Placeholder Image

字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Quick press X to pickle, now Y to toss. Alternate: pickle, toss, pickle, toss!

  • Oh ho hooooo!! Who did it?? Hm, did what?

  • Uh, you look different... new shirt? I fall asleep on the couch for 5 minutes and

  • someone shaves my freakin brows off?! Oh god, what if they don't grow back? Can that happen?

  • My eyebrow knowledge is limited. You seem angry...

  • Does he? He looks pretty calm to me. Without those eyebrows it's impossible to tell.

  • Well maybe THIS will clarify my expression for you.

  • (laughter) You suck SO MUCH!

  • Woo! Seriously though, wasn't me. Me neither.

  • Hi guys. Hey Catbug. Lookin sharp, bud.

  • You sharp too. I like your pointy yellow hair. Uhh... rad?

  • Hangover! Hit subscribe to become one of the mightiest heroes.

Quick press X to pickle, now Y to toss. Alternate: pickle, toss, pickle, toss!


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

ブラウザフェイル - ブレイベストウォリアーズ(ミニエピソード3)カートゥーンハングオーバーで (Browser Fail - Bravest Warriors (Minisode 3) on Cartoon Hangover)

  • 201 26
    sun に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日