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  • (summer bummer title)

  • Hi, I'm John Green. Welcome to my salon. I'm so glad I don't have Intermittent Explosive

  • Disorder, a condition marked by random fits of disproportionate rage. I'M SO ANGRY. AHHHHHHH.

  • Anyway, thats just one of 31 fascinating disorders we'll talk about today on mental_floss.

  • 2. To people who suffer from Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, other people can look like they've

  • consumed "Eat Me" cakes or "Drink Me" potions. The distortion, caused by a rare type of migraine,

  • can last for weeks or mere seconds. *points to Donald on wall* Mark, is Donald Duck Syndrome

  • that disease when you dream about going to school with no pants on? If not, they are

  • really missing a naming opportunity there.

  • 3. Are you an elderly Japanese woman who's sick of having a recently retired spouse underfoot?

  • Probably not, judging from our demographics. But if you are, then you might have the aptly

  • named Retired Husband Syndrome, which can actually cause physical ailment, like stomach

  • ulcers and rashes.

  • 4. Japanese people are most susceptible to Paris Syndrome, the psychiatric breakdown

  • that occurs when the city of Paris, France, doesn't live up to the romantic ideal you've

  • envisioned. Thankfully, the Japanese embassy has a 24-hour hotline for citizens suffering

  • from culture shock. Really.

  • 5. Truman Show Delusion is marked by a patient's belief that he or she is the star of an imaginary

  • reality show. The camera's real right?

  • 6. It's possible that George Costanza was a victim of Genital Retraction Syndrome or

  • "Koro," a condition that causes people to believe their genitals are shrinking, disappearing,

  • or have been stolen entirely. Strangely, Koro is occasionally an epidemic.

  • 7. And while we're talking Seinfeld, let us not overlook the time Kramer had seizures

  • upon hearing the voice of entertainment reporter Mary Hart. This was based on an actual incident

  • in which a woman had epileptic seizures due to the specific pitch and quality of the tone

  • of Mary Hart's voice.

  • 8. Last Seinfeld reference, I swear. On the rare occasion that people laugh so hard they

  • faint, they're said to have something called Laugh Syncope. So when a 62-year-old man passed

  • out into his mashed potatoes because he was laughing so hard at a certain show about nothing,

  • doctors dubbed it "Seinfeld Syncope."

  • 9. Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair - don't eat it. You've probably heard of trichophagia,

  • where people are compelled to eat their hair. The thing is, hair isn't digestible, so over

  • time, it accumulates into a giant mass that can wrap around and perforate internal organs,

  • which is called Rapunzel Syndrome.

  • 10. Ever walk into a room and immediately forget why you're there? It could be Busy

  • Life Syndrome, which is essentially just information overload. Researchers blame constant stimulation

  • from cell phones, the Internet and social media. ...I'm sorry, that's my fault.

  • 11. 12 and 13: Coprographia, coprolalia, and copropraxia. Respectively, those mean making

  • rude drawings or writings, using profane words, and making obscene gestures - all involuntarily.

  • You know, like Jonah Hill in that Superbad flashback.

  • 14.*points to icecream* Does your strawberry ice cream taste like vanilla? You might have

  • dysgeusia, a disorder that distorts the sense of taste. Or they might have put the wrong

  • food coloring in the ice cream.

  • 15. Often associated with dysgeusia is Burning Mouth Syndrome. Nearly 1.3 million Americans

  • suffer from it, so right now one of you is probably feels like you just got hot pizza

  • cheese plastered to the roof of your mouth - even if you haven't eaten recently.

  • 16. Pizza probably wouldn't be at the top of the list for someone with Gourmand Syndrome.

  • Thought to be caused by an injury to the right frontal lobe of the brain, GS results in a

  • "preoccupation with food and a preference for fine eating." My syndrom does involve

  • a pre-occupation with food, but its the opposite: really low quality I don't know what

  • that would be called, maybe American food.


  • 17. People suffering from Dr. Strangelove Syndrome often think they're Peter Sellers.

  • No. Strangelove Syndrome is also known as "alien hand syndrome," where one hand appears

  • to be controlled by someone other than the person it's attached to, even going so far

  • as to injure the person. Alien Hand Syndrome is also the subject of a terrible 1999 Devon

  • Sawa/Seth Green movie. Why by the way, is not related to me.

  • 18. Inserting nonsense words for real words without even realizing it is the result of

  • Jargon aphasia. It can actually progress to the point where someone suffering from the

  • condition is talking in an entirely made-up language.

  • 19. In other news of diseases that would be injurious to my career, Walking Corpse Syndrome.

  • Those with WCS, or Cotard's Delusion, think they're dead or rotting, have possibly lost

  • their blood or internal organs, or believe they never actually existed in the first place.

  • 20. Capgras delusion is when you believe that a loved one has been replaced by an identical

  • impostor. {John looks suspiciously at a photo of Hank}. Hmm...good try, Mark...but I don't

  • love him.

  • 21. I'm just kidding, Hank. If you're Hank. The flipside of Capgras is the Fregoli delusion,

  • which causes a person to believe that many different people are actually just a single

  • person who is skilled in the art of disguise. The first case was reported in 1927, when

  • a woman believed that two local stage actors were constantly following her, pretending

  • to be people she knew.

  • 22. Ok. So here's a thing that exists: Purple urine bag syndrome, AKA PUBS. Occasionally,

  • nursing homes report that elderly patients who have been catheterized are producing bags

  • filled with purple pee. It appears to be a harmless condition that's likely caused by

  • certain enzymes mixing with tryptophan - the same stuff in turkey that's purported to make

  • you sleepy. Side note, but do you think California rasin's pee purple?

  • 23. If you wake up one morning with an accent that you have no right to have, Madonna, it's

  • possible that you're the victim of Foreign Accent Syndrome. Doctors believe it happens

  • when the tiny area of the brain that controls language gets damaged by a stroke or other

  • brain injuries.

  • 24. And now on to Exploding Head Syndrome. *Head Explodes* Mark, C'mon. Alright, that's

  • better. People with EHS hear loud noises that don't exist, most often waking them up in

  • the middle of the night. The noises have been described as everything from a bomb exploding

  • to cymbals crashing.

  • 25. People who have little to no awareness of time have dyschronometria. This applies

  • to people who can't even approximate when 30 seconds have gone by, not your brother

  • who is consistently 15 minutes late to everything.

  • 26. Just like the Beatles and Justin Bieber, pianist Franz Liszt had crazed fans. But,

  • back in li 1800s, the word "mania" had real medical connotations, so the fact that doctors

  • named the phenomenon "Lisztomania" indicated that it had physical symptoms including fainting

  • and hysteria. Although to be fair, I would likely faint in the presence of the Beibs.

  • 27. Trimethylaminuria - let's just call it Fish Odor Syndrome - is a metabolic disorder

  • that makes you smell like day-old fish. There is no known cure or treatment. Good luck with

  • life!

  • 28. Smelling odors that aren't really there? That's phantosmia.

  • 29. Smelling something rotten when what's really there is something pleasant? That's

  • parosmia.

  • 30. Not smelling anything at all? That's anosmia.

  • 31. And lastly, we return to my portrait gallery to discuss Stendhal Syndrome. Does seeing

  • that baby octopus thing make your heart race? Does it make you feel like you might faint?

  • Then you might have Stendhal Syndrome. Such people often feel dizzy or faint when they

  • are in the presence of art that they find particularly beautiful or a lot of art.

  • Thanks for watching mental_floss on YT made with the help of these nice people!

(summer bummer title)


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31の奇妙な病状 - 夏のバマーシリーズpt.1 - mental_floss on YouTube (Ep.13) (31 Strange Medical Conditions - Summer Bummer Series pt. 1 - mental_floss on YouTube (Ep.13))

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    Caurora に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日