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  • Hey, this is JR, and you're listening to Positive Tunes 好歌學英文

  • where we talk about positive songs and artists, and teach you the English lyrics.

  • Recently there was a night I couldn't sleep.

  • I started to feel worried about my future 'cos everything ahead of me just seemed to be so vague and blurry.

  • And that's when this melody hit my head.

  • I was lying in my bed. I couldn't sleep.

  • I turned on my smartphone and played this song till I finally fell asleep.

  • It gave me that kind of assuring feeling.

  • And as I just mentioned, yes, this is the song that we're gonna learn today. Josh Wilson's 'Carry Me'.

  • Josh Wilson is 32 years old this year, and he's been in the music scene since 2004 with eleven records.

  • And the song we've chosen today is called 'Carry Me' which is the same title of his album in 2013.

  • During a radio interview back in 2013, he mentioned how he came up with the inspiration for writing this song.

  • It started on a summer day when he woke up feeling dizzy.

  • He didn't know why. And it kept on for days.

  • He ended up nearly passing out in a store. So that's when he realized that something was going wrong.

  • He called his wife, and he went to see the doctors.

  • Things got worse. He had trouble breathing, arms and legs were numb.

  • He thought it was a heart attack. But instead the doctors told him it wasn't anything physical, it was a panic attack.

  • And that got Josh really confused.

  • 'Cos he was doing the things that he liked. He was working on his record, he was on tour, he was not really stressed.

  • But then the symptoms continued for days. And eventually he had to cancel the last performance on his tour.

  • When he was asked about this song he said,

  • "I like to think that I have everything under my control, but that's not true. God is the only one who has everything under control."

  • And that's where the inspiration came from.

  • So this is the song we're gonna sing and teach today. It's called 'Carry Me' by Josh Wilson.

  • And that's what it sounds like. 'Carry Me' by Josh Wilson.

  • Ok, it's time for us to break down the lyrics and teach you the English within it.

Hey, this is JR, and you're listening to Positive Tunes 好歌學英文


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ポジティブチューンズ 好歌學英文 // Carry Me - Josh Wilson (Positive Tunes 好歌學英文 // Carry Me - Josh Wilson)

  • 288 14
    hsiashelley に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日