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  • BYPASS publishing present psychology in the fast lane.

  • Difficult topics explained, negative reinforcement (increasing a behaviour,)versus punishment. Many people confuse the terms

  • negative reinforcement and punishment, thinking they mean the same thing but they don't.

  • Remember reinforcers in general strength involuntary responses

  • and punishers weakens involuntary responses. So growing up while I was in school

  • my mom could have punished me whenever I got bad marks. This would weekend

  • whatever behavior that was causing me to get bad marks. Or she could have reinforced

  • by good behavior with something I wanted whenever I studied for a test.

  • Now there are two types of each approach, positive and negative.

  • Positive reinforcement is a process that strengthens the chances of a behaviour

  • by adding stimulus (a thing) after the behaviour is performed.

  • Negative reinforcement also strengthens the chances of a behaviour but

  • by removing an something I didn't want. So my mom could have told me that if I

  • got good marks at school during the year, then I wouldn't have to get a summer job.

  • this would be my reinforce. Note that in both situations the behaviour of

  • getting good marks is strengthened. we can punish a behaviour by also adding or

  • removing a thing. Like I could punish bad behavior of a child by hitting them

  • or I could punish you after you speed by taking away your drivers license.

  • Both of these things would act to take away bad behaviour.

  • So punishment is either adding or removing something that would stop a bad behaviour from happening.

  • And reinforcement is adding or removing something that would make the behaviour happen again.

BYPASS publishing present psychology in the fast lane.


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B1 中級

負の強化と罰の学習 (Learning Negative Reinforcement vs Punishment)

  • 236 30
    珮瑄 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日