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  • You've experienced the FALLOUT series in your own way, but want to learn more about its

  • story. Well- to get to the heart of the story- you have to go back to the beginning...

  • A wise soldier knows that it isn't the weapon that matters most, but the hand that wields

  • it. An army equipped with the finest weapons certainly has the advantage in battle, but

  • what happens when the battle is over? Over the millennia, the tools of war have changed.

  • From bronze to iron then steel, and eventually plutonium - mankind grows ever more capable

  • of waging war, and always less capable of using those weapons responsibly. There are

  • those who feel that no one is responsible enough to wield power such as mankind had

  • during the Great War. And then there are those who feel that they alone are worthy.

  • Travelers and merchants in the wasteland have seen towering soldiers in suits of metal armor,

  • marching off to battle with laser rifles slung over their shoulders. These are members of

  • the Brotherhood of Steel, and it is easy to distinguish them from other armored warriors

  • by their pre-war power armor. Those T-51 b armored suits aren't just plates of metal

  • strapped to their bodies. No, the Brotherhood of Steel's armor is a fusion powered artifact

  • designed before the Great War; it augments their strength, protects them from harm, and

  • marks them as members of an elite order.

  • The Brotherhood of Steel is among the most technologically advanced factions that the

  • Wasteland holds. They are relatively few in number when compared to vast armies like the

  • New California Republic or the Legion, but what the Brotherhood lacks in numbers they

  • make up for in raw power and indomitable courage.

  • The Brotherhood can trace its history back to the Great War. Long before the military

  • base in Mariposa California gave rise to the Super Mutant army, it was a research facility.

  • In the days leading up to the Great War there was a small contingent of soldiers assigned

  • to guard the base and its loathsome contents. That loyal band of men didn't know they were

  • protecting a horribly unethical group of scientists who were engaging in unfathomable experiments,

  • they only knew that it was an important project and that they there were doing their part

  • to fight the good fight and keep their country safe.

  • Eventually, they did learn the awful truth of the Forced Evolutionary Virus and that

  • the base they were guarding was being used to experiment on human test subjects, inmates

  • from military prisons. The knowledge that they unknowingly participated in these atrocities,

  • committed on their own brothers in arms no less, stretched their loyalty to the breaking

  • point. Colonel Spindel, their commanding officer was unable to cope with this fact. Just a

  • few days after the truth was revealed, he committed suicide, leaving his second in command,

  • Captain Roger Maxson to deal with the aftermath.

  • Today the Brotherhood looks up to Roger Maxson with religious reverence. Perhaps Maxson was

  • destined to carry the fire of humanity, or he may have simply had the right balance of

  • honor and pragmatism needed to lead men through the apocalypse.

  • Maxson took it upon himself to take control of the base, ordering the interrogations of

  • the science teams to maintain a semblance of order. As he started to believe that the

  • project was backed knowingly by his government, he attempted to contact his superiors for

  • a response, even going so far as to declare secession from the Union. At the same time,

  • he and his soldiers then gathered their families with them and readied themselves inside their

  • remote base. They waited for a response, any kind of response, anticipating that their

  • own government would never tolerate such an outright insurrection and would have to come

  • and provide answers.

  • But the response never came. Unbeknownst to Maxson, The Great War was already brewing

  • even as he staged his revolt. If anyone in the government knew about Maxon's rebellion,

  • they no longer cared.

  • The base at Mariposa proved to be a reliable shelter against the onslaught of the atomic

  • war. Maxson, his loyal troops, and their families were among the survivors. His own wife and

  • son were at Maxson's side, and the understanding that his children would live in whatever world

  • he left behind must surely have influenced his actions in the days ahead.

  • Humanity is a stubborn species and not one to die out easily, but mankind's knowledge,

  • civilization and technology could easily disappear once living memory had passed. Would Captain

  • Maxson's descendents run barefoot through the desert, hunting food with stone spears?

  • Or would they stride through the wasteland clad in power armor, felling their enemies

  • with beams of light and fire?

  • It was not a difficult choice to make as Maxson led his troops and their families from the

  • Mariposa base to a hidden military bunker in what is now called the Lost Hills. There

  • they used what materials they had gathered to build a place of refuge and learning. They

  • preserved their military discipline, and technological knowledge from generation to generation, carrying

  • the fire, even if it was hidden beneath the desert.

  • The Brotherhood limited their contact with other communities of survivors, primarily

  • trading for food and other essentials with technology they recovered or made. Sequestered

  • with their precious laser rifles, computers and power armor, they kept the most fragile

  • of old world technologies alive, but hoarded that knowledge to themselves.

  • The tribal societies on the surface that had saved pre-war equipment found it wearing out

  • over time. Spare parts were used up and no one had the capacity to manufacture anything

  • new. As the years turned to decades technology grew more and more rare, and the understanding

  • of how to use it began to disappear even as people learned how to hunt with spears and

  • cook radscorpions.

  • In time Maxon's son assumed command as the High Elder, and his son after him. Other respected

  • members of the Brotherhood form a council of Elders beneath the High Elder, who has

  • traditionally been a descendent of the Maxson line, although sometimes the role of High

  • Elder has fallen to a distinguished Paladin.

  • Life within the Brotherhood still uses elements of the pre-war American military, with a strict

  • hierarchical structure. Although there are many ranks within the Brotherhood, the three

  • main branches of the organization are the Scribes, the Knights, and the Paladins.

  • Scribes are responsible for scientific research and preservation of ancient knowledge. At

  • one point they focused their efforts on preservation, but the Brotherhood has grown less concerned

  • with chronicling history than with the development of new weaponry.

  • The title of Knight once referred to armored warriors who fought battles while mounted

  • on an extinct species of animal called a horse. Those knights are a far cry from the knights

  • of the Brotherhood. In the Brotherhood a Knight is responsible for building, repairing and

  • maintaining the weapons designed by the Scribes.

  • Should a Knight distinguish themselves, they can eventually become a Paladin. The majority

  • of the Brotherhood personnel seen by outsiders are Paladins. These elite soldiers cut a swath

  • through the raiders, mutants and tribal barbarians that stand between the Brotherhood and the

  • technology they desire.

  • While the Brotherhood is eager to fight any bandits or raiders that they come across,

  • they are reluctant to assist the residents of the wasteland in any significant manner.

  • They view most outsiders as intellectual inferiors, unfit to receive technological assistance.

  • Many people have attempted to join the Brotherhood, only to be sent on a suicidal errand to recover

  • artifacts from heavily irradiated regions of the wasteland.

  • Their arrogance has nearly been their undoing on several occasions. When the Super Mutant

  • menace appeared, Brotherhood scribes were the first to determine that they were a new

  • form of mutant, and a clear threat. Yet it was not a Brotherhood Paladin that defeated

  • the mutants, it was a mere wanderer accompanied by a mongrel dog.

  • Much later the Brotherhood's view that they alone should be allowed to control the Wasteland's

  • technology led them to wage a brutal war against the powerful New California Republic. Despite

  • their technological advantage, the Brotherhood lost the war. Nowhere was this defeat more

  • severe than in the Mojave wasteland. Garrisoned at a pre-War solar power station, the Elder

  • of the Mojave chapter attempted to unlock its dark secrets to use against the NCR in

  • the war. But before he could do so, the NCR forced a confrontation. Outnumbered ten to

  • one, the Brotherhood was forced to retreat after losing half the chapter and the disappearance

  • of their Elder.

  • The defeat at Helios was a crippling blow for the Brotherhood. After that the the Mojave

  • chapter of the Brotherhood left the NCR alone, and retreated back to their old base in Hidden

  • Valley. There they can tend to their computers and ray guns as much as they like. They still

  • send the occasional Paladin up to the surface to procure crucial supplies, but recent years

  • have proven to be a challenging time for the Brotherhood.

  • Sometimes individuals will leave the Brotherhood for extended periods -- often to procure

  • rare resources, but occasionally just so the Brotherhood can discreetly get rid of rebellious

  • youth. Wanderers who prove themselves worthy just might find themselves with a Brotherhood

  • member as a traveling companion for a while, if they can demonstrate that their cause is

  • of value to the Brotherhood.

  • And, well, maybe a few travelers will warm themselves by a campfire fire and let an old

  • Scribe tell his tales of the wild wasteland to anyone who'll listen.

  • Although the Brotherhood of Steel has seen better days, they are nonetheless a pivotal

  • factor in conflicts affecting the Core Regions. Records back at Lost Hills show that there's

  • also a disavowed branch of the Brotherhood who struck out East and took it upon themselves

  • to defend the nation's former Capitol from the super mutants and a new incarnation of

  • the Enclave.

  • Some of them still adhere to the Brotherhood's goal of gathering pre-war technology, but

  • others are more concerned with saving lives and helping the people around them. Of course

  • they're still Brotherhood and they couldn't resist the chance to play with a giant pre-war

  • robot when the Enclave tried to seize power over the United States.

  • But that- is a story for another day...

You've experienced the FALLOUT series in your own way, but want to learn more about its


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ストーリーテラー。FALLOUT S1 E3 - 鋼鉄の同胞団(西海岸 (The Storyteller: FALLOUT S1 E3 - Brotherhood of Steel (West Coast))

  • 250 6
    Kenz Mak に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日