|ニューヨーク・タイムズ (Fed Rates Explained in a Rube Goldberg Machine | The New York Times)

  • 6441 319
    Kristi Yang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日