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Oh hey So you know when people are dickheads?
I’m tired of people telling me what I can and can’t say n—
Dickhead. Fat people.
Am I right? Dickhead.
My coworker’s best friend’s cousin is gay and he doesn’t complain when I call
him a fa— DICKHEAD.
Why are people so dumb like I just can’t. Anyway so we all know those people who just
say stupid shit all the time And you’re like
“Hey wha—hey why are you saying that stupid shit?”
“Oh it’s just my OPINION!!!” *blink sounds*
Like instead of apologizing and being like “oh hey I’m sorry I said that stupid shit”
*mouth sounds* I can’t even form words
What. Are. You. Doing?! *more mouth sounds*
So let’s cut the shit Just cut it
Just snip it Just snip it
For the 560th time, rape jokes aren’t funny Fat jokes aren’t funny
Racist jokes aren’t funny Homophobic jokes aren’t funny
*slurred* Trans jokes aren’t funny either This is my pulling apart the tethers of your
fucking bad jokes Just falls apart
Just ope there it is, that’s the thread of unoriginality
There’s the thread of repetitiveness There’s the thread of outdated humor
Someone, I don’t even wanna name her name because I don’t wanna give her anymore views
Someone made a video called “Dear Fat People” where she essentially rendered fat people
useless human beings And then like packaged it in like some faux
“I care about your health” bullshit The last time I checked
People are usually aware of what they look like
Wow, you’re really helping the world, ma’am By telling people they’re fat
Ma’am Anyone who thinks that they know what’s
going on in any other person’s life enough to judge them and tell them what they should
and shouldn’t be doing When you clearly don’t care
STOP Yes I’m coming for your edges
And I’m bringing coconut oil because you so desperately need it
I know you’re afraid of fat, I know But just trust me, just a little bit of coconut
oil goes a long way I mean not too much, you don’t want it to look
greasy But just enough so that it doesn’t look
like dried out hay in the middle of an abandoned farm
In the desert At high noon
In August There are a few thousand different reason
why you’re wrong Let me go through a couple of them
Your message is harmful because there are thousands and thousands of young people
That will see your video and give up Because they work hard every day to find their
self esteem within themselves And you just tore it down in a 6 minute video
And it doesn’t even matter if they’ve tried to lose weight or not
That’s not the subject That’s not what’s important
What’s important is that you’re sending a message
to people that they are worthless unless they listen to you
Society tells people every day that they’re not good enough
You don’t know their journey You don’t know their story
You don’t know what they have and haven’t done
Or what they want and what they don’t want All you’re concerned with is yourself
You’re not trying to help anyone You see yourself in a position of power because
you’re not a part of that group And it’s so easy being an outsider in a
place of privilege telling people in a marginalized group what they should and shouldn’t do
And it’s infuriating And it’s not just this person that I’m
talking about It’s so many people
It’s the people who supported that video It’s the people who see bigger people out
in public and laugh at them or make jokes with their friends about them
It’s the people who wear fat suits in parody music videos trying to portray Meghan Trainor
or Adele Because these women are confident in the way
they look and for some reason that intimidates them
Hey guys there’s enough confidence to go around
So stop trying to take it from other people to build up your own
And say the person you’ve been targeting has been trying to lose weight for weeks
or months or years
You say you’re not worried about people who have a “little extra baggage”
But that makes no sense to me because somehow you expect the people with more baggage to
lose weight faster than the people with less baggage
If you’re calling for someone to lose half of their body weight or more
Do you think that happens in 5 minutes? Stop.
Stop. I didn’t write anything down for this video
so everything is just coming off the top of my head and I’m sorry if I didn’t finish
a thought I hope I did
But you can go watch Meghan Tonjes’ video
Her response to Dear Fat People Just watch Meghan’s video
I’ll put the link in the description box Obviously her voice is much more important
to listen to than mine And I hope that whoever has seen that horrible
video can see Meghan’s or mine or some other positive
thing that will stop them from self-harming or worse
And that’s why people need to stop complaining about political correctness too
This goes for people making rape jokes Making racist or homophobic or sexist comments
because it’s the easiest joke to make And can we stop saying the R word? Like the
R-E-T-A don’t Like we can stop that
A split second of your thought process is worth it to people who deserve your respect
And everyone makes mistakes and no one’s perfect
but if you hear the message try to incorporate it into your world
I don’t even know where I am in this *stumbling* *deep sigh*
Word vomit. But I hope this helped some of you think about
some of these things and why it’s important to not make fun of things that people can’t
change in 5 minutes My name is Nicola Foti
You’re watching soundlyawake I trapezoid you because hearts got too mainstream
And I’ll see you in a couple days with a new video
Peaces! Don’t forget to check out Meghan’s video!
What other favorite things can I talk about? Favorite picture
See this? That’s Tagstr
I’m gonna open it Do you follow me on Tagstr?
If not, why not— *creepy audio message plays*
I’m tired of people telling me what I can and can’t say nnnnnnnnnnnnn-