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  • Hi. It’s Mr. Andersen and this is AP physics essentials video 133. It is on the second

  • law of thermodynamics. First law relates to energy and how it can neither be created nor

  • destroyed. But the second law relates to entropy. What is entropy? It is a measure of the amount

  • of disorder in a process. And so if you watch the word entropy I am increasing entropy of

  • entropy. In other words I am increasing the disorder. And it is much more likely that

  • it is to fall apart then all those pieces were to spontaneously come back together again.

  • So the second law of thermodynamics relates to processes that can either be reversible

  • or irreversible. Reversible means they can go either way. And the amount of entropy will

  • not change. But in an irreversible process the amount of entropy will increase over time.

  • Now entropy is a state function. That means it is just measured at one point or one state

  • in time. It measures disorder. Other alternative definitions, it is the lack of energy to do

  • work. And so a way to think of it is increasing chaos of the system or its organization of

  • the system. The nice thing about AP Physics is you do not have to quantify entropy. You

  • just have to know its quality, in other words what it is. In a closed system the amount

  • of entropy will never decrease. It always increases over time. And if we think of the

  • whole universe, the universe, entropy of the universe is going to increase over time as

  • well. Now that is kind of a vague concept. What does it mean to increase the entropy

  • of the universe. Let me give you some solid examples. And so I have two videos here. Video

  • A and B. Let me start playing them. They are both the same video but one is played in the

  • forward direction and one is played in the reverse direction. And so can you figure out

  • which one is forward and which on is reverse? It is hard to tell. If I remember right A

  • is actually played in the forward direction. So we can think of this as a reversible process.

  • It is just as likely to happen in the A direction as it is in the B direction. But let me show

  • you another video. Can you figure out which one of these is played in the forward and

  • which one is played in the reverse? Well you probably have never seen B as a video. You

  • do not see milk spontaneously move outside of a cup. So we know A is in the direction.

  • Now we are dealing with an irreversible process. It is totally probable to happen in the A

  • direction but it is statistically improbable if not impossible to happen in the B direction.

  • Let’s watch this. This is another one. So which one of these is in the forward direction?

  • Well B now is in the forward direction. So now we are getting at what it is to be an

  • irreversible process. In other words in an irreversible process, and I am just tugging

  • on the block at the bottom, it is moving in that direction. Now could the reverse occur?

  • Perhaps. But it is going to be statistically improbable for it to occur. So now we have

  • an irreversible process. What is going to happen to the entropy? It is going to increase

  • over time. And sometimes you will hear it referred to, entropy, as time’s arrow. It

  • is going to move in the direction of time in an irreversible process. Let me give you

  • an example of that. On the left we have gas molecules in a container. On the right we

  • have those same gas molecules in a container. So which do you think took place first? Which

  • of these is early and which is later in time? Well the right answer is going to be like

  • that. It is going to become more disordered in time. So what you can do is just draw the

  • arrow of time. And then entropy is just going to be in that same exact direction. And so

  • the second law of thermodynamics says in a closed system, a system isolated from its

  • surroundings, entropy will never decrease. In other words entropy is going to increase

  • over time. In other words in a closed system as time advances entropy is going to advance

  • as well. But this might see counter intuitive. How could I make something like this video

  • and this computer, they seem to have a huge amount of order. They do not see to be chaotic

  • as well. And so it seems like time and entropy in this case are reversed. Over time we have

  • something that is more complex. Well you have to step back again. And remember what I said

  • very carefully. Entropy never decreases but that is in a closed system. This computer

  • and this video are not a closed system. I made them more ordered by making the surroundings

  • less ordered. And that leads into this whole idea that over time entropy is going to increase

  • in the environment. And so did you learn to connect qualitatively the second law of thermodynamics

  • and the state function of entropy? I hope so. And I hope that was helpful.

Hi. It’s Mr. Andersen and this is AP physics essentials video 133. It is on the second


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B1 中級

熱力学の第二法則 (Second Law of Thermodynamics)

  • 62 5
    李育真 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日