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The waiter didn't smile at me when she gave me food.
One star!
Shut up!
Guys! What's going on? You didn't seem to seek [xx]?
We're checking out our personal reviews on yelp.
Got five stars because people like
my biceps, I don't even work out so. I mean
I love five stars, but that's
only because everyone thinks I'm this girl named Marie.
Yeah, you look nothing like her.
That's not Marie.
I've no idea who that is? What's my rating?
Oh my God. What! Guys what?
We got to go.
What is it?
Is it bad?
I'm really sorry.
I can't be seen around a one star.
One star?
Guys, guys.
You got to help me.
I want to fix my rate.
There is one way.
You going to tell me or what? Oh yeah!
You got to call a guy. I am world renown dirt bag cleaner
up of Max Maxon. There are dirt
bags all over the
word, and it's my job
to clean them up. This is dirtbag impossible.
You must be the looser racist with the one star Yelp review.
I'm not racist.
Let's get to it you piece of, [xx] I left my cookies in the oven.
First issue, all
your reviews say that you pee all over the toilet seat?
No, I don't!
Oh do you! Make no
mistake, this is real footage
of Anthony urinating all over
the toilet. He even got
some on the sink handle,
the soap dispenser and some
assorted creams. He even splash
the little wee on the bathroom attendant.
That never happened.
Oh come on, even my
dog is potty-trained and he's
a little white doggies, either way
you're just of full of
shitsu, that's the breed of dog I own.
No, no, the real
problem seems to be in here.
I keep the kitchen clean, I only eat healthy food.
Or do you?
Make no mistake this
is actual video footage of
Anthony eating out of
the garbage, think of all the
starving children in Africa that could have eaten that garbage.
What a fucking pee hole!
Okay, that's not even me.
What are you talking about you dirty old country music?
Can you believe T Swift use to play that genre of music.
I mean the pops okay, but I think the real hard. Now the
biggest issue people had with
you is you're rude to people on the street.
No, no, I help old
these ladies cross the street. I'm
a good guy. Or are
you? Fine, whatever!
Play your stupid fake footage.
Roll the clip.
Make no mistake, this is
actual video footage of
Anthony murdering an old woman.
I'm going to push you in front of a car then you die.
Wait, play that footage back again,
now pause. Okay, now
zoom in on the reflection of
my character's eyeball, enhance.
That's you in the reflection.
No it isn't.
Okay, play the footage back again and
this time filter around all the
foreground sound waves.
I'm Max Maxon and
I'm going to ruin Antony's life with
this fake footage of Anthony pushing
an old woman into the street.
Alright fine, you caught me.
Why would you do that?
Don't listen to this guy. Yeah, we checked his yelp, and he's the one star.
Yeah, apparently he's been peeing on people's stuff and eating their garbage.
And I would have gotten
away with it, if weren't for you meddling kids. We are not kids.
Yeah, we're old enough to buy alcohol.
And smoke crack.
You know what, you guys can all kiss my big
British asteroid. Freaking earth, always full of assholes. Hello
everybody, it''s Max Maxon in here to say thank you for subscribing.
Click the video on the left to check out bloopers, and this.
My name is Anthony, when I
pee in the toilet,
I miss it.
And click the video on
the right to check out every Halloween ever.
What are you?
A slutty nurse.
What are you?
A slutty Bee. What are you Shelby? Gandalf. And if you have one of those
fancy touch screen
devices, click on the links in the description below.