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  • Every once in a while, a console just up and changes its media format on a whim. Observe: The Turbografx-CD, Sega

  • CD, Neo-Geo CD, Nintendo 64DD, Jaguar CD... awright, so most of these were a move to optical

  • media, which was several times cheaper than cartridges. But before there was optical media,

  • we made do with FLOPPY DISKS. Sure, they were prone to media degradation, magnetic fields,

  • cats, dogs, sunspots, and any of a number of other hazards, but they were cheap and

  • rewritable. So in 1986, Nintendo - after scoring a grand slam with the Famicom - created the

  • Disk System, a floppy drive for their console that could play games off of proprietary 2-inch

  • disks. And if you got bored, you could schlep the disk down the nearest convenience store

  • and load it with a different game for 500 yen - which at the time was barely three bucks.

  • (As everyone who’s imported a game in the last couple years gets all teary-eyed.) Felicity

  • from Worcestershire included one with her mass of donated awesomeness, and if I’m

  • ever on that side of the pond I owe her a pint for her benefaction.

  • The primary components of the Disk System are the actual floppy disk reader and the

  • RAM cart that plugs into the Famicom’s cartridge slot. Said disk reader requires its own power

  • off of an AC adapter... Unless you want to load it up with a half-dozen C batteries.

  • I don’t even know if they still make those. The RAM cart also plugs into the back of the

  • system, though since the cable’s so short, the only reasonable place to put the Famicom

  • is directly on top of the reader. The disks themselves come in jewel cases, sometimes

  • with game art displayed (in the case of a retail release), though this insert comes

  • short of obscuring Nintendo’s almighty brand name. It’s this Nintendo imprint that serves

  • as a kind of copy-protection, as a physicalkeyfits into that word; if it’s not

  • there, the disk won’t sit properly. Unless, of course, you just leave that entire space

  • recessed, as legions of software pirates would soon discover. And thus, the problem with

  • cheap media: Anyone with some breadboard, a few wires, and a list of instructions from

  • a magazine could rip off your product, real cheap. Publishers hated the thing, partly

  • due to Nintendo’s draconic licensing policies, partly due to the piracy, and partly due to

  • rather lengthy load times that broke up the flow of the game. Not to mention the FDS had

  • an additional sound channel, making translation from a Disk-System-developed game back to

  • a cartridge a right pain. Many just gave the extra channel a miss, though if you can find

  • footage of the original versions of Legend of Zelda, Kid Icarus, or Doki Doki Panic,

  • youll hear the weird honking noises I’m talking about. In total, almost 200 Disk System

  • games were published between 1986 and 1992, comprising almost a fifth of the total Famicom

  • catalog. Not bad for a such a “hatedperipheral. (And thathatedis in quotation

  • marks, because I think it’s downright spiffy.)

Every once in a while, a console just up and changes its media format on a whim. Observe: The Turbografx-CD, Sega


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CGRundertow FAMICOM DISK SYSTEM ビデオゲームハードレビュー (CGRundertow FAMICOM DISK SYSTEM Video Game Hardware Review)

  • 25 0
    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日