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The book of Leviticus. We know you’ve been avoiding it cause it’s weird. So let’s fix that.
レビ記。避けてるのは知ってるよ、変わってるからね。 それを直してみよう。
Now remember the story of the Bible began with humans in God’s presence,
聖書の始りを思い出してみよう。 人は【神】の臨在の中にいた。
but they were banished because of their rebellion.
でも人間は追放された。 反逆したからだ。
However, God wants to be in relationship with us, so
He chooses one family that he will use to restore the world back into His presence.
ひとつの家族を選び、彼らを用いて 世界を【神】の臨在に戻すことにした。
Tim: And so God’s presence comes to dwell in a tent right in the middle of Israel…
ティム:【神】の臨在がイスラエルの 幕屋に降りてきて…
Jon … and that’s great!
But it creates a problem: because it’s so intense that Moses can’t go in
and other priests who enter inappropriately… they die.
Well, wait, if God’s presence is good, how is it all of a sudden dangerous for people?
まてよ。【神】の臨在は良いものなのに なぜ、危険なんだ?
So think of it this way: God’s presence is like the sun -
it’s pure power and goodness.
And when something mortal and corruptible gets close to such pure power it’s destroyed.
命あるもの、壊れるものが それに触れると破壊されてしまう。
And so the word “holiness” is used in Leviticus to describe God’s pure and powerful presence,
つまり、レビ記で「聖なる」という言葉は 【神】の力強い臨在を表している。
which like the sun is both good and dangerous.
それは太陽のように 「良い」けれど「危険」だ。
So the point of Leviticus is to show how corrupt Israelites can live near God’s goodness
つまりレビ記には 壊れた状態にあるイスラエルが
without being destroyed.
【神】の良さと共存する方法が書かれてる。 破壊されずにね。
Now in the book there are three ways for how this is all going to work out
and these are gonna seem strange to you but just hang in there with us.
少し奇妙に思うかもしれないけど とりあえず聞いてみて。
Jon: The first one is rituals,
the second is this idea of the priesthood,
and the third is a bunch of purity laws.
Tim: Now, the book is broken up into seven sections
each solution is explored in two sections of the book.
The Rituals are here. The Priests are here. And the Purity Laws go here.
Jon: Now the first solution, rituals, involves a lot of animal sacrifices.
ジョン:まず「儀式」には 動物のいけにえが出てくる。
And so Leviticus begins with detailed instructions for how to make these sacrifices.
レビ記の冒頭は、いけにえを捧げる際の 細かな規定で始まるんだ。
Some are ways of saying “Thank You” to God
and others are simply ways of saying “I’m Sorry.”
Tim: And here at the end of the book there are some more rituals and these are about observing sacred days and festivals;
ティム:レビ記の最後は更に儀式が登場する。 聖日と祭りに関するね。
they are all celebrations that retell some part of the story of how God rescued Israel
全て祝いの式だ。歴史を伝えるね。 【神】がイスラエルの民を救い出し
and set them apart from the nations.
Jon: The second solution to the holiness problem has to do with priests.
You see, being directly in God’s presence is really dangerous,
so He appoints priests as special representatives who can go into His presence on behalf of others.
そこで【神】は臨在に入る 代表者として祭司を選んだ。
Tim: So in this section we have a story about how the priests are ordained into the priesthood.
ティム:ここでは祭司に任命される 方法が書かれている。
And then this other section explains this set of higher standards the priests have to live by,
ここでは祭司に求められる 生活基準について書かれてる。
because they work so closely to God’s presence.
Jon: The third solution in this book is all about Purity Laws,
and this is by far the hardest thing to understand for example in this section
ここは一番理解するのが難しい。 例えば、ここでの関心ごとは
we’re really concerned with knowing whether you’re “clean” or “unclean”.
自分が「きれい」か「きたない」 かを知ることだ。
Tim: Or another way of saying that is being “pure” and “impure”.
ティム:別の言い方は 「清い」か「汚れ」ているかだね。
Here’s what we need to know to understand this:
when you’re in a pure state you can be near God’s presence,
君が清いなら 【神】の臨在の近くに行くことができる
when you’re in an impure state you can’t.
And so it was really important for Israelites to know what state they’re in at any given moment.
イスラエルの民にとって、自分が清い状態にあるか 知っておくことは重要だった。
Jon: So the first thing we have is a list of pure and impure animals.
ジョン:まず最初に清い動物と 汚れた動物のリストが書かれてる。
Tim: Yah, this list of animals is divided up by where they live:
ティム:うん、どこに住む 動物かによって別けられる。
so, on the land
in the sea, in the air.
And the text is just not clear about why certain animals are impure
or why touching or eating them makes you impure.
触ったり食べたりすると 汚れるのか説明があまりない。
What is clear, however, is that avoiding these creatures will set Israel apart,
ただ明確なのは、汚れた動物を避けることは イスラエルと他の民族を分け
and it will remind them that God’s own holiness should affect every part of their lives
彼らに「聖なる【神】」は生活の全てに 影響を与えるのだと思い出させる。
including what they eat.
Jon: After the food laws we get a lot of random rules
about things like skin disease, touching dead bodies, what to do with bodily fluids…
Tim: …But they’re not random.
All of these are things that the Israelite’s associated with life and death,
全ては、イスラエルの民に 関係する「命」と「死」で
which are sacred things because God is the author of life.
Jon: OK. But simply coming in contact with these things makes you impure?
Tim: They do, but we have to keep in mind that it’s not wrong or sinful to be ritually impure
ティム:でも儀式的に汚れたからといって 間違っているとか罪人になるわけじゃない。
- you just wait a few days, take a bath, offer a sacrifice, and you’re pure again.
何日か待ち、風呂に入り、犠牲の捧げ物を すればまた清くなれる。
What is inappropriate is entering into God’s presence when you’re in an impure state.
いけないのは、汚れた状態の時に 【神】の臨在に入ることだ。
Jon: Now there’s more purity laws over here in this section.
Tim: Yah, these focus on Israel’s moral behavior.
ティム:ここはイスラエルの 道徳的行動についてだね。
So these are laws about social justice,
healthy relationships, having sexual integrity.
誠意ある性的関係に関する 法律だ。
Living by these laws will make Israel into a morally pure people
この律法に従うことでイスラエルの民は 道徳的に清い民となり
who can live near God’s presence.
Jon: Those are the three solutions.
Now you’ve probably noticed that they surround the very center of this book,
さて、これらがこの書の中心を 挟んでいるのに、気づいてるよね。
and it’s here that we find a really important ritual called The Day of Atonement.
Tim: Yah, so Israel’s a big tribe now,
and odds are there’s a lot of sin happening that goes unnoticed that people are not deal with.
同時に多くの罪が犯され 誰も気づかず、そのままにされていた。
And so one time a year the priests would take two goats,
そこで一年に一度 祭司は2ひきのヤギを選び
and one of those goats is killed
and its blood is carried right into God’s presence
where it symbolically covers, or atones for, Israel’s sin.
その血は、イスラエルの民の罪を 覆う、もしくは贖う象徴だ。
Jon: Yah, that’s kinda weird...
Tim: Well, the meaning of this sacrifice is explained in the next chapter
where God says that the blood of a creature is its life,
and so the goat’s life is offered as a substitute
- it’s receiving God’s punishment for Israel’s sin so that the people don’t have to.
イスラエルの罪に対する 【神】の裁きを代わりに受けてね。
Jon: That leaves the second goat.
Tim: Yeah, the priest puts his hands on it,
and then he confesses all the sins of Israel -
it’s like he’s placing the sins on the goat.
And then that goat gets cast out forever into the wilderness.
It’s called The Scapegoat.
Jon: Yeah, I’ve heard that word before.
Tim: Yeah, it’s this very powerful image of how God is graciously removing Israel’s sin.
ティム:【神】が恵みによりイスラエルの罪を 取り除くことを力強く象徴する儀式だ。
Jon: But lets be honest, sacrifices in general it seem so barbaric.
ジョン:でもさ、犠牲って 一般的には野蛮な行為だよ。
Tim: Well, you have to remember that in the ancient world
sacrifices were the main way of buying favor from the gods.
古代世界では、神々の好意を得るため 犠牲が捧げられた。
But the problem was that those same gods they’re unpredictable,
they’re fickle, you never know if they’re gonna ignore you,
or are they going to turn on you.
So it’s in this cultural setting that we see Israel’s God as totally different.
そんな時代において、イスラエルの【神】は 全く別の存在だとわかるんだ。
He does get angry about human corruption but it is never arbitrary.
【神】は人間の罪に対し怒っても 決して独裁的ではない。
And He loves people,
so He provides this clear way for Israel to know with confidence that they are forgiven,
イスラエルの民が許されたと 確信できるように明確な道を与えた。
and that despite their corruption they are safe to live near His presence.
だから罪を犯す状態にいたとしても 【神】の臨在の近くで安全に住めるようになった。
And so that makes the book of Leviticus actually
レビ記はそういう意味で この時代において革命的なんだ。
a revolutionary statement in its day.
Jon: So that’s Leviticus.
でもイスラエルはまだ荒野の 真ん中のシナイ山にいる。
But Israel is still at Mt. Sinai in the middle of the wilderness,
they need a place to live.
T: Yes, the land God promised to Abraham,
and so the journey to that land is what the next book of the Bible is all about.