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  • Today's a big day for the physics department and for MIT.

  • Professor Frank Wilczek was sharing the Nobel Prize in

  • physics for his seminal work when he was a graduate student

  • on quantum chromo-dynamics. We are now ready to tackle the

  • normal modes in continuous mediums.

  • And I will do that starting first with a string which is

  • fixed at both ends. One way you can do that is you

  • can go back to the results of last lecture when we have

  • capital N bits, and you can make N go to

  • infinity. And the shapes that you get for

  • your continuous media for the strings when they're fixed at

  • both ends are sinusoidal motions would be the first harmonic,

  • the lowest frequency, and then you get high harmonics

  • with higher frequencies. The question,

  • now, is one of those normal mode frequencies for those

  • continued media? And I will derive these today.

  • I will derive these normal mode frequencies using a different

  • approach than the N go to infinity route.

  • And, I find the same results, of course.

  • So, imagine that I have a string here and the tension is

  • T, and the mass per unit length is mu.

  • And, I wiggle one side, and I generate in there a wave.

  • So, I moved the [NOISE OBSCURES] angular frequency,

  • omega, and I do that with an amplitude, A.

  • I will then generate waves whereby this is what we call,

  • in physics, the wavelength. That is the distance that the

  • disturbance travels in one oscillation time.

  • If I call this a positive direction, this wave will

  • propagate with beat V in that direction.

  • And we know what V is. V is the square root of T

  • divided by mu. We derived that last time.

  • And so, Y as a function of X and T, Y being in this

  • direction, X being in this direction, is that an amplitude,

  • A, times the sine, or if you wish the cosine,

  • that's fine with me, times 2 pi divided by lambda

  • times X minus VT. Let's first make T equals zero.

  • Then you see what you have here, the sine 2 pi over lambda

  • times X, if you take X zero, then you find zero.

  • And, if you make X larger by an amount, lambda,

  • you get zero again. So, that's why lambda is called

  • the wavelength. The parent repeats over a

  • distance, lambda. Clearly, this must be a

  • solution to the wave equation because any single valued

  • function I told you which is a function of X minus VT,

  • satisfies the wave equation. And so, this one does too.

  • Now, lambda is V, which is this V times the

  • period of one oscillation, for which I will write a P

  • today, not a T, because I don't want to confuse

  • you. And, that P is obviously 2 pi

  • divided by omega. This is my omega with which I

  • am shaking. And so, omega,

  • which is, then, my frequency,

  • is 2 pi divided by lambda. I will introduce for 2 pi

  • divide by lambda a new symbol, which I call K which is called

  • the wave number. It has dimensions,

  • meters minus one. This is done in most books.

  • It is unfortunate that French calls K1 over lambda.

  • It's not his fault because in the old days it was always done

  • that way. I will always follow the

  • convention of Beckafee and Barrett [SP?],

  • and I will call K always 2 pi over lambda.

  • If I use that new K, then I can rewrite this in a

  • form that you see very often. But there's nothing wrong with

  • that form. That would now be A times the

  • sine of KX minus omega T. Notice the 2 pi lambda over

  • lambda becomes K. So, that is KX.

  • But, omega is always K times V. And so, this form is nice in

  • the sense that if you have these two numbers, you know

  • immediately what the frequency is.

  • That's nonnegotiable. And you know immediately what

  • the wavelength is. It's 2 pi divided by that

  • number. And, you even know that the

  • ratio of those two, omega divided by K is UV,

  • which is that V. So, it is a nice way of writing

  • things down. Now, I'm going to not only

  • generate a wave on this side that moves in this direction.

  • I'm going to generate one that goes in this direction.

  • And then I want to see what they do together.

  • And so, this is now the wave that goes in the positive X

  • direction. And now, I'm going to have

  • another one: Y2 XT, same amplitude,

  • same frequency. Therefore, same wavelength,

  • but now it's going not in this direction.

  • But it's going in this direction.

  • Notice there is a plus here, but there is a minus there.

  • And so, I want to know, now, what some of these two is

  • because one is going like this. Another one is going like this.

  • So, I want to know what the superposition of those two waves

  • do. And so, Y, which is then the

  • total displacement is Y1 plus Y2.

  • And so, I get the sine of alpha plus the sine of beta.

  • That is twice. So that becomes 2A times half

  • the sum, the sine of half the sum.

  • Half the sum becomes KX times the cosine of half the

  • difference. Half the difference would be

  • minus omega T. But minus and plus for cosine,

  • so I will just write down cosign omega T.

  • And this, now, is a very unusual wave.

  • All the spatial information is here.

  • So, this is all the spatial information.

  • And, all the time information is here.

  • And so, whenever this sine is zero, if the X is such that the

  • sine is zero, just tough luck.

  • Then, that location, X, never moves.

  • The cosine omega T could never make it move.

  • It always stands still. We call those nodes,

  • and I will show you, of course, some examples.

  • This has a name, a very nice name.

  • It's called a standing wave, whereas those that I have there

  • we call traveling waves. Now I'm going to make the

  • string, fixed at this end, and fixed at this end.

  • I may shake it a little bit here.

  • You'll see a demonstration of that.

  • And now, at this X equals zero, and at this X equals L,

  • I now have boundary conditions that I have to meet.

  • Y cannot be anything but zero there because it's fixed.

  • And so, I now demand that X equals zero and at X equals L

  • that Y must become zero. And so, the only way that that

  • can be done is that you only allow certain values for K to

  • exist. And, those values for K,

  • which I will now give an index, N, as in Nancy which is going

  • to be the normal mode, N equals one,

  • two, three, four, is now going to be N pi divided

  • by L. Clearly, if X is zero.

  • Oh sorry, we're here. If X equals zero,

  • then surely we are here. Then the whole thing is always

  • zero. That's not an issue.

  • But you see now, if X equals L,

  • then you get N times pi. And so, again,

  • the sine becomes zero. So, I've met this boundary

  • condition that this point cannot move.

  • So, lambda of N, which is 2 pi divided by K of

  • N, that's the way that I define K of N, then becomes 2L divided

  • by N. And, being that one,

  • two, three, four, five, omega N,

  • which is always K of N times V, therefore becomes N pi V over

  • L, and the frequency in hertz, if you prefer that,

  • is 2 pi smaller would become NV over 2L.

  • And so, what are you going to see when you plot dysfunction,

  • this standing wave function? Well, it depends on the N

  • number. Let's take N equals one.

  • And so, the length is L. If you plot that sinusoid for N

  • equals one. It looks like this.

  • And then, the cosine term will make you do this.

  • That's the task of this cosine term.

  • The sine term is just this thing, which would then have an

  • amplitude. That could be different,

  • of course, for the different modes.

  • But it would be this amplitude that you see here.

  • Recall this one, the fundamental.

  • It's the lowest normal mode, but we also call it the first

  • harmonic. I will do both.

  • I will sometimes refer to this as a fundamental because I'm

  • more used to that. But I will also refer to it as

  • the first harmonic. Lambda one is 2L.

  • That's just staring you in the face.

  • In order to make a full wave out of this, you have to add

  • this. So, lambda one is 2L.

  • And, of course, when you look here,

  • lambda one, 2L divided by one. That's exactly what we have

  • there. So now we go to N equals two,

  • which is called the second harmonic.

  • So, let me write this down. So, this is called the

  • fundamental, which is also called the first harmonic.

  • And this is then called the second harmonic whereby the

  • point in the middle stands still.

  • And then, the cosine term will change shape like this.

  • It is unfortunate that there are books that call this the

  • fundamental and is the first harmonic.

  • That's enormously confusing because now you had to start

  • from zero which is the fundamental, and then N equals

  • one is the second harmonic. I will never do that.

  • This is always for the first harmonic.

  • This is always the second harmonic.

  • And so, for N equals two, you see immediately that lambda

  • two is simply L. And that's exactly what you see

  • here. And then, you can put in the

  • third harmonic and I will demonstrate this very shortly.

  • So here you have an omega one, and here you have an omega two.

  • And, they follow this pattern. Omega two is exactly twice

  • omega one because when you make N equals one,

  • you have omega one. And when you make it two,

  • you get twice that much. So, now you see that the

  • ratios, omega one, omega two, omega three,

  • relate as one, to three, to four,

  • to five. And so, you can also write down

  • here then that omega N is N times omega one,

  • and therefore that F of N, which is the frequency in hertz

  • is also N times F1. So, it's very easy to think in

  • terms of the series of these harmonics.

  • They're also sometimes called overtones.

  • When we talk music next Thursday, I will often use the

  • word overtone. So, if the lowest frequency in

  • this mode were 100 Hz, then the second harmonic would

  • be 200 Hz. The third harmonic would be 300

  • Hz, and so on. Now, when I'm driving this

  • string at one end, I will have a wave going in and

  • have a wave coming back. That is exactly recipe that I

  • need for a standing wave. I get reflection here,

  • and so I have one wave going in, and I have one wave coming

  • back. And, if I drive these at these

  • discrete frequencies which are set by the boundary conditions,

  • then the system will react very strongly.

  • We'll go into resonance. You build up a huge amplitude

  • because you keep feeding in waves.

  • And, they keep coming back. So the whole thing starts

  • building up. And, that is the idea of

  • resonance. And, resonance and normal modes

  • are one and the same. So, that's the normal mode of

  • these strings fixed at both ends.

  • We also refer to them, sometimes, as natural

  • frequencies. These points here have a name.

  • They are called nodes. So, this is a node and this is

  • a node. And these points here,

  • also here and here, the ones that have the largest

  • amplitude are called anti-nodes. In Dutch, we call them tummies,

  • very strange. We call the [barker?],

  • barker is this. So, the boundary condition

  • leads to discrete values of the resonance frequencies.

  • And, if this were quantum mechanics, we would call these

  • [igan?] solutions and igan states.

  • So, if you want to write down, now, the situation for your Nth

  • mode, in its most general form, then you would get Y as a

  • function of X and T in the Nth mode would have its own

  • amplitude, A of N, whatever that is.

  • You can pick that for different values of N.

  • And then, you have here the sine of N pi times X divided by

  • L. And here, you have the cosine

  • of omega NT. That, then, meets the boundary

  • conditions for two fixed ends. And, any linear superposition,

  • any combinations of various values Nancy N,

  • and various values of A will satisfy the wave equation.

  • So, this string can simultaneously oscillate in a

  • whole series of these normal modes.

  • And when we do music next Thursday you'll see that.

  • I will demonstrate that to you. I want to show you now is that

  • if I take a string, I need, again,

  • even though it has spring-like qualities we will treat it as a

  • string. Then I will show you that if I

  • drive this at the end at the proper frequencies,

  • that I can generate the resonances.

  • And, I can make you see the normal modes.

  • So, who is willing to assist me this time?

  • You were dying last time also, right?

  • But Nicole won the battle then. So, hold it in your hand

  • firmly. Just walk back and do nothing.

  • Just walk back, walk back.

  • We need a little tension on there.

  • OK, that is fine. So, I'm now going to wiggle

  • this. This is really a fixed end.

  • You will see when I hit resonance that my hand is hardly

  • moving at all because I keep pumping waves in and they keep

  • coming back at me. And the amplitude will build

  • up. And then I have to search for

  • these residences. And when I hit one,

  • I know I hit one. You will see why I know it.

  • I feel it in my stomach. I feel it in my tummy.

  • I feel it in my hands, and my whole body knows I hit

  • resonance. And you'll see that.

  • OK, there we go. This is the lowest mode.

  • This is N equals one. And notice that my hand is

  • hardly moving at all. So my hand, for all practical

  • reasons, is really a fixed end. So, you get that solution.

  • So, I will now try to find the second harmonic,

  • which would end up, then, as a node in the middle

  • in addition to nodes at the end. Is that it?

  • And again, when I hit that resonance, which is a normal

  • mode, notice that my hand is hardly moving.

  • And, boy, do I feel it. I really know that I am on

  • resonance. I can try the third one,

  • in which case you will see two nodes in the middle,

  • and two at the end. Is this the third one?

  • Well, I'm good today, am I not?

  • You see: very clear. These points stand still.

  • Normal modes: you're not supposed to do that.

  • Oh man, you're ruining my demonstration.

  • So, now I'll try to generate the highest frequency normal

  • mode that I can. And so, you count the number of

  • nodes in the middle. And if you find five,

  • then that's the six harmonic. I think I can do better than

  • that. But it's not so easy to get a

  • very high frequency. So, you do nothing because

  • you'd really ruin it. Yeah, yeah, yeah,

  • yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm getting there.

  • I'm getting there. I'm getting there.

  • Oh, no, no, no. You shouldn't have moved,

  • you see? No, it was not your fault.

  • I'll try it again. I got another resonance.

  • I got a resonance. I got a resonance.

  • Count. Please count.

  • How many did you see? Five?

  • I counted 12 nodes in the middle.

  • What is your name? All right, so that's just the

  • way that it works but you seem normal mode solutions,

  • which either result in standing waves.

  • And the demonstration speaks for itself.

  • I have here a rubber hose, which we are going to excite in

  • the fifth harmonic, let's see how that works,

  • whether we were close. If anyone touches the table,

  • they are, then, the tangent changes.

  • And immediately, of course, the resonance

  • frequency changes because the resonance frequency,

  • notice, has this V in it. So, the moment you change T,

  • it's different. But it's not bad.

  • And so, now I will strobe this one for you because you have no

  • idea that what is happening that it's going like this.

  • It's going too fast for you. And so, I make it easy on you.

  • Could you turn the lights off? Thank you.

  • So, I'm going to strobe it for you.

  • And then I can more or less make the rope stand still.

  • But I can also offset the frequency of my strobe light a

  • little bit so that you actually see the rope move very slowly.

  • So, I can purposely give the strobe light a slightly

  • different frequency. So, that's what I'm doing now.

  • You see, so you have no doubts anymore about the effect,

  • no doubts that indeed if the middle goes up,

  • the one on the side goes down, and vice versa.

  • What I can also do, to turn this into a work of

  • art, if I can turn this one off again, yes I can,

  • I worked with an artist who actually liked these things a

  • lot. And so, I can also strobe it

  • twice as often. So, this is actually,

  • the frequency of the rope is about 9 Hz.

  • So, my red light was close to 9 Hz.

  • The green light is 18 Hz, and a little bit off.

  • So, now you see it twice per oscillation.

  • Of course, to make it really wonderful, to make it very sexy,

  • I can do them both simultaneously.

  • So, now you see the red one doing his own thing and the

  • green one doing its thing. And what I find interesting,

  • it may not work for you, but there are moments

  • occasionally that the red exactly overlaps with the green.

  • When that happens, I see white light.

  • Let's see whether we can have a case like that.

  • Yeah, that was at the bottom. Did you see it?

  • It's white. It's really amazing.

  • There it is again at the top. All right.

  • So, we can have some light again.

  • Thank you, Marcos.

  • I can now do the same thing for sound.

  • These were transverse waves. But there was nothing wrong

  • with doing the same thing for sound, in which case you would

  • have a tube which has a certain length, L.

  • Say it's closed on both sides for now.

  • And, I can now generate in there pressure waves,

  • make the air column oscillate, and the air particles in the

  • lowest mode, all I have to do is what is here in the Y direction

  • that is a transverse position. I now have to offset the

  • molecules of the air in the X direction.

  • So, this is the X direction. And, the direction in which

  • they move is in the X direction. But, the displacement I will

  • call psi [SP?], how much they displaced from

  • equilibrium. So, in the lowest mode,

  • that means in the fundamental in the first harmonic,

  • in the middle the motion would be very large like the Y is very

  • large. And then, it's a little smaller

  • and a little smaller. And here it would stand still.

  • And here it's a little smaller. Here it's smaller.

  • Here it's smaller, and here it stands still.

  • So therefore, in terms of psi,

  • which is the position of the molecules, this would be a node.

  • And this would be a node. And this would be an anti-node

  • in the case of the first harmonic.

  • And so, I could write down that psi in its end's mode as a

  • function of X and T is, then, effectively the same as

  • my Y that I had before, except I have to replace Y,

  • now, by [xi?]. So, I give it some amplitude,

  • A of N. Then I get the sine of N pi X

  • over L, and I get the cosine omega NT through an equation is

  • completely identical. However, keep in mind that

  • omega N, which is this value, which is N pi V over L,

  • that is no different. That is, again,

  • N pi V over L. But, V is now the speed of

  • sound. It's nonnegotiable.

  • V is 300 m per second, and you are stuck with that.

  • And that has major consequences,

  • as I will show you Thursday for the design of wind instruments,

  • whereas with string instruments, you can manipulate

  • V, and you can change T and mu. You can make the tension and

  • the strings larger or smaller. You do not have such an option

  • with wind instruments. The only thing you can play

  • with is L. So, this is the approximate

  • speed of sound. More often than not do we

  • express the standing wave in the case of sound in terms of

  • overpressure. So, we don't look at the

  • displacement of the air molecules, which I did here,

  • which is psi. But we want to know where the

  • pressure is larger than 1 atmosphere, and where it is

  • lower than 1 atmosphere. It is the same idea,

  • but it is very often done. Now, keep in mind that if these

  • particles flow in this direction and pile up here,

  • that the pressure here becomes higher and the pressure here

  • becomes lower because the particles move away from it.

  • So that means where you have a node in psi, you always have an

  • anti-node in pressure. So these other locations by the

  • pressure becomes high. And the overpressure over and

  • above ambient is zero here. There was nothing that prevents

  • the pressure from building up. These particles are free to

  • move. And so, if you write it down in

  • terms of P, which is now overpressure,

  • it is not the total pressure. But it is what is over and

  • above one atmosphere. Then you get some amplitude in

  • pressure. I give you just a P of N.

  • And now, I get the cosine of N pi X over L, and then I get the

  • cosine of omega NT. And you understand now why you

  • get the cosine because the anti-nodes are now here at the

  • ends, which is the consequence of the boundary condition.

  • If I drew a curve as I made a plot of the pressure,

  • I will do it here if it doesn't become too cluttered.

  • So, here is now zero, and here is L.

  • If I put here the pressure, then in the first harmonic,

  • the fundamental, here is a pressure node in the

  • middle where there was an anti-node from psi that is now a

  • pressure node in the middle. And then the pressure will

  • change in this way. So, this is now N equals one.

  • So, the pressure here at one moment in time is high.

  • Then it's zero here, and then it is low here.

  • It is below ambient pressure, and that of course is changing

  • with time, with the cosine omega T term.

  • And, again, you see that lambda one is, of course,

  • 2L. There is no difference there

  • with the string. I can demonstrate this to you

  • in a very, very nice way. I have here a two which is

  • closed at both ends. So here it is.

  • But at one end I have a piston. And so I can change the length,

  • L. You will see in a minute why I

  • like to change that length, L.

  • We are going to drive the inside with a microphone.

  • Here's the microphone. And we're going to do that with

  • a frequency. We really wanted to do a 403

  • Hz, at 8.03 Hz has a rather low wavelength.

  • I wanted to have it shorter. So I do it three times 8.03.

  • So, the frequency in [UNINTELLIGIBLE],

  • which is 24.09 Hz. And so, the wavelength,

  • lambda, which is V divided by the frequency.

  • That's correct. The wavelength,

  • lambda, equals V divided by the frequency is then very roughly

  • 14 cm. So, that gives you an idea

  • about this much. In here, we have a microphone

  • that we can move in and out, and a microphone measures

  • pressure. It has a membrane.

  • And so, it's sensitive for pressure.

  • And this microphone is connected to a loudspeaker so

  • you can hear it. It'll also show to you,

  • the signal the microphone. It'll show to you as we

  • recorded it on an oscilloscope. If I put the microphone at a

  • pressure node, you hear no sound.

  • And if I move it to an anti-node, you will hear sound.

  • I will create in here pressure nodes, nodes,

  • nodes, nodes, nodes, nodes,

  • which are always half a wavelength apart.

  • Think about why that is, if you hear the nodes are half

  • a wavelength apart. The same will be true for

  • sound. I am then going to put this

  • microphone somewhere at a node that we all agree you hear

  • almost no sound. And we see no signal from the

  • oscilloscope. And then, I'm going to move it

  • back and search for one, two, three, four nodes.

  • And then, I know that this distance is going to be two

  • lambda. And I have, therefore,

  • measured lambda. And, the amazing thing is,

  • which actually surprised me, that you can do that to an

  • accuracy of about one million. That is so enormously clear

  • when you are at a node, if you move your mike by 1 mm

  • you can really see that you're no longer at the node.

  • So we'll know lambda probably to 1 mm accuracy.

  • Once we know that, the speed of sound is lambda

  • times F. We know what F is.

  • That's known to one part in, we couldn't be off by more than

  • 1 Hz. So, that's a very well known.

  • And so, we now have a measurement of the speed of

  • sound, a high degree of accuracy.

  • We measure the speed of sound. And so, we catch three birds

  • with one stone. First of all,

  • I can show you the nodes in anti-nodes.

  • So you see how they build up there.

  • And then, at the same time we can measure the speed of sound.

  • The only reason why we make this end movable is that as I

  • move it and bring the mike first at a node, I can make sure that

  • the length is just at resonance. And so, that's just my

  • beginning to make sure that the node is as close to zero as it

  • possibly can be. And so, if we now get the image

  • up there, and then I think we are going to get the light

  • situation like this, and going to turn on the sound,

  • here is the sound. I can turn up the volume

  • seeking hear it better. Is this connected,

  • Marcus? Oh yeah, of course,

  • thank you. I didn't connect the microphone

  • yet. It has a switch.

  • OK, let me first use the, oh, this is awful.

  • This 2409 Hz, by the way.

  • I'll turn it down a little. Is that better?

  • OK, let's first move it around. Let's first bring to a node.

  • Boy, there's nothing left anymore, right?

  • And now, I'm going to change L. OK, I cannot do much better.

  • So, what L is, is not very important.

  • I set L so that I think the system is at resonance in a node

  • that you can calculate if you know how many nodes there are.

  • So, I'm going to search for, well here, you see the

  • anti-nodes, by the way. You see that?

  • I'm moving it in now. I'm moving it further that way.

  • And here, you get to another node.

  • You see that? You see that wonderful,

  • and I go again to an anti-node. And here comes another node.

  • And this note I'm going to measure the position.

  • I have a ruler in there, and the ruler gives me the

  • position of the mike. And this one is 52.8.

  • So, 52.8 cm is this position here somewhere.

  • And, I can put a mark here for you, not that it will help you

  • very much because my accuracy is 1 mm.

  • And, this is a very crude way. So, now I'm going to pull it

  • back. You're going to see an

  • anti-node. You can hear it,

  • a little bit more sound. And you're going to see a node.

  • That's number one. Here's node number two,

  • node number three, node number four.

  • And I'm going to look; and I'm going to look now at

  • the reading. And I read 24.3.

  • So, I read 24.3 cm. So, I subtract them.

  • That is five, 28.5 cm.

  • And this is two lambda. And I know this really to,

  • I would say, a millimeter.

  • It's certainly no worse than two millimeters.

  • And, there is no uncertainty for sure in the F,

  • if you can give me the light back.

  • So, I can now calculate what the velocity of sound is.

  • So, that is 28.5. I divide that by two.

  • It gives me 14.25 cm. This was just a rough number

  • that I gave you. And now I multiplied that by

  • the frequency 2409. And then I find 343.

  • So, V is 343 I would say plus or minus maybe 2 m per second.

  • So, we have measured the speed of sound to a high degree of

  • accuracy. And, of course,

  • at the same time you have seen this wonderful resonance normal

  • mode behavior where you see the nodes and the anti-nodes,

  • in this case, of pressure.

  • Earlier you saw them [NOISE OBSCURES].

  • Now you have seen them in terms of longitudinal motion.

  • There is energy in a traveling wave.

  • If I have here a traveling wave, which is moving in this

  • direction, has tension T, mu is the mass per unit length,

  • then I can write down Y as a function of X and T.

  • I can give it a certain amplitude, A,

  • times the sine. And I can write this now in

  • many different ways. But let's write it down in this

  • form: P times X minus VT. And, we know this V,

  • that V, let's call it V squared is T divided by mu.

  • So, this is a traveling wave that goes into the plus X

  • direction. Is any matter moving in the

  • plus X direction? No.

  • But is anything moving? Yes.

  • It is moving in the Y direction.

  • So, since these particles have mass, and they are moving in

  • this direction, there is kinetic energy due to

  • the motion in this direction, not due to any mass that moves

  • along. No mass moves in the direction

  • of here. Suppose I carve out here the

  • section, DX. So this is the direction of X.

  • And, I take a small section, DX.

  • Then the kinetic energy, DE kinetic, tiny little bit of

  • energy is one half times the mass, DM times the velocity in

  • the Y direction squared. That is 8.01,

  • right? Kinetic energy is one half MV

  • squared. Never confuse this V with that

  • V. That is the velocity of

  • propagation. This is the velocity of the

  • string in this direction. So, I can write this down.

  • DM is obviously mu times DX. If I have a length DX here,

  • and I have mu kg per meter, so I get here one half mu times

  • DX, and for this I write down DY DT squared is the velocity in

  • the Y direction. And I use partial derivatives

  • because I do it at a given location for X.

  • So, what is DY DT? Well, that's easy.

  • That's a piece of cake. There is my function.

  • So, I get an A. Then I get [NOISE OBSCURES]

  • minus V. So, I get a minus and a K and a

  • V. And then, the sine becomes a

  • cosine. And so, I get K times X minus

  • VT. I should have put brackets

  • around there, too, but that's

  • self-explanatory. And now I want to know what the

  • square of this is. So, I'm going to square this.

  • Now I can calculate what the total energy is,

  • kinetic energy, in one wavelength.

  • All I have to do is integrate, now, from zero to lambda to get

  • the total energy in one wavelength.

  • So, I'm going to do that. I'm going to write down here

  • now E kinetic. Follow me closely.

  • I have a half. I have a mu.

  • And then, I get the DY DT squared.

  • So, I get an A squared. I get a K squared.

  • I get a V squared, and then I get the integral

  • from zero to lambda of this function: cosine KX minus VT.

  • And then I have my DX, which is this DX.

  • That's what the integral is in the direction of X.

  • Yeah? Yeah, thank you very much.

  • Extra course credit. What is this integral?

  • Maybe you don't remember, but I've done this often enough

  • that I do know, the integral of cosine squared

  • of that function is lambda divided by two.

  • And I leave you with that. That's a very easy exercise.

  • And I can also take the V squared out and write for that T

  • over mu. So, [in kinetic?] now,

  • and this is in one wavelength. This is my shorthand notation.

  • So all in calculating for you now is how much is in one

  • wavelength. So you're going to get,

  • now, one half mu to get an A squared.

  • The K squared I can write down as 4 pi squared divided by

  • lambda squared. For the V squared,

  • I can write down T divided by mu.

  • And then, I have my lambda over two.

  • Well, this mu kills this mu. This two kills this four and

  • this two. And, one lambda kills one

  • lambda here. So, now I have the final result

  • that E kinetic in one wavelength equals A squared times pi

  • squared times T divided by lambda.

  • Now, if you look at this and you ask me, is that obvious?

  • I would say, not to me.

  • There is a T. There is a lambda.

  • My goodness, and I can also cocktail the

  • whole thing. I can get the T out and get a V

  • back in again. I will admit that I don't have

  • a very good feeling for this function except for one.

  • I do know that always the energy in the wave is always

  • proportional to the amplitude squared.

  • You're going to see that when we do electromagnetic waves in

  • 8.03. It's always proportional to A

  • squared. So, that's the only one for

  • which I may not have a feeling. But I know it's got to be

  • there. And the rest I will leave you

  • with that to see whether perhaps you can talk yourself into

  • understanding why you see the symbols where they are.

  • Now, clearly, there is also potential energy

  • because it takes energy to make that straight line into a curve.

  • And, that means work that you have to do.

  • You have to squeeze to stretch it.

  • There is a tension, and you have to stretch that.

  • And so, you have to work to just get the shape.

  • And that is potential energy. And the potential energy per

  • wavelength, which I want you to do on your own.

  • It's worked out nicely in French.

  • I will not do it today, happens to be exactly the same

  • as the kinetic energy, which is by no means obvious.

  • So, the potential energy per wavelength is the same as the

  • kinetic energy per wavelength. And so, what that means,

  • then, is that the total energy in a traveling wave is twice

  • this: kinetic energy plus potential energy.

  • That is the total energy in a traveling wave.

  • I can now make you see in a nice way an energy balance to

  • compare traveling waves with a standing wave.

  • If I have a standing wave, and the standing wave is like

  • this, and I look at this picture at the moment that the wave

  • stands still, that VY is zero,

  • so it goes like this. That's a standing wave.

  • You've seen that. I do it at this moment,

  • and there's no kinetic energy. There is only potential energy.

  • A little later, there is only kinetic energy,

  • and there is no potential energy.

  • And although later, there is only potential energy

  • and no kinetic energy. If I pick that moment that it

  • stands still, then I know that that's the

  • total energy because it's only potential but it is the total.

  • In other words, for a standing wave,

  • if this has an amplitude, A, it must be the same

  • potential energy as you have in the traveling wave because it's

  • simply due to the fact of the shape.

  • It has nothing to do anymore with motion.

  • So, for a standing wave, the total must be that number,

  • whereas for a traveling wave, you have kinetic energy plus

  • potential energy. So, you have twice as much.

  • Now, I can convince you. And that was my plan earlier

  • today that if I have one traveling wave with amplitude

  • one half, A, and we have another traveling wave again with

  • amplitude one half, A, I know that I'm going to

  • make a standing wave with amplitude A, right,

  • because one half A and one half A, and we add them up,

  • you got twice this. You've got these [two A's?].

  • But, there must be a certain amount of energy in that wave

  • that comes in with one half A and a certain amount of energy

  • in this one. And when you add those energies

  • up, you must exactly get the energy in a standing wave

  • because no energy was lost. So, therefore,

  • I make the following statement now, which is testable,

  • that to traveling waves each with amplitude one half A,

  • I'm going to compare them with a standing wave with amplitude

  • A. There must be the same energy

  • in a standing wave with amplitude A as there is in two

  • traveling waves with amplitude one half A.

  • Did we follow that? Was that too difficult?

  • Because, we know that we can make that wave the standing

  • wave. OK, we know that the total

  • energy in a traveling wave is this.

  • But, we have two of them. So, in the traveling wave,

  • in two traveling waves, we have two.

  • Then we get that two there. That's nonnegotiable.

  • Then we get pi squared. Then we get T,

  • and we divided by lambda. But the amplitude A that we

  • have there is now half A, yeah?

  • Is that too difficult? Give it an amplitude half A.

  • So now, I get one quarter times A squared.

  • So, this is the energy into traveling waves.

  • Do we agree? What is the energy in one

  • standing wave with an amplitude A?

  • Well, we have the answer here. In a standing wave,

  • all the energy must be A, pi squared, T divided by

  • lambda. Look at it.

  • They are the same. These two, and these two,

  • and these four eat each other up.

  • Just a second. So, you see the consistency,

  • I'll give you a chance, that two traveling waves making

  • up one standing wave in the exercise I did earlier that,

  • indeed, energy is conserved. The energy in the two traveling

  • waves with half the amplitude gives you, then,

  • a standing wave with A. Yes?

  • A squared, thank you very much. Always A squared.

  • Isn't that what I said? Amplitude is always A squared.

  • Thank you very much.

  • If I generate traveling waves, I, Walter Lewin,

  • start shaking strings or some other instrument is making

  • traveling waves, then there is an energy flow in

  • the direction of propagation because these wavelengths keep

  • moving, these waves, and so there's an energy flow.

  • There's no mass flowing. Oh, there's energy flowing.

  • The mass is only doing this. And so, therefore,

  • if I generate a certain amount of energy, then I need power to

  • do that. Namely, power is energy per

  • unit time. And so, I can now very easily

  • calculate for you the power to generate a standing wave.

  • That is utterly trivial because the energy in the standing wave

  • is 2A squared, pi squared T divided by lambda.

  • And all I have to do now is to divide it by the time that it

  • takes me to generate one oscillation.

  • So, that's the period of the oscillation.

  • And the period of the oscillation, I try not to put

  • too many P's in there. And I hate to call it T.

  • So, the period of the oscillation is the same as one

  • over the frequency. And, one over the frequency is

  • V divided by lambda. So therefore,

  • the power is simply the energy that I'm generating.

  • And, V divided by lambda is the same, is one over the period of

  • one oscillation, energy divided by period,

  • the time that it takes to make one oscillation is [per?]

  • definition power. And so, then you get the result

  • here. You get a lambda squared here,

  • and you get a V there.

  • This is a traveling wave. It's good that you asked that.

  • I'm generating a traveling wave.

  • I have to work for every wavelength that I produce.

  • This is the amount of work that I have to do.

  • Do we agree? There is energy in the

  • potential energy because I have to give it that shape,

  • and there is kinetic energy because it moves.

  • If I generate this amount of energy, what is your name?

  • James, if I generate this amount of energy and I divide

  • that by the time that it takes for me to generate that energy,

  • I get the power, the average power that I have

  • to put in. It's really average power.

  • And so, I have to divide this by the period of my oscillation,

  • the time that it takes to make one oscillation.

  • And that is lambda divided by V.

  • That is the period and so I had to multiply this by V divided by

  • lambda. So this is really what we call

  • frequency. And so, that you get the power.

  • And so you can move energy from one point to another without any

  • math moving. All right, this is an ideal

  • moment for a break and for a fatherly talk.

  • I've had some very interesting e-mail exchanges with quite a

  • few of you. And as a result of that,

  • I have decided to lower the 10% of the mini-quizzes to 5% and to

  • raise the homework from 10% to 15%.

  • I think that will make probably most of you happier,

  • though not all. Some of them thought it was

  • fine, but I think most of you will be happier.

  • And I will make that change this afternoon on the website.

  • So you'll see that reflected when you look tomorrow morning.

  • I will also be more careful that the people here in the

  • front row don't have five minutes, and the people in the

  • back maybe only one minute. And so, therefore I'll make

  • sure each one of you from now on has the same amount of time.

  • And so what I'm asking you now is not to start until everyone

  • has, and then I will blow the whistle, and then I will give

  • you five minutes. So, will you start handing this

  • out? [SOUND OFF/THEN ON] OK.

  • I'm now going to change the boundary conditions,

  • which is something that you will need very much for your

  • problem set. Here is a string,

  • mu one, V one, and here is a string,

  • mu two, V two. And obviously they're the same

  • [tangent/tension?], one string.

  • And so, V1 is the square root of T divided by mu one,

  • and V two is the square root of T divided by mu two.

  • I will call this point here, for simplicity,

  • X equals zero. That is the junction.

  • And this is the Y direction, and this is the X direction.

  • And I'm going to have a wave coming in from the left,

  • which I called the incident wave.

  • I will give that an I moving in this direction.

  • And then, there will be a reflection which I call R.

  • Something may come back so that goes into this direction both in

  • medium one. This is medium one and this is

  • medium two. And then something is being

  • transmitted into the second medium.

  • I will give that subscript TR. And, that is going into medium

  • two. And that's what I want to

  • evaluate now. Now, I have boundary conditions

  • at X equals zero. I told you earlier.

  • All of 8.03 hangs together: the wave equation and boundary

  • conditions. And that's true.

  • The boundary condition is that at X equals zero,

  • Y one must be Y two unless the string breaks.

  • So, the Y right here must be the same as the Y right there.

  • Otherwise there would be a break of the string.

  • But not only that, DY1, DX, must also be DY2 DX.

  • If that were not the case, there would be a kink in the

  • rope at the junction, and the kink would mean that

  • there is a tension here and that there is a tension here which

  • would give a net force down. But the junction itself has

  • zero mass. And so, that would give an

  • infinite acceleration. So you can never have a kink in

  • the string, not even when it is connected like this with another

  • string. So, it must be something that

  • is always fluid here, which could be like that,

  • which could be like that. It cannot be like this.

  • And so that's, then, the condition that the

  • derivative, the spatial derivative from the left must be

  • the same as on the right side. So, let us start with an

  • incident wave that comes from the left.

  • And so, Y1, YI, I, incident,

  • has some amplitude A of I. That is the amplitude of the

  • incident one times the sine. And, I'm going to write this

  • now. I can write that in many

  • different ways. But I'm going to write this,

  • now, as omega 1T minus K1X. That's clearly a traveling wave

  • that moves in the plus direction because the signs are different.

  • And now I have a reflected wave, amplitude A reflected

  • times the sine, obviously the same frequency,

  • but now I get plus K1 times X. Notice the difference in sign.

  • This one is going this way. This one is coming back.

  • The amplitudes are different, but the K's are the same

  • because the wavelength in medium one is the same.

  • The K is 2 pi over lambda, and that wavelength is not

  • going to change for those ways as it is for this one.

  • And so, now I get to transmit it one, this amplitude

  • transmitted times the sine of the same omega because if this

  • junction shakes up and down with frequency of omega,

  • [NOISE OBSCURES] given. You can't change the omega.

  • You can say omega is different from the right side than it is

  • from the left side. In other words,

  • omega one is V1 times K1. But, that is also V2 times K2.

  • It's the same omega. And so, I get here minus K2

  • times X. So, this goes into the second

  • medium. The minus sign indicates that

  • it's going in this direction, but the K2 is different because

  • the speed is different because V2 is different from V1.

  • And so, with the same frequency I get a different value for K.

  • So, now if I go to my boundary conditions, Y1 equals Y2 that

  • you see here, then I get there that A of Y,

  • A of I, so, X equals zero, at any moment in time I must

  • meet that condition. So, A of I plus A of R must be

  • ATR. If not, then the string would

  • break. I can now take the derivative

  • of my function, DY1 DX.

  • And so, when I do that, I get the first one is going to

  • be an A of I. And then the derivative against

  • the X gives me a minus K1 here. And then, I get a cosine of

  • omega 1T because X1 zero, remember, so I get a cosine

  • omega 1T, but each term will have a cosine omega 1T.

  • So, I will dump all the cosine omega 1T's.

  • So, I go to my next one, which gives me now plus A of R

  • times K1. And that now,

  • so this is the left side, this is my DY1 DX,

  • and my DY2 DX in my second medium is now this one gives me

  • a minus K2 times A times minute times minus K2,

  • and I dump the cosine. So, this is the second

  • equation. And you could solve these two

  • equations easily, except you have three

  • questions, two equations, sorry, with three unknowns.

  • You have AI, AR, and A transmitted.

  • And of course you cannot solve two equations with three

  • unknowns, but what you can find, that is the only goal I have,

  • is the ratio of the amplitudes of what comes in over what comes

  • back. That's my whole goal.

  • If you calculate for this one K1 over K2, and you substitute

  • that in here, then you can replace the case

  • by the ratios of V's. You see that?

  • So you take K1 divided by K2, and you get rid of your K's.

  • So, when you do that, you get A of I minus A of R

  • times V2 equals A transmitted times V1.

  • So, that is simply combining these two.

  • And so, now all you have to do is calculate the ratios of those

  • amplitudes for this equation, one equation with three

  • unknowns, and the second equation with three unknowns.

  • And, what comes out of that, this is also worked out in

  • French, what comes out of that is that the reflected amplitude

  • over the incident amplitude is V2 minus V1 divided by V1 plus

  • V2, and A transmitted divided by the amplitude or the incident

  • one is 2V2 divided by V1 minus V2.

  • Sometimes I call this with shorthand notation,

  • R, reflectivity. It's the ratio of amplitudes.

  • And, sometimes I call this shorthand notation TR,

  • which is transmitidity (sic), the ratio of the amplitude that

  • penetrates the second medium divided by the one that came in.

  • So, that is just my shorthand notation.

  • We can now do some interesting examples, and you will begin to

  • understand what is happening here.

  • Take an example, for instance,

  • that mu two is infinitely large.

  • That's a wall. So, in other words,

  • that second string is a wall. If that second string as a

  • wall, you better believe it that that point cannot move.

  • The incoming wave couldn't possibly move the wall.

  • So this is the same as what we earlier called,

  • it's a fixed end. In other words,

  • V2 is a zero, right, because if mu two is

  • infinity [NOISE OBSCURES] zero. So, now, I'm going to go to

  • these equations, and I'd say,

  • what is now R? V2 is zero.

  • Well, if V2 is zero, I get minus one.

  • Hey, hey, minus one, that means when a mountain

  • rolls in, what comes back? A valley.

  • And when a valley rolls in, what comes back?

  • A mountain. And we have seen that.

  • We demonstrated that last time, a fixed end.

  • And what do you think TR is going to be?

  • What do you think it's going to be?

  • Zero. Nothing goes through.

  • And, look at it. If V2 goes to zero,

  • ah, TR is zero. So, aren't we happy?

  • Take now an example that V1 is smaller than V2.

  • So, in other words, mu one is larger than mu two.

  • When we have a case like that, notice that R is always larger

  • than zero. If V1 is smaller than V2,

  • this is a speed now. This is always larger than

  • zero. What that means,

  • just a second, I'll give you a chance.

  • What that means is that a mountain comes back as a

  • mountain. Now, the amplitude of the

  • mountain will be changed, but it comes back as a mountain

  • because that's the plus sign. And notice that the

  • transmitivity (sic) is always larger than zero.

  • It never gets a minus sign. Of course it cannot get a minus

  • sign. That you can't explain to your

  • kid brother because if a mountain comes in here,

  • that point is going to move up no matter what.

  • And if this point is going to move up, what goes into the

  • second medium as a mountain. And if this point goes down

  • because it is a valley, then what goes into the second

  • medium is a valley. So, it is completely illogical

  • that here you never can get a minus sign.

  • But here you can. That was a question.

  • Think you very much, my goodness.

  • Yes, V1 plus V2, thank you very much.

  • Thank you very much. So now, we take an example

  • which is absolutely thrilling, V1 equals V2.

  • That means mu one equals mu two.

  • That's another way of saying there is no junction.

  • [NOISE OBSCURES] anything will reflect.

  • Of course not. So I predict without even

  • looking at the result that R is zero, and that the transmitivity

  • is going to be plus one. Let's check that.

  • When V1 is V2, this is zero.

  • And when V1 is V2, you just corrected me at the

  • right time, by the way. When V1 is V2,

  • you see that this goes to plus one.

  • With a minus sign it would have gone to infinity.

  • I would have caught it. But you got it earlier.

  • OK, so now let's do a specific example whereby we give some

  • numbers because that's what I plan to demonstrate.

  • So, the example that I have in mind is that V1 is 2V2.

  • So, V1 is 2V2. In other words,

  • mu one is one half mu two. If I put that in that equation,

  • I find that R equals minus one third.

  • And, I find that the transmitivity is plus two

  • thirds. It's just a matter of sticking

  • those numbers in. And that means,

  • then, the following, that if this is my incident

  • wave, so this is now the incident one,

  • and the incident one, say, has an amplitude one,

  • and is moving in this direction, that the returning

  • one has an amplitude which is three times smaller.

  • And it is flipped over but it has the same length because it

  • has the same speed. So suppose the returning one

  • were here. Then you would see the

  • returning one with only one third of its amplitude.

  • So, that's about here. So, you would see something

  • like this. And it would be moving in this

  • direction. And this amplitude is one

  • third. And now, what goes into that

  • media number two is a pulse with two thirds the amplitude.

  • So, this is the two thirds mark.

  • So, the amplitude is only two thirds.

  • But, since the speed is lower, because notice,

  • speed is lower. Therefore it shrinks.

  • And so, not only will amplitude be two thirds of the incident

  • one, but this length will only be half.

  • And so, you will see this. And this is now two thirds.

  • And this is moving with velocity V2.

  • This is moving with velocity V1.

  • And this is moving with velocity [UNINTELLIGIBLE].

  • So, that's the meaning of R and TR.

  • There was a question here. Mu one, V1 is 2V2.

  • Then, mu one is one half mu two.

  • Is that one? You have a good point.

  • Let's just remove it. OK now?

  • Thank you. So, this now I want to

  • demonstrate. And the way we are going to

  • demonstrate it is we're going to use this machine.

  • And this machine allows me, this has a medium here whereby

  • the speed is twice as high as the speed here.

  • I'm going to generate here a mountain.

  • And the mountain will go into that medium.

  • And the first thing I want you to notice is that as it enters

  • this medium where the speed is lower, the speed is higher here

  • than there, I want you to see two things: that,

  • first of all, the mountain go through as a

  • mountain. Whatever goes through must

  • always have the same polarity. If the mountain comes in,

  • a mountain goes through. So look at the two things.

  • The mountain remains a mountain, and it will shrink.

  • And then, later, we'll overlook the reflection.

  • So, here, we have to meet it completely dark,

  • don't we, for this? And I think that's more

  • romantic. Yet, that's what they like,

  • yeah. OK, so I'm going to generate

  • here a mountain as fast as I can.

  • The speed here is larger than the speed over there.

  • And you will see that the pulse shrinks.

  • But the mountain remains a mountain.

  • Are you ready for that? You see that the mountain

  • remains a mountain? Can you see that it shrinks?

  • I need some light because I think I broke something.

  • No problem. Fixed.

  • OK, now we want to do something else.

  • Now I want you to see that when I drive in a mountain that a

  • mountain goes through, but the valley comes back.

  • And, the valley that comes back has the same length as the

  • incident one. That is, the minus one third,

  • remember? So, the valley is very shallow,

  • but the mountain will come back as a valley when it hits this

  • point. So, we have already seen that

  • the mountain goes through with a mountain.

  • You have already seen that the pulse gets shorter.

  • And now you are going to see that when it hits this point,

  • the reflection will be minus one third.

  • So, the mountain will come back as a valley.

  • Are you ready for this? And there it comes.

  • Could you see it, that it came back as a valley?

  • Shall I try again? You see, the speed is very

  • high. That's the problem.

  • It's very hard to see. I'll try once more.

  • Yeah, yeah, I could see that the mountain came back as a

  • valley effect. What would happen if I drive a

  • mountain in from this end? What would come back,

  • a mountain or a valley? So, if I do it from that end,

  • the mountain returns as a valley.

  • If I do it from this end, the mountain must return as a

  • mountain. Shall we take a look at that?

  • And it comes back as a mountain.

  • I'll do it once more.

  • I think I broke that one, too.

  • Yeah, boy, I only have one problem.

  • And that problem is going to be your problem.

  • And that is the following. I would like to explore now the

  • possibility that mu two is going to be zero.

  • That means V2 has become infinitely high.

  • If mu two is zero, there is nothing here.

  • It means there is tension on the rope.

  • But there is nothing here. It's empty.

  • We call that an open end. So, imagine in your head that

  • something is holding it tight. The end can move freely.

  • That's no problem. But, there is no mass there.

  • Remember, it was like the mass-less string,

  • and the rod. So, now, in this case,

  • which is really an open end, there's nothing in medium two,

  • I can now go to my equation and ask what R is.

  • And, I will be very pleased. When mu two is zero,

  • when V2 goes to infinity, when V2 goes to infinity,

  • there's this plus one. Mountain comes back as a

  • mountain. All of the predicted that last

  • time an open end. A mountain comes back as a

  • mountain. Physics works.

  • What do you think is going to be the transmitivity?

  • Zero, yeah, that's what you think.

  • Put in there V2 equals infinity.

  • That takes you by surprise, plus two.

  • Holy smokes! What is going on here?

  • If this were true, we would have solved the energy

  • crisis of the world because a pulse comes in and the whole

  • pulse comes back. Everything that went in comes

  • back. Mountain comes back as a

  • mountain, but there is something in addition that goes into

  • nothing. I want you to think about this,

  • and you may not be able to sleep tonight.

  • And if you can't, it is not my fault.

  • It's the fault of physics. See you next time.

Today's a big day for the physics department and for MIT.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

Lec 08: 旅する波、音の波、波のエネルギー|8.03 振動と波 (Walter Lewin) (Lec 08: Traveling Waves, Sound Waves, and Energy in Waves | 8.03 Vibrations and Waves (Walter Lewin))

  • 48 8
    Jyun Siang Gao に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日