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  • I'm Shelby Cullinan with today's health news. A virus that is gaining ground in many parts

  • of the world may lead to a severe brain infection in some patients. The virus is chikungunya.

  • And it might lead to encephalitis, a potentially deadly brain infection, in infants and those

  • older than 65, a new study found. Not everyone who has encephalitis dies — 17 percent of

  • the encephalitis patients in this study diedbut the disease often leaves lasting behavioral

  • and cognitive changes or defects. The virus has rapidly broken out in the Caribbean, Africa,

  • Central America and Asia The lead study author said in a press release quote, "Since there

  • is no vaccine to prevent chikungunya and no medicine to treat it, people who are traveling

  • to these areas should be aware of this infection and take steps to avoid mosquito bites, such

  • as wearing repellent and long-sleeves and pants if possible."

I'm Shelby Cullinan with today's health news. A virus that is gaining ground in many parts


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B1 中級

チクングニヤのもう一つのリスク (Another Risk of Chikungunya)

  • 55 4
    richardwang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日