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Imagine being unable to say, "I am hungry," "I am in pain,"
翻訳: Tomoyuki Suzuki 校正: Claire Ghyselen
"thank you," or "I love you."
想像してみて下さい 「お腹が空いた」「痛いよ」
Being trapped inside your body,
「有難う」「愛してる」 ということが出来ず
a body that doesn't respond to commands.
Surrounded by people,
身体を思いのままに動かすことが できない自分を
yet utterly alone.
Wishing you could reach out,
to connect, to comfort, to participate.
For 13 long years, that was my reality.
人と繋がり、慰め、社会への関与を 望むのです
Most of us never think twice about talking, about communicating.
I've thought a lot about it.
大抵の人は話すことや人とコミュニケーション することを深く考えませんが
I've had a lot of time to think.
For the first 12 years of my life,
I was a normal, happy, healthy little boy.
Then everything changed.
I contracted a brain infection.
The doctors weren't sure what it was,
but they treated me the best they could.
医者達はその病名を 突き止められませんでした
However, I progressively got worse.
Eventually, I lost my ability to control my movements,
make eye contact,
ついに私はいかなる動きも コントロールすることができなくなり
and finally, my ability to speak.
While in hospital,
I desperately wanted to go home.
I said to my mother, "When home?"
Those were the last words I ever spoke with my own voice.
母に「家 いつ?」と尋ねたのが
I would eventually fail every test for mental awareness.
My parents were told I was as good as not there.
ついに意識を確認する 全てのテストで反応しなくなり
A vegetable, having the intelligence of a three-month-old baby.
私は意識を失ったものと 両親は伝えられました
They were told to take me home and try to keep me comfortable
植物人間 生後3か月の知性しか 持たない赤子扱いです
until I died.
医師は私を帰宅させ 死ぬまでそっとしておきなさいと
My parents, in fact my entire family's lives,
became consumed by taking care of me the best they knew how.
両親だけでなく家族は その全ての時間を
Their friends drifted away.
私に最善の介護を施すことに 費やしたため
One year turned to two,
two turned to three.
1年経ち 2年経ち さらに
It seemed like the person I once was began to disappear.
The Lego blocks and electronic circuits I'd loved as a boy were put away.
存在していた私と言う人格が 失われていくようでした
I had been moved out of my bedroom into another more practical one.
大好きなレゴ・ブロックや 電子回路が片付けられて行きました
I had become a ghost,
自分の寝室から もっと介護しやすい場所に移動させられました
a faded memory of a boy people once knew and loved.
かつては人々に知られ 愛されていた
Meanwhile, my mind began knitting itself back together.
1少年としての記録が忘れられ 亡霊と化したのです
Gradually, my awareness started to return.
しばらくして 私の心は蘇り
But no one realized that I had come back to life.
I was aware of everything,
しかし私が生を取り戻したことを 誰も気づきませんでした
just like any normal person.
I could see and understand everything,
but I couldn't find a way to let anybody know.
何もかもが目に入り 理解できるのに
My personality was entombed within a seemingly silent body,
a vibrant mind hidden in plain sight within a chrysalis.
私の人格は ものを語らぬ人体に 閉じ込められ
The stark reality hit me that I was going to spend
身体は外界に晒されながらも 息づく心は繭の中に隠されていたのです
the rest of my life locked inside myself,
厳しい現実に直面しました 残りの人生を
totally alone.
自分自身の内側に閉じ込められたまま 完全な孤独の中で
I was trapped with only my thoughts for company.
I would never be rescued.
私と同居するのは 自分の思考だけで
No one would ever show me tenderness.
I would never talk to a friend.
No one would ever love me.
I had no dreams, no hope, nothing to look forward to.
Well, nothing pleasant.
夢も望みもなく 何も期待できませんでした
I lived in fear,
and, to put it bluntly,
was waiting for death to finally release me,
expecting to die all alone in a care home.
いっそ死んで 解放されることを待ち望んでいました
I don't know if it's truly possible to express in words
ケアホーム(簡易介護施設)での 孤独の死を願っていました
what it's like not to be able to communicate.
人とコミュニケートできないことが どういうことか
Your personality appears to vanish into a heavy fog
and all of your emotions and desires are constricted, stifled and muted within you.
For me, the worst was the feeling of utter powerlessness.
全ての感情と望みが 抑制され 消され 自分の中で弱められていく
I simply existed.
最も辛かったのは 完全な無力感でした
It's a very dark place to find yourself
because in a sense, you have vanished.
全くの闇の中で 自分自身を見出すことができません
Other people controlled every aspect of my life.
ある意味 消失しまったのですから
They decided what I ate and when.
他の人たちが 私の生活を管理していました
Whether I was laid on my side or strapped into my wheelchair.
I often spent my days positioned in front of the TV
横向きに寝るとか 車いすに固定するといったことです
watching Barney reruns.
しばしばテレビの前に座らされ 『バーニー』の再放送を見て
I think because Barney is so happy and jolly,
and I absolutely wasn't,
バーニーはあまりにも 幸せで楽しそうであり
it made it so much worse.
I was completely powerless to change anything in my life
or people's perceptions of me.
I was a silent, invisible observer of how people behaved
他人に気づいてもらうことに関し 全く無力でした
when they thought no one was watching.
私が見ているなどと思いもせず 行動する人々を
Unfortunately, I wasn't only an observer.
私は無口なまま 観察していたのでした
With no way to communicate, I became the perfect victim:
不幸なことに 私は観察者であっただけでなく
a defenseless object, seemingly devoid of feelings
コミュニケートする手段のない 完全な犠牲者になったのです
that people used to play out their darkest desires.
防御することのない物体 感情すらもないと思われたので
For more than 10 years, people who were charged with my care
人々の悪い側面が 露わになりました
abused me physically, verbally and sexually.
10年以上の間 私の介護役を担っていた人々は
Despite what they thought, I did feel.
肉体的 性的 それに言葉で 私を虐待しました
The first time it happened,
彼らはそう思っていなかったでしょうが 私は感じていたのです
I was shocked and filled with disbelief.
How could they do this to me?
私はショックを受け 信じることができませんでした
I was confused.
What had I done to deserve this?
Part of me wanted to cry and another part wanted to fight.
なぜこんな仕打ちをうけなければ ならないのか?
Hurt, sadness and anger flooded through me.
泣き叫びたくなる私と 戦おうとする私がいました
I felt worthless.
苦痛、悲しみそれに怒りが 私の心を渦巻いていました
There was no one to comfort me.
But neither of my parents knew this was happening.
I lived in terror, knowing it would happen again and again.
両親すら私が苦しんでいることを 知りません
I just never knew when.
虐待が繰り返されるだろうという 恐怖の中に生きていました
All I knew was that I would never be the same.
それがいつ起こるかだけが 知り得ぬことでした
I remember once listening to Whitney Houston singing,
この虐待は自分を変えてしまうのだと 思いました
"No matter what they take from me, they can't take away my dignity."
ホイットニー・ヒューストンが こう歌っていました
And I thought to myself, "You want to bet?"
『私から全てを取り上げようとしても 尊厳だけは奪えないのよ』
Perhaps my parents could have found out and could have helped.
私はこう言いたかった 「本当かどうか賭けてみる?」
But the years of constant caretaking,
もしかしたら両親が 気が付いて 救い出してくれるかもしれない
having to wake up every two hours to turn me,
しかし 2時間ごとに起きて
combined with them essentially grieving the loss of their son,
私が寝る向きを変えるといった 介護が何年も続いてきたことが
had taken a toll on my mother and father.
Following yet another heated argument between my parents,
in a moment of despair and desperation,
my mother turned to me and told me that I should die.
両親は激しく口論した後 母は私の方を振り向いて
I was shocked, but as I thought about what she had said,
「あんたなんか死んでしまえばいいのよ」 と言ったのです
I was filled with enormous compassion and love for my mother,
ショックでした しかし母の言葉について考えるにつれ
yet I could do nothing about it.
強烈な憐れみと 母への愛で 心が満たされたのでした
There were many moments when I gave up,
しかし やはり何もすることができません
sinking into a dark abyss.
I remember one particularly low moment.
My dad left me alone in the car
while he quickly went to buy something from the store.
A random stranger walked past,
looked at me and he smiled.
I may never know why, but that simple act,
the fleeting moment of human connection,
transformed how I was feeling,
making me want to keep going.
私の感情を変え もっと繋がりが欲しいと
My existence was tortured by monotony,
a reality that was often too much to bear.
Alone with my thoughts, I constructed intricate fantasies
about ants running across the floor.
I taught myself to tell the time by noticing where the shadows were.
床を横切る蟻を見て 複雑な幻想を描いてみたり
As I learned how the shadows moved as the hours of the day passed,
影の動きを見て 時刻を知ろうとしました
I understood how long it would be before I was picked up and taken home.
Seeing my father walk through the door to collect me
それを見て帰宅のお迎えまでの 時間が分りました
was the best moment of the day.
父がドアを開けて入り 私を連れ帰ってくれる時が
My mind became a tool that I could use
to either close down to retreat from my reality
or enlarge into a gigantic space that I could fill with fantasies.
I hoped that my reality would change
幻想で満たされた広大な世界へと 入っていくことも出来るようになりました
and someone would see that I had come back to life.
But I had been washed away like a sand castle
私が意識を取り戻したのだと 誰かに気づいて欲しいと願いました
built too close to the waves,
私の願いは 波にあまりにも近い所に築かれた
and in my place was the person people expected me to be.
砂の城のように すぐに流されてしまうので
To some I was Martin, a vacant shell, the vegetable,
誰かが私を見ても いつも変わらぬ私の姿しか見えません
deserving of harsh words, dismissal and even abuse.
あるものにとって 私は口を閉ざした 空っぽの貝や植物であり
To others, I was the tragically brain-damaged boy
辛辣な言葉、追放それに 虐待さえも受けるに値するマーティンで
who had grown to become a man.
別の者にとっては 不幸にも少年の時に 脳損傷を受けて
Someone they were kind to and cared for.
Good or bad, I was a blank canvas
onto which different versions of myself were projected.
良かれ悪しかれ 私は真っ白なキャンバスで
It took someone new to see me in a different way.
そこには様々な私自身が 映し出されるのでした
An aromatherapist began coming to the care home about once a week.
そこに違った目で私を見る人が 現れました
Whether through intuition or her attention to details
1人のアロマセラピストが 週に1回 ケアホームに来るようになったのです
that others failed to notice,
彼女の本能的な力か 他の人では不可能な
she became convinced that I could understand what was being said.
She urged my parents to have me tested by experts
私が彼女の言葉を理解していると 確信したのです
in augmentative and alternative communication.
And within a year,
I was beginning to use a computer program to communicate.
It was exhilarating, but frustrating at times.
私はコミュニケーション用のソフトを 使えるようになりました
I had so many words in my mind,
それは大きな喜びでした 時には言いたいことが沢山あって
that I couldn't wait to be able to share them.
Sometimes, I would say things to myself simply because I could.
In myself, I had a ready audience,
話せるようになったので たびたび独り言を言いました
and I believed that by expressing my thoughts and wishes,
others would listen, too.
自分の考えや望みを 聞いてくれる人々もいるだろうと
But as I began to communicate more,
I realized that it was in fact only just the beginning
of creating a new voice for myself.
I was thrust into a world I didn't quite know how to function in.
I stopped going to the care home
どのように機能しているか知らない 世界に飛び込んでいきました
and managed to get my first job making photocopies.
As simple as this may sound, it was amazing.
My new world was really exciting
単純なことに思えるかもしれませんが 素晴らしいことでした
but often quite overwhelming and frightening.
I was like a man-child,
しかし時にはひどく圧倒され 怖いこともありました
and as liberating as it often was,
I struggled.
I also learned that many of those who had known me for a long time
found it impossible to abandon the idea of Martin they had in their heads.
そこで学んだことは 長い間私のことを知っていた人達は
While those I had only just met
その記憶の中にあるマーティンの イメージから抜け出せないことです
struggled to look past the image of a silent man in a wheelchair.
一方 初めて出会ったばかりの人達は
I realized that some people would only listen to me
無口なまま車いすに座っていた 男性のイメージを払拭できません
if what I said was in line with what they expected.
中には彼らが期待する通りのことを 私が話すときだけ
Otherwise, it was disregarded
耳を傾ける人達がいることにも 気づきました
and they did what they felt was best.
I discovered that true communication
is about more than merely physically conveying a message.
It is about getting the message heard and respected.
単にメッセージを物理的に 伝えるだけではなく
Still, things were going well.
耳を傾けてもらい 敬意が払われるような ものであるべきだと悟りました
My body was slowly getting stronger.
I had a job in computing that I loved,
and had even got Kojak, the dog I had been dreaming about for years.
However, I longed to share my life with someone.
何年もの間夢見ていた愛犬も手にしました コジャックです
I remember staring out the window as my dad drove me home from work,
しかし人生を共にする 人がいたらと願いました
thinking I have so much love inside of me and nobody to give it to.
仕事を終えて父の運転する車で 帰宅の途上 窓から外を眺めながら
Just as I had resigned myself to being single for the rest of my life,
人を愛する気持ちがこんなにあるのに それを与える好きな相手がいないと思いました
I met Joan.
ついに残りの人生を一人で過ごすことから 解放される時がきました
Not only is she the best thing that has ever happened to me,
but Joan helped me to challenge my own misconceptions about myself.
彼女との出会いはそれまでの私の人生で 最高の出来事であっただけではなく
Joan said it was through my words that she fell in love with me.
私の私自身に対する誤解を解こうと 彼女は手を差し伸べてくれたのです
However, after all I had been through,
ジョアンは あなたの語る言葉に 惚れたのよ と言いました
I still couldn't shake the belief
that nobody could truly see beyond my disability
and accept me for who I am.
I also really struggled to comprehend that I was a man.
1人の人間として受け入れることは できないだろうと思ったからです
The first time someone referred to me as a man,
私は本当に一人前の男性なのかと 理解するのに苦しみました
it stopped me in my tracks.
I felt like looking around and asking, "Who, me?"
That all changed with Joan.
周りを見渡して「誰?僕の事?」 と言いたくなるような感じです
We have an amazing connection
and I learned how important it is to communicate openly and honestly.
I felt safe, and it gave me the confidence to truly say what I thought.
心を開いて正直に話すことの 大切さを学びました
I started to feel whole again, a man worthy of love.
心の安心を得て 自信をもって 自分の思ったままに語ることができました
I began to reshape my destiny.
私だって人に愛される価値があるのだと 感じ始めました
I spoke up a little more at work.
I asserted my need for independence to the people around me.
Being given a means of communication changed everything.
周りで手伝ってくれに人に対し 自分一人でやる必要性を訴えたのです
I used the power of words and will to challenge the preconceptions
コミュニケーション手段を与えられたことが 全てを変えました
of those around me and those I had of myself.
言葉と意思によって 周囲の人々 さらには
Communication is what makes us human,
enabling us to connect on the deepest level
コミュニケーションによって 周りの人々と
with those around us --
telling our own stories,
expressing wants, needs and desires,
or hearing those of others by really listening.
欲すること、必要とすること 願いを表現したり
All this is how the world knows who we are.
他人が話すことに 注意深く耳を傾けることです
So who are we without it?
こうやって世界の人々は 自分たちが何であるかを知り得るのです
True communication increases understanding
and creates a more caring and compassionate world.
Once, I was perceived to be an inanimate object,
思いやりや憐れみで満たされた 世界を作り上げます
a mindless phantom of a boy in a wheelchair.
私は 一度は植物状態にあって
Today, I am so much more.
車いすに縛られた 意識のない亡霊と みなされていました
A husband, a son, a friend,
a brother, a business owner, a first-class honors graduate,
a keen amateur photographer.
兄弟であり、事業主であり、 大学を成績優秀で卒業し
It is my ability to communicate that has given me all this.
We are told that actions speak louder than words.
But I wonder,
動作は言葉よりも 多くを語ると言いますが
do they?
Our words, however we communicate them,
are just as powerful.
Whether we speak the words with our own voices,
type them with our eyes,
or communicate them non-verbally to someone who speaks them for us,
words are among our most powerful tools.
言葉を使わず 代弁者を通して コミュニケーションすることもできますが
I have come to you through a terrible darkness,
言葉はその中でも もっとも強力な手段です
pulled from it by caring souls
and by language itself.
The act of you listening to me today brings me farther into the light.
言葉のおかげで 皆さんにお会いすることが出来たのです
We are shining here together.
本日 皆さんにご清聴頂いたおかげで 私はさらに光の差す世界へと入っていけます
If there is one most difficult obstacle to my way of communicating,
it is that sometimes I want to shout
私がコミュニケーションする上で 最大の障害があるとすれば
and other times simply to whisper a word of love or gratitude.
It all sounds the same.
大声で言ってみたり 囁くことができないことです
But if you will,
please imagine these next two words as warmly as you can:
でも できましたら
Thank you.
次の2語を 出来る限り温かく受け止めてほしいのです