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  • This cat literally looks like Hitler.


  • Hitler cat!


  • Where are you going?


  • Japan has an amazingly low crime rate - by all accounts one of the lowest in the world.

    日本の犯罪率は非常に低い 世界で最も低い国の一つだ

  • The trouble is, this means you often let your guard down while youre out and about.

    問題は、安心して 自己防衛力が低くなってしまうことだ

  • And so you can find yourself becoming the subject of some truly ruthless criminals.


  • For example, one afternoon I was strolling through this beautiful forest

    例えば、ある午後の日、 僕は美しい森の中を歩いていたんだ

  • and suddenly I was surrounded by this thuggish group of foxes.

    そしたら突然、 狐の大群に囲まれた

  • One of them actually tried to steal my camera.


  • But fortunately, I was with this American girl, so I just pointed at her and they ate her instead.


  • Another time I was relaxing on this stunning remote island, just lying down trying to get a tan


  • Before I knew it, I found myself being harassed and assaulted by literally, dozens of rabbits.

    別の日の話だが、 美しい離島で日焼けをするために寝っ転がっていると

  • Up until then, when I thought rabbits I thought cute and cuddly, but now when I think rabbits,


  • I just think relentless and sadistic.

    それまで、ウサギは 可愛い生き物だと思っていたけど、

  • And then of course there was the time my friend Natsuki and I were sitting in this restaurant,


  • I think…I think it was a Tuesday.

    それから、あれも忘れちゃいけない 友人のなつきとレストランで食事をしているときだ

  • And we just ordered this delicious reasonably priced fried chicken


  • and to our horror this f—- monkey just casually strolled over and just took it all, he just took our fried chicken.


  • And then swaggered off like some kind of arrogant monkey gangster.

    そしたら何と恐ろしいことに、 猿がやってきて僕たちの唐揚げを奪っていったんだ

  • I mean at one point they even hijacked this man and turned him into some kind of monkey transportation device. It was mental.

    猿のギャングスターみたいな感じで 走りさっていったんだ

  • So whilst the people of Japan may be kind, generous and law abiding, the animals they….

    さらには、この男性をハイジャックして、 猿を輸送する装置みたいに使っていたんだ、 怖すぎだろ

  • they don’t play by the rules

    日本の人たちは親切で優しく、遵法である。 でも動物は….

  • But there are many places in Japan where animals have really made their mark


  • and I think the coolest thing about each of these hotspots is just how unique they are.


  • Each one has its own story and sense of adventure,

    一番面白いのは、 その場所がそれぞれ個性的だということだ

  • across remote islands, mountain ranges and even city streets.

    それぞれが、 それぞれの歴史や楽しみ方がある

  • So here’s the rundown on 5 of the best animal hotspots in Japan;

    離島、山奥、そして都市の道路まで 様々な場所に存在している

  • what they are, where they are, and whythey aredoes that work?

    本日はざっと 日本の動物にまつわる観光地Top5を紹介しよう

  • Look how fun it is. Look how fun it is. Look how fun it is! Alright fine.

    一体何か?どこにあるのか? 何でそれなのか?意味あってる?

  • Japan is the country that popularised the cat cafe, a place where you can sit and enjoy dozens of cats and overpriced coffee.

    面白いだろ〜?面白いだろ〜? 面白いだろ〜?ってもういいよ、、、

  • But what if it isn’t enough? What if you want even more cats?


  • Hidden away off the pacific coastline of north Japan is the island of Tashirojima,

    値段の高いコーヒーを飲みながら 猫と戯れることができる場所だ

  • the cat equivalent, of Jurassic Park.

    でもそれでも足りなかったら、どうする? もっと猫が欲しかったら?

  • To reach the island all you need is a 2,000 yen round trip boat ride ticket,


  • and a pirate themed soundtrack to heighten the sense of adventure.


  • Soon after stepping off the boat, youll find yourself receiving a warm welcome from more cats than youve probably ever seen.


  • A warm welcome that definitely has nothing to do with all the food the cats are expecting.


  • As well as having a silly amount of cats, the island even has its own dedicated cat shrine,

    船を降りるやいなや、 今まで見たこともないような大量の数の猫に温かく出迎えられる

  • celebrating the cats genuine and essential relationship with the islanders.


  • Up until the 20th century the islands economy relied on textiles produced by silkworms.

    馬鹿ばかしいほど大量の猫がいるから、 この島には猫の神社まである

  • And to stop silkworms being viciously assassinated by mice,


  • cats were brought in to dispose of the mice, as they saw fit.

    20世紀までこの島の経済は、 カイコによる布産業で成り立っていた

  • Over the years, the islands un-neutered cat population has reached the point where cats vastly outnumber the islands human inhabitants.

    カイコがネズミによって 殺されないために

  • It makes the island all the more impressive, knowing that the cats had a key role in the islands economy.


  • In stark contrast to most domestic cats who sit around all day, eating your salary.

    ここ何年かで、 この島の避妊手術を受けていない猫の数は島の住民の数を抜いた

  • Having visited the island twice, once in the winter and once in the summer,

    猫が島の経済の鍵を握っていると聞くと 更に感銘をうける

  • I can safely say, make sure you go, when its not winter.

    ほとんどの飼い猫は一日中ゴロゴロして あなたの給料で買ったご飯を食べるだけだからね

  • On a scale of 1 to 10?

    島を冬と春の、 計2回訪れたから

  • 13


  • 13. Fantastic.


  • Cat island receives the most adventurous award


  • on account of its location and the fact the island has a mysterious forgotten feel to it.


  • Heightened again, by that pirate soundtrack


  • This cat literally looks like Hitler.

    位置的にも、 その島が忘れ去られた孤島のような謎めいた雰囲気があるからね

  • Hitler cat! Where are you going?

    また言うけど、 海賊風のBGMがあればなお良し

  • It’s difficult not to feel a sense of envy the first time you see the snow monkeys of Nagano relaxing in a hot spring.


  • Nestled away in the mountains of central Japan the Jigokudani Valley is perhaps Japan’s most internationally famous animal hot spot.

    ヒトラーキャット! どこへ行くんだ?

  • Quite literally a hot spot given that Jigokudani meanshells valley”,

    長野の奥地にある温泉でくつろいでいる猿を見ると 羨ましいと感じざるおえない

  • a name given on account of all the hot springs and steam rising up from the valley.

    日本の中央の山奥にひっそりと位置する地獄谷は 海外で最も有名な動物にまつわる観光地だ。

  • Whilst the Japanese Macaque can be be found throughout the mountains of Japan,

    地獄谷という名称は、 英語で「ヘルバレー」という意味だ

  • the Jigokudani valley is certainly an impressive backdrop to view the animals.

    谷から出てくる煙が地獄を彷彿させることから そう名付けられた

  • The monkeys look absolutely hypnotic as they wander about,


  • with their bright red faces in stark contrast to the white snowy backdrop.


  • I visited the valley during my first winter in Japan,


  • and whilst I still fondly remember almost breaking my leg on the 2km trek through the treacherous snow covered forest to get there,

    背景の白い雪と猿の赤い顔が コントラストになって非常に映える

  • it was definitely worth it.


  • If not to see the monkeys relaxing in the steam on a cold winters morning,

    たどり着くまでに2kmの骨の折れそうな雪路を 歩かなければいけなかったが

  • then at the very least, to get this pretentious photo.


  • The good news is the park is open all year around,

    冬の寒い朝に、猿が 温泉でくつろいでいるのを見ないにしても

  • although I’d highly recommend visiting during snow season. Also known as winter.


  • More details can be found below, but the Nagano snow monkeys win the most captivating award


  • as its difficult to get bored whilst watching the monkeys, wander around amongst their geothermal wonderland.

    でも絶対に雪の季節に訪れることをおすすめする。 あ、冬ってことね

  • And if you want to get even more up close and personal with the monkeys,

    詳細は概要欄を見てくれ。 ここは最も魅惑的で賞を与えよう

  • so much so that theyre literally on your face,

    温泉地帯でくつろいでいる猿たちを見ていると 決して飽きることはない

  • one honourable mention is the Kayabukiya Tavern in the city of Utsunomiya, about an hour north of Tokyo.


  • The tavern has received quite a lot of attention over the years,


  • as the monkeys are trained to bring customers napkins and beer,


  • and perform some impressive stunts.

    この居酒屋はここ何年か、 高い注目を集めている

  • When my friend Natsuki and I visited it last year, we were both pretty confused by it all, although we nonetheless enjoy our visit.


  • You can find the link to our trip below, but its certainly worth a visit to anyone who really really likes monkeys.


  • Two hours from the city of Hiroshima,

    友人のなつきと去年の夏にそこを訪れたときは、 すごく困惑した、まあ結局それでもなお楽しんだのだけど

  • in Japan’s inland sea lies the island of Okunoshima,

    動画のリンクを概要に貼っておくよ。 猿が好きな人は絶対に行ってみるべきだと思う

  • a place that answers the eternal question; What is it that rabbits actually do?


  • Cats like to chase mice, dogs are just seeking friendship and monkeys just want to sit in hot tubs all day.


  • But rabbits motives still remain shrouded secrecy.

    島にいけば 一体全体ウサギが何をして過ごしているか分かる

  • Okunoshima offers a key to solving that mystery as there are probably more wild rabbits on the island ,

    猫はネズミを追いかけ、犬は友情を求め、 猿はただ単に温泉に一日中つかっている

  • than anywhere in the milky way.

    でもウサギが生きている主な理由は 未だに謎のままだ

  • Last summer I decided to visit the island and see if all the press the island had been receiving was accurate.

    大久野島はその謎を解く鍵を与えてくれる。 野生のウサギがたくさんいるからね

  • And when I got there I did genuinely find a staggering amount of rabbits.


  • Given that the rabbits are wild and desperate for dinner, their unsurprisingly confident in approaching visitors.

    この前の夏、島を訪れたんだ。 島についているかかれている記事が正しいか確かめるためにね

  • Whilst playing with the rabbits, paradoxically, youll notice nearby signs for chemical weapons factories.


  • It turns out during the second world war the island of Okunoshima was at the very heart of Japan’s chemical weapons programme.

    食べ物がほしいので、 ウサギは非常に自然に人間に近づいてきた

  • In fact, some believe the islands rabbits are descendants from test rabbits that escaped the test facilities.

    ウサギと戯れていると 化学兵器工場のサインが目につくだろう

  • But regardless of how the rabbits got there, theyve certainly thrived in the absence of natural predators.

    第二次世界対戦中に大久野島は 化学兵器計画の中心地だったのだ

  • At first I did feel a bit cynical, in the same way I would if a nuclear test site was turned into a donkey theme park.

    ある説では実験用として使われていたウサギが逃げ出して、 繁殖したことが原因だと言われている

  • But it nonetheless gives the island a nice sense of redemption.

    どのようにウサギがそこに行き着いたかはわからないが、 天敵がいなかったために島で繁殖し続けた。

  • Up until my visit in August, I’d never spared much thought towards cute things, like rabbits,

    はじめは少し皮肉に感じた。 もし、化学兵器工場が馬鹿げたテーマパークのようになっていたら、そう感じただろう

  • but I was pleased to discover I actually quite liked rabbits and perhaps, there is good in me after all.

    それにも関わらず、 島には救済の雰囲気が漂っていた

  • Incredible

    8月にそこを訪れるまでは、 ウサギのような可愛い生き物と戯れたことはなかった。

  • Oh my god...

    でもウサギが好きな自分がいて、なんだか嬉しかった なんだ、僕ってちょっといいやつじゃんって思った

  • Okay, fun’s over.


  • Gogo..


  • In the heart of the Ancient city of Nara,


  • once briefly Japan’s capital city, is a huge sprawling park full of temples and shrines and over 1,000 deer.


  • Traditionally a symbol of luck, today the deer can wander freely around the park

    日本の古代を象徴する 都市、奈良

  • and even on the nearby city streets.

    日本の中心的な都市で、 そこには、たくさんの寺と神社、1000を超える鹿がいる

  • But perhaps the most impressive thing about the deer is that they will actually bow before you give them a delicious deer cracker.

    伝統的な幸運の象徴であり、 現在、鹿たちは自由に園内を徘徊している。

  • It’s said the deer should bow three times;


  • First by holding the cracker in front of the deer, then behind your back and finally over their head.

    すごく感動したのは、鹿せんべいをあげる前に 鹿たちがお辞儀をすることだ

  • However, after youve been swarmed by half a dozen deer, completing this ritual quickly loses its appeal.


  • There’s something quite enchanting about walking the streets of this ancient city,

    はじめは鹿の前にせんべいを持っていき、次はあなたの背中の後ろに、 そして最後に、鹿の頭の上に持っていく

  • with these huge animals walking around of their own accord.

    しかしながら、鹿の大群に囲まれると この儀式は完全に消えてしまう

  • Along with the temples and shrines.

    この古代的な都市を歩き回るのは 非常に魅力的なものである

  • It makes Nara a really rewarding place to visit.


  • And of course, you can take some more pretentious photos for your Facebook profile.


  • It’s also worth giving an honourable mention to the deer on Miyajima island as well


  • -the island home to the iconic UNESCO Torii gate in the sea.

    それから、もちろん、Facebookのプロフィール写真に ぴったりなこんな格好いい写真も撮れる

  • Word of warning though, the deer on Miyajima are somewhat bolder than the deer of Nara;


  • a friend and I once went camping on the island and woke up halfway through the night to find a deer eating it’s way through our tent.


  • So if you do find yourself going camping on Miyajima island, just be sure to take out tent insurance first.

    でも忠告しておきたいのは、 宮島の鹿は奈良の鹿より、幾分か凶暴だ

  • The first time someone mentioned Fox Village to me, I think I laughed at them in disbelief.

    僕と友人で一度島にキャンプしに行ったのだが、 夜中に鹿にテントが食べられていたのを発見した

  • So you can probably imagine my guilt several months later,

    もし宮島にキャンプしに行くなら、 テントに保険をかけておくべきだ

  • when I was standing in Fox Village watching my friend Rachel holding a baby fox.

    初めて人からキツネ村について聞いたとき、 信じられなくて笑った気がする

  • Whilst technically not a hot spot, but a huge enclosure hidden away in a forest in the mountains of north Japan,


  • to refer to it as a village seems entirely appropriate given the little huts dotted throughout the village and even an enigmatic leader wholl meet you at the gates.

    友人のレイチェルがキツネ村でキツネの赤ちゃんを抱っこしているのを見たとき、 笑ったのを後悔したのは簡単に想像がつくだろう

  • What did you seek in the fox village?

    ホットスポットまではいかないが、 日本の北に位置する森の奥に存在する 巨大な囲い地だ

  • There are over 100 foxes throughout the village and to see them all,

    小さな小屋がたくさんあることから、村と呼ぶにはふさわしい場所だということが分かる さらには、謎めいた村長が門のところで出迎えてくれる

  • all you need to do is to reveal you hold some kind of food in your hand.


  • As much as it pains me to say, the foxes are quite cute, and amusingly playful.


  • Of all the places on this list, I’d say Fox Village will be the place that blows your mind the most


  • and if you can make the trip it’s definitely worth it.

    これをいうのも辛いが キツネは可愛く、すごく遊ぶ好きな動物である

  • You can check out our trip below, but Fox Village gets the most surreal award.

    このリストの場所の中で、 キツネ村が一番びっくりすると思う

  • Also, if you plan to visit Cat Island and Fox Village, both are relatively close to Sendai,


  • so I highly recommend doing both over a two period, with a night spent in Sendai.

    旅の様子は概要のリンクからチェックしてくれ。 キツネ村は最も奇想天外で賞を与えよう

  • So there you have it 5 of Japan’s most unique animal hot spots

    猫島とキツネ村に行きたいなら、 どちらも仙台から近い

  • if youve visited somewhere in Japan with an abundance of animals


  • - that wasn’t a zoo - please share your stories with us in the comments section below.


  • And if you enjoyed the video, please don’t forget to show your support by hitting the like button.

    もし日本でたくさんの動物がいるスポットに 行ったことがある人は

  • Thanks a lot guys, I’ll see you next time.

    もちろん動物園は除いてね。 コメントで教えてくれ

  • You bastard. The effort I put in here.

    もしビデオを楽しんだら、 高評価お忘れなく

  • Why does he only stop when you beat box?

    みんな見てくれてありがとう ではまた次のビデオで

  • You only stop when I beatbox!

    くそ野郎 せっかく頑張ったのに

  • That was going to be a hit record.

    なんでクリスがビートボックスし出したら 止まるの?

  • You let me down. You let me down big time.


This cat literally looks like Hitler.



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